originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
hosting hard atheon, have 3 spots available be 30+ NO 29's!! no weapon requirements, but good weapons preferred Msg. UnfixedArm on 360
Looking for a fireteam for doing Raid (VoG/Crota's end) Titan lvl 30 No mic but I do for kill and finish it fast. Gt: xXJohnnyMan10Xx VoG- I know how to use relic shield. I try to keep up with the team. Crota's End- I only played the first part but I do not know how to play the rest.
hey im leveling up a second character and I could use help on the first mars mission and beyond (or until im level 20) GT: UnfixedArm (360) send me a mssg. or an invite or anything :)
Looking to do vog on normal tomorrow. If interested msg for slot
Looking for two to do crota raid. Join party gt is the same.
Finding raid to Join. Lvl 29 Titan. I know how to use a relic shield. No mic but i do for a kill and finish it fast. Msg/Invite xXJohnnyMan10Xx
Need 3 more for crota raid, at death singer be lvl30+
Looking for: - new members to join our clan if they don't have one already - some to help me get my hunter to lvl 20 - a raid group to do VOG or to join a CE (I am currently at the last checkpoint in the raid)
hosting hard VOG atheon CP be lvl 30+ and know what you are doing msg. UnfixedArm
Putting together iron banner team gt same as name on 360 message for invite
Lv 30 Titan looking for an raid. Gt same username. Pls invite xbox 360
Looking for 4 for moon raid must be 30+ add Lrs hostile
Edited by Puis: 12/15/2014 6:22:20 PMLooking for 5 people Lvl 27+ to do VoG normal from the beginning. Message me here or GT: CRZxCADETx14
Looking for a group for a fresh Crota end raid
i need crota end bridge cp i know how to cheese it
Crotas end anyone down ? 31s only
GT cpt eagle7 Looking for help with thorn bounty, last part Xbox 360 Need 30s thanks!
Looking for people (lvl 30 or higher) to do Crota's End. It's on Xbox 360. Message me if interested.
I'm a level 30 Hunter, soon I'll be 31. I have Crota's checkpoint, the final boss. I'm looking for 5 more players who are willing to kill Crota. Must be level 30+. Gamertag: Acexia
need 1 more for crotas end at bridge lvl 30+ only xbox 360 gamertag same as name message for invite (lvl 30 warlock)
Looking for 3 more people (lvl 30 or higher) to do vog on hard. It's on Xbox 360. Message me if interested.
Looking for 3 more people (lvl 30 or higher) to do vog on hard. It's on Xbox 360. Message me if interested.
Looking for 3 more people (lvl 30 or higher) to do vog on hard. It's on Xbox 360. Message me if interested.
Need three for vog must be over sixteen or older. msg to join. If you sound like your balls haven't dropped don't msg
Looking for VoG team If u want to join Msg me at my Gamer tag SCOUT Kenobi
Edited by BeastMonarch: 12/13/2014 6:50:17 PMLooking for vog players to help normal need 4 players mic helpful and message me