originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Lvl 23 Hunter looking for destiny friends. Friend ANG3L IXI (<--- capital "i"s)
lvl 24 hunter, lvl 25 hunter, lvl 25 warlock. looking for two more raid partners. gamertag: ThaAnsible
GT:Regan4491 24 Titan, 22 Warlock. XBOX360. Professional player starting a clan/fireteam of skilled hardcore gamers to do weekly challenges, PvP, and raids. Message me if you wanna join or just play one time
Anybody wanna join my clan I'm super good at Crusible I wanna make a good clan with good players join here we do PvP and PvE. clan name is Profound skill.
Lv 26 warlock looking to do VoG raid and join a good clan. GT same as screen name.
Any raid need a hunter ? Lvl 24 bladedancer! Got a mic and sexy girlfriend beside me :) Add me xbox 360 i captaink i
Hunter lvl 24 looking for team, for raid & weekly. Add me GT i captaink i =)
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote] feyern, lvl 10 Titan, looking for people to game with! Have mic and gold for strikes
Lvl 23 hunter looking for team Gamer tag: th3 hunt12
Level 21 Titan XvII Element
Level 24 hunter and 17 titan Looking for anyone playing destiny for raids, strikes, weeklys and everything GT: Renegade 764
looking for people to play with on the 360 mic is broken so i cant talk but I can still hear you. Will get a new mic soon though Add me, my GT is UmaLPZ
My gamertag for Xbox360 is AerospaceCross. I have a level 25 Warlock if anyone is interested.
I'm a level 21 Hunter... Gamertag: XxAkaruishiroxX
Edited by ConfusedSharkGaming: 9/16/2014 12:23:17 PMI'm a level 6 titan looking for two more fire team mates. Need to have mic my gt is the same as my name
also im looking for help iin raids level 20 titan gt Samuriai Kid01 im 13 so no hate
could you please let me set as my xbox clan please
How long will I have to wait to be accepted into the clan?
Hey guys add my gt dockedspider o'clock 22 warlock looking for help in vanguard strikes
Level 8 Titan looking for ppl to play with. Gamertag: Nomixium
Anybody know how to get the clan name under your GT?????
I'm a level 24 warlock add me if you want XI C2W2 IX I do farm control clash anything to help level up or get some loot I'm on most of the weekends for at least 8hrs thanks and good hunting
hey, Play tomorrow? lvl 20 titan. Msg meh L3GACYxNoble6