originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
looking to do level 26 strike for exotic bounty. Gamer tag is goofygooberboys
Add Messrs Orestes on XBL for 360 if you want to do Heroic Weekly Strike. I'm level 25. Message me if you're interested.
I need help playing through raids im level 28 and have yet to complete 1 raid message Tbp I Tactiical
can anyone help me? I'm trying to do my exotic bounty and I need help on this last part. It's the thorn bounty were u have to kill Xyor. I get far but then all the Wizards jump me :,( message me if interested.
Level 29 titan looking for a team to do vog ... im resonably new to vog but what i have done seemed easy enough .... my gt is pteCUNLIFFE
Level 22 Hunter Xbox 360 Looking for someone who can Do strikes and heroic mission. My gt is sukee75 thx
Looking for active lvl 27+ players for raids an other game modes GT is the same and I have a mic!
HEYO, just bored, anyone wanna talk
Lvl 21 warlock, looking for a fire team to do the weekly strike for strange coins. Gt is Mad Prophet 217 msg if interested
Looking for people to possibly do legendary runs with GT: DonuttheChicken
Lvl 24 hunter looking for some people to play destiny with. Must have mic. Add me on 360 TMG NOVACANE
Level 24 Hunter looking for more people to hang, strike, daily, weekly etc with Add IGN: GoodLifeVic
Level 25 hunter, looking for people to join a clan (doesn't have to be permanent membership lhh) to complete the clan related achievements Message Vinylscritch or Hollywood1977 on xbl for more deets
Level 26 hunter looking for people to join clan for raids 25 or higher search for l Guardian Angels l or message me on xb my GT is xLadtMsteqx
Level 18 looking for players to help on the last 2 missions and to help on strike to lev up, friendly as hell. GT- DBD CH3WBACCA
Did it wrong the first time, so, here it is again :L Level 20 Warlock, just looking for people to play some strikes along with, and maybe a raid or two? :) GT: BeyondTheCurse, Reply with your GT and ill add you back if you want :) - Nick
lvl 13 warlock on Xbox 360 looking for ppl to group with to do missions. Gamer tag Bear of Pain. Msg me if u want to group
Looking for a group of players, add Cr4zY Handy, level 14.
I recently hit lvl 20 with my titan looking for strike, heroic and/or farming buddies if interested add me :D GT: Tychi Wobbler
Anybody on xbox 360 really good at the crusible. I'm sick of leading the team and team loses it for me .wanna get a group so we can all 6v6 GT: STAR Detox
Join AphiX Gaming and make it a greater community! We plan for Raid and strike Achievement gathers, crucible matches, and more.
Anyone who wants to hang out and do the Strike Lists feel free to add me as a friend and we can do some other stuff to. I'm mostly a pve player, but I'd be willing to try Crucible as well as part of a rotation of Strikes/ Missions/ Bounties/ etc. I'd also like to fly the RT Clan banner so we can get the Clan achievements as well, if one of the admins could pop an invite my way, it'd be great! :) I have a 20 Warlock Voidwalker, a 3 Bladedancer and a 2 Defender at the moment, so send a friend request to Grimbriar 71! Thanks!
Looking for 360 players to run strikes, weekly, raids with on everyday so far add my gamer tag: BearClawSammich lv 24 defender titan
Edited by LouDawg727: 9/15/2014 6:36:55 PMLevel 24 Hunter looking for a clan / people to do Heroic Strikes and Raids with. Please be mature and don't get offended by obscene language. GT: LouDawg727
Gt lottielove... Casual gaming... On most days... Come see me =)