originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Anybody Speak Chinese ? please add me xbox360 ID: Old Eggs, thanks.
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote] from China anyone play Destiny ?
Lvl 24 Titan looking for people to play with. Would love to do the weekly or try the raid. I'm a decent player and don't die often (~25.0 strike k/d). I'm 22 and [i]mostly[/i] mature. I have a mic but am not necessarily always the most talkative player. Also, I 420 blaze it. Add me, GT: SoapIsPeople - (capital "i", not lowercase "L").
Edited by Nytemare 457: 9/24/2014 2:04:57 AMCasual player looking for casual friends. Chat, hang out, run strikes, raids, whatever and whenever we can. Big fan of Rooster Teeth! I listen to the podcast religiously, and follow the video content almost daily. Nytemare 457
Anyone for weekly heroic 28 ? :) Hunter lvl 27 GT i captaink i
Edited by EventlessName: 9/24/2014 1:52:02 AM
Started a new topic: lvl 15 hunter looking to grind out missions and strikes i have a mic xbox 360
Lv 26 Hunter Looking for more to do The Queen's Wrath Story Challenge. Add me: Henry Riverbank
Level 26 hunter looking for a good fire team for weekly strikes missions and possibly raids. Currently on black garden (for queens wrath event) story mission. Xbox 360 gt: xxidarktorrentx
Edited by SamichMachina: 9/12/2014 9:55:59 PMGT: SamichMachina Add me? I'm a Level 9 Hunter! I'm kinda a low level still, but I need some people to help me level up, and it's always fun to have a female gamer on your team, right?
I'm am a level 27 (almost 28) warlock with both subclasses maxed out. I have a crucible medal score of 94440. I've got the exotic chest piece, heart of the praxic fire, fully upgraded. Besides that I have 4 other exotics. Add me if you want to see how things get done. Gamertag: x BLACKS4TYR Hope to here from you!
Level 27 hunter, 5 exotics, both classes fully upgraded and looking for solid raiding group
Edited by sixshooterhands: 9/19/2014 4:42:03 PMGamer tag: sixshooterhands Xbox 360, level 26 void warlock looking for one time fire team to help me with my exotic weapon bounty "corrupted thorn". It's a level 26 strike on the summoning pits and /IMPORTANT/ when we get to the last boss Don't fight him, fight his minions until Xyor, the Unwed appears and defeat him first. I'm playing right now, and am usually on after 11 pm. Thank you for your help
I am working on getting myself the thorn pistol on my 360. I was wondering if any shield titans and sun warlocks would be interested in helping me with my last mission. I would prefer people level 25 and up with mics. My gamertag is the same as my username, just send me a msg on here or xbox live. Thank you reading.
Lvl 20 Warlock looking for someone to finish campaign with. But im down to do anything really. GT: Thefunnyrooster
GT DottyBike if anybody needs help with anything just msg me I have a 25 and two 20 am on 360
Hey guys I'm looking for a fire team for raid. I'm lvl 26 hunter with both sub classes. Can anyone slot me in their team?
Need a group to do weekly nightfall with lvl 27 warlock
Level 22 Warlock Gamertag is my name.
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote] Level 20 Titan looking for a good Crucible fire team. I have a mic and am looking to just have a fun time with new people. GT: Tman2698
Anyone wanting to play with me on destiny, Add Dracula Tepes on xbox 360/One.
Thanks caleb :D
Looking for a full fireteam to do raids with my fireteam. Gt:kreezon
Lvl 22 hunter my gt is darksaint212 hmu
My gt is the same as on here! I'm a level 21 hunter and I have a mic! ^_^
Hey! Currently a level 24 Hunter Bladedancer looking for friends for generally just good times but also want to try The Vault of Glass @ Lvl 26 so it would be great to get to know some players' play styles and loadouts to successfully take on the raid. Also keen for crucible matches too! 360 GT: direckt