originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Looking for some help with the nightfall strike, GT is Rhodology, send me a message if interested!
vog normal new run gt:skully1770 Im lvl 29. Hunter
XBOX 360 Looking for 3 Vault of Glass players must be higher than lvl 26 preferably have a mic. Msg GT: I3rokenAxel for invite
Need help with last bit of Theon need a quick response would really like a defender class titan pls hurry gt alienpolecat
Hey everyone, I need a group of people to help me finish the Raid, all that's left is Atheon, it's normal and on Xbox 360. GT is same as above, so message me if interested. Thanks!
Hi new to all this how do I follow or join or anything really?
Lvl 27 Titan looking for someone to do lvl 28 Heroic Strike with. I have no mic, but I don't think a mic should be necessary its only Devils Lair.
Edited by Brunty: 10/16/2014 10:47:27 PMCalling all Elite Raiders! I am planning on doing the Vault of Glass twice today. First run on Normal and the second run on Hard. The majority of the fireteam I roll with, are unavailable and the rest in the Roo Teeth Gaming clan (yes, I am an Aussie) are not strong enough for the task (X360 people anyway)... I am a Level 29 Sunsinger Warlock and I am looking for a powerful fireteam for this grueling challenge. [i][b]You MUST have completed the Raid and be either Level 28, 29 and/or 30 for both runs![/b][/i] [b]My gamertag is TheNicksta023[/b] Message me for an invite and let me know you're from here :D
Daily Time!!! Level 27 Titan, looking for love, commitment, and (non-sarcastically) two level 27's or higher to run through today's strike on max difficulty. Gamertag's BlakeDuff Les do dis
Looking for 4 people to do the raid with There is a level 28 and level 27 warlock Message me on xbone at DrkAmbitions94
Edited by Aquire Ponies: 10/17/2014 3:30:28 AM[b]Gamer Tag:[/b] Delta 61 [b]Headset:[/b] Yes [b]Class:[/b] Hunter [b]Subclass:[/b] Both [b]Level:[/b] 28 [b]Mission:[/b] Vault of Glass [b]Difficulty:[/b] Normal [b]Availability:[/b] 12pm -12am [b]Notes:[/b] Just send me a message on the xbox if you have an opening in your fireteam.
I need help on a level 26 strike so I can get thorn my gamer tag is LearnerMarlin04 on the 360 send me a message if you can help
Looking for people to do VoG normal I'm a lvl 25 hunter am new to VoG aswell
I can run people through weekly nightfall or lvl 28 weekly heroic strikes on 360, my GT is Felix Suffix. I am usually on in the evenings and coordinate with some of my other friends through posts on our tiny clan Virtual Virus to coordinate a possible VoG raid. Most of the time I complete these strikes by myself, but prefer to find other players who regularly prefer working as a team over microphone.
Lvl 27 Warlock. Anyone up for the weekly nightfall?
Lvl 29 Hunter looking for 2 people for the weekly nightfall. xbox 360 gt: SWchief117 Reqirements: Lvl 28+
Lvl 25 Hunter looking for all six classes. Must have reasonable mic and at least 25.
Looking for one fireteam member for weekly heroic strike. xbox 360. Lvl 22+ GT: xXNacci25Xx
I am looking for people to help me fight Xyor the Unwed, message me on xbox GT: EN00P
I am looking for a VoG normal group or someone who wants to run the Special Summoning Pits for the Thorn bounty. I'm a level 28 Hunter with both subclasses maxed out. Invite me or message me on the 360, Gamer Tag: nLgma
I only need 3-4 more people! Would greatly appreciate the help! Xbox 360 GT is Rhodology, let me know if interested!
Hey, was wondering if anyone would like to help me with Vault of Glass on 360. I still need a full group, my GT is Rhodolgy, send me a message if you're interested. Thanks!
Gamertag:peytonsniper360 Lvl:24 Systems:xbox one and 360
Doing the final boss of vault of glass looking for four people GT DottyBike on 360 level 29 warlock
Looking for people wanting to do the weekly strike on the second highest difficulty. Gamertag is MyTsteed.