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originally posted in: Destiny has no black hair styles
9/2/2014 3:05:12 AM
You not only have no -blam!-ing idea what you're talking about but you are un-blam!-ingbelievably pathetic as a human being. Not only does none of that exist but it's actually the total opposite. Blacks get far more opportunities & free shit from the government but the large majority of them don't give a shit about working hard for what they have and would rather milk the government tit than work hard and make a good life for their family. There are literally millions upon millions of blacks that were born into adverse/bad circumstance (at the fault of their parents) and worked hard, didn't do/sell drugs, got good jobs & got the -blam!- out of those circumstances so their children could have better lives. Crying racist everytime your lazy ass doesn't get what you think you're entitled to doesn't make it anymore real. Try living in a time when it actually was horrible & a struggle to be black. You're a -blam!-ing worthless waste of life & you're keeping the culture alive

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  • Edited by StiviX: 9/2/2014 6:51:48 AM
    [quote]You not only have no -blam!-ing idea what you're talking about but you are un-blam!-ingbelievably pathetic as a human being.[/quote] Oh dear, that's not very nice. Since you apparently actually believe reverse racism to exist, you should probably [url=]watch this video.[/url] [quote]Not only does none of that exist but it's actually the total opposite[/quote] Brown vs board of education didn't exist? Redlining, [i]a known and highly recognized practice[/i] in the history of the real estate industry, doesn't exist? The burning down of economically stable and even flourishing black communities by whites in the early 1900s, didn't exist? The violence against civil rights protestors of the 70s didn't actually happen right? And it's just coincidental that statistically "black" names on resumes result in those individuals being looked over during hiring processes, regardless of their level of qualification? I guess all these [b]factual[/b] studies and experiments with actual recorded data just don't exist right? I hate to ruin this perfect world you've fabricated, but the reason we no longer see blatant racial violence by whites against blacks is because our very social order has been constructed in a way to make blacks fight amongst themselves as well as other minorities. Overt racism is no longer socially acceptable due in large part to the growth of our international presence (WW2-civil rights movement, the development and distribution of the TV and inter connectivity of the world's nations) and so a covert method developed to maintain the social hierarchy. And it gets better. It was so cleverly crafted as to hide racism in plain sight. There is no better way to maintain oppression then craft a way for a group to perpetuate themselves in addition to the intentionally established measures in the various institutions of a country (this being the US). And all of this doesn't just apply to blacks, obviously. [quote]Blacks get far more opportunities & free shit from the government but the large majority of them don't give a shit about working hard for what they have and would rather milk the government tit than work hard and make a good life for their family[/quote] Sounds like you're just bitter about welfare. But here's a surprise for you. There are more whites using welfare than blacks. Who -blam!-ing knew right?! It's been this way for years too! What wizardry is this?! [quote]There are literally millions upon millions of blacks that were born into adverse/bad circumstance (at the fault of their parents) and worked hard, didn't do/sell drugs, got good jobs & got the -blam!- out of those circumstances so their children could have better lives[/quote] Your blatant disregard for the historical context behind the circumstances of minority poverty and subsequent stereotyping of an entire racial demographic as drug abuser and/or dealers is mind boggling. Please, go read a decent history book, better yet [url=]watch this video[/url]. Better yet, take some cultural studies at a university to get the complete perspective that US pre-secondary education so happily omits. Remember, if you hide the skeletons in your closet long enough it's as if they were never there to begin with. [quote]Crying racist everytime your lazy ass doesn't get what you think you're entitled to doesn't make it anymore real[/quote] Oh so I'm lazy now? And all of a sudden I think I'm entitled to anything? I must be on welfare too huh? I must sit on a couch all day waiting for that juicy government check to go buy a fresh pair of Jordans huh? Gotta keep that shoe game on point amirite? [quote]Try living in a time when it actually was horrible & a struggle to be black. You're a -blam!-ing worthless waste of life & you're keeping the culture alive[/quote] Ahahahahahahaha is that right? What would you know about living in this world as a black man, woman or child? Because all that violence, prejudice, and oppression that has festered since the founding of this country just up and vanished on its magic carpet when the 21st century began am I right? Next you'll swear racial prejudice and oppression is over because we have a black president, right? Right? Because one out of 44 presidents not being a good Christian white boy means racial prejudice is over and equality for all, right? Right? Can I ask you something? America is hailed as the melting pot of the world, but what do you think was meant by that statement? I'll give you a hint, that whole "because we accept people from all over the world" excuse they gave kids in school is a load of bull shit. Also, here's another surprise. The majority of people that claim racism or accuse people of being racist are incorrectly using either term it doing so without concrete the evidence of such, but after reading your comments to me you just [i]might[/i] be a racist (no but the excessive accusations of black stereotypes and disregard for American race history make it pretty clear you really are a racist).

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