originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Hey, add me, crazilysane97 on 360, I'm warlock and good at strikes, I play a lot, so message me and we'll team up
Edited by Private Eggroll: 10/7/2014 1:44:14 AMLevel 27 Hunter looking to be a part of a group for the Vault of Glass. I'm 19 years old and I have a mic. I don't bite and it'd be great if I can play with people in the long run in terms of daily strikes, weekly nightfall, Vault of Glass, and crucible. Don't add me if you're going to delete me because I can play weekdays except weekends I usually tend to be busy. I'm usually on 24/7. GT is the same as my name.
lvl 28 warlock sunsinger, looking to do VoG on 360 gt: ChanceisD3AD
level 28 striker exo titan. done vog up to last boss. great gear and working on my defense class which has even better gear when its finally done. anyone need tips or advice feel free to ask
Edited by Kinda Dslexic: 10/7/2014 7:04:36 PMThis is a helping clan, we do it all below will be the things we have to offer and may need help with. Come join us and join in the fun. -Do tons of raids -Are always looking for new players -Are always doing weeklies -Have high leveled skilled players -In need of some admins -Have a name based founder forums -have tons of people in need of help -Have tons of people waiting to do PvP Below is the clan website check it out and join, see you on the field. http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/365617
Looking 4 raid group only need 2 people tho Lvl.25 warlock sunsinger Gt:BOBdaPOTATO
27 Titan Looking for group VoG
Level 25 striker Titan looking for a group for when prepared to do VoG with or just people to play with. Add me my gamer tag is NormalBard26
hey everybody, add my gamer tag ICUP yellow no mic yet, maybe soon lvl 25 hunter mostly gunslinger will paly with anybody as long as im on
looking to do the raid on hard level 29 titan invite me on 360 IAMxEXPRESS
looking for help on xbox 360 for VoG , general strike and raid missions.....event missions...everything! i am a lv 26 warlock! GT shadowhunter2OO add me or send your gt!
Level 26 Warlock, maxed Voidwalker and working on Sunsigner. Looking for Weekly, Queens Bounties, Strikes, Crucible, whatever. Generally don't have time for VoG. Send me an invite if you see me or need an extra! GT The4rchivist
Level 28 hunter, gamertag: IMoTioNz Fx looking for raid and weekly strike fireteam
Level 26 titan w/striker & defender looking for people for VOG...gt MAVERIKstdz
Level 28 warlock, gamertag is toakongu834 looking for raid group
Level 24 Voidlock looking for two others to run Queens Wrath. I have 7 mission orders sitting here. Mic preferred. My GT is my username.
Lvl 20 Warlock looking for people to play with. I'm down for playing any game mode, and with any level guardians. Mainly I'm looking for a fire team for strikes and raids. Also I'm a pretty average/casual gamer, so preferably no hardcore gamers who'll get pissed if I under preform. I do have a mic, but I prefer not to use it. I will use it if necessary though. And I'm a college student, so the time I have for destiny varies. Hopefully we can work that out though.
Level 27 Warlock, looking to play with anybody who wants to. Just send an invite.
LvL 28 hunter looking for buds to game with gt is GoofyMacaroon
Level 26 (almost 27) Voidwalker Warlock with 1055 defense and a high primary attack of 288 looking for some people to do the Raid with
Hey there, Lv26 Hunter looking for a Raid group to take part in :)
Anyone wanna run VoG? I'm a lvl 27 titan looking for a team, add me GT: Josheepee