originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Just looking for people to play with if possible doing the raids maybe a clan of players that have experience (gt:UK2C BACON
Add me? Xbox 360 lvl 14 noob but I need somebody who knows what theyre doing. Preferably other ladies. Thanks(:
31 Titan looking to do nightfall and weekly. Xbox 360. GT is LycanRexxie007
I will be running the weekly heroic/nightfall stile tonight continuously to maybehelp players who are in need of a fire team and to pay respects to RNGsus who has blessed me with a fatebringer and plan c. If I have room on my fire team, send a request. If I dont, I'm sorry. Maybe next round. I have a mic so we can tell jokes. GT is tturkatte
Edited by lolpoptarts182: 1/17/2015 8:29:21 PMLevel 29 Titan and 28 Warlock looking to do the VoG raid for the first time. My gamertag is the same as my bungie.net account, and the Warlock is kookaberries hit us up if you want!! edit: we mostly chat on skype, but we both have mics for xbox as well
Add me on xbox 360 "Vicious waves"
Level 26 hunter looking for new people to play destiny with, particularly the VOG raid and strikes. Also levelling up a Titan atm. GT: GM TacoMan
Need 4 for death singer CP 30+ Gt same as above msg for invite
lvl 29 Hunter looking to do raids and weekly with people. i have a mic. GT: MoratoryWater36
📢 our main clan is full but join our sister clan to be apart of a bigger alliance of members. " 1337 ELITE RAID TEAM " 📢 ✅Active Raiders ✅Active Crucible Companions ✅Active Mission/Bounty Companions All 🎮PLAYSTATION & 🎮XBOX consoles http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/732564
Xbox 360, Need help wih nightfall and weeklys .
Edited by TrueGritMike: 1/17/2015 1:45:58 AMi need help getting strange coins and i still have blues and i need the ice breaker ,i need two level 30 to help me get 9 more strange coins my gt is truegritmike
SoftKitteh, add me.
No one loves you caleb
Invite me to the nightfall, lv 30 gunslinger GT same as name
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote] why do u all wright ur gamer tags if ur name on bungee.net is ur gamer tag
[/quote]I am Plasma Nation01 please send a message to me and follow me please[/quote] I like it on the 360 but Destiny 2 has to be on Xbox one
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote] Look for 3 more for vog
For those of you Embracing the Hive and following the ways of Lord Crota, look no further for the True Servants of Crota are here to stay.
Me a lv26 and lv28 want to do The volt of glass. My GT is "No one2468" please help us
Hey guys I just created a clan called "The Forgotten Tribes" and my alliance "The national Tribe Group" join to my clan :) and the people who already have a clan join to my alliance group please I'll be so grateful I'm recruiting and Im on lvl 28 warlock and lvl 11 hunter :)
Looking for people to do VoG with. I'm a Lv26 Warlock.
Dumb question: Can someone explain to me what "cheesing" a raid means?(I'm not really new but I haven't bothered with the raids yet)
Crota's I need 5 lv.30 or higher