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Edited by Aura : 8/9/2014 10:30:45 AM

So, Your Beta Guardian is now dead. But how did it die?

Let's try and lighten up the forums a little bit, shall we? Tell us all the story of how your Guardian died! Their final moments.. What were they doing? What were they thinking? So to get the ball rolling... MY Guardian died after trying to get it on with that big ol' handsome Fallen, y'know, the one that jumped on the car? Yeah.. needless to say it didn't end well. TL;DR. Don't spank a fallen.

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  • He died doing what he loved: skydiving for the first time.

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  • Shotgun spree on the moon in the crucible

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  • Mine was drunk, and chasing the Purple ball, on the edge of the tower.......yeah, didn't land right.

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  • In the days of my character, it's the dark ages, a timr of war between us and the darkness, and we're losing. Despite all this, old russia is not so old, and the cosmodrome stands tall in all it's gleaming beauty, inhabited by the people who've yet to be invaded. But, unbeknownst to all who inhabit the land, the earth is about to be invaded... And where was I during all this? Well, like all future hunters, I was doing something not so legal... I was forging glimmer in my warehouse. But then reports came of a fallen mothership in close orbit, so I packed my bags and hid my loot in chests all around old russia. Unfortunately, as I was running across the highway jampacked with cars an attack ship came and suddenly the air baked around me and my skin started to melt off my bones. I died that day, along with 5,000 other people in what was to become old russia. It was the beginning of the end for our travelor, but 500 years later, a new beginning for me.

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  • You were in the middle of a strike mission when you died. It was a sniper shot. The projectile went right through the center of your face. The rest of your fire team was forced to leave you behind as your ghost was gunned down. At least it was a painless death. And that's when you met me. "What...what happened?" You asked. "Where am I?" "You died," I said, matter-of-factly. No point in mincing words. "I was covering my squad...then my ghost was over me..." "Yup," I said. "I...I died?" "Yup. But don't feel bad about it. Everyone dies," I said. You looked around. There was nothingness. Just you and me. "What is this place?" You asked. "Is this the afterlife?" "More or less," I said. "Are you God?" You asked. "In a sense. I've had many names over time. You might know me better as the Traveler." "My friends?!" You asked suddenly. "What about them?" I stoically replied. "Will they be alright?" "That's what I like to see," I said. "You just died and you main concern is for your fellow Guardians. That's good stuff right there." You looked at me with fascination. To you, I didn't look like a god or anything. I just looked like some man. Or possibly a woman. Some vague authority figure, maybe. More of a grammar school teacher than an almighty being. "Don't worry," I said. "They'll be fine. Your friends will honor your loss, and tell tales of how valiantly you fought the Darkness." "Oh," you said, "So what happens now? Do I go to Heaven or Hell or something?" "Neither," I said, "you'll be reincarnated." "Ah," you said. "So my ghost will bring me back again." "Not exactly," I said. "Walk with me." You followed along as we strode through the void. "Where are we going?" You asked. "Nowhere in particular," I said. "It's just nice to walk while we talk." "So what's the point then? If you're so powerful, why are you having to revive us Guardians to fight for you? Why do you force us to relive the pain of death over and over? Besides, every time I'm brought back I have no memory of my past. I'm practically a blank slate." I stopped walking and grabbed you by the shoulders. "Your soul is more magnificent, beautiful, and gigantic than you can possibly imagine. A mortal mind can only contain a tiny fraction of what you are. It's like sticking your finger in a glass of water to see if it's hot or cold. You put in a tiny part of yourself into the vessel, and when you bring it back out, you've gained all the experiences it had. You've been in a human for only a month, so you haven't stretched out yet and felt the rest of your immense consciousness. If we hung out here for long enough, you'd start remembering everything. But there's no point to doing that between each life." "How many times have I been revived then?" You asked expectantly. "Oh, lots and lots. And into lots of lives," I said. "This time around, I think you'll be an Awoken Warlock just as the darkness began to return to Earth." "Wait, what?" You stammered. "You're sending me back in time?" "Well, I guess technically. Time, as you know it, only exists in your universe. Things are different where I come from." "Where do you come from?" You asked. "Unsure," I explained, "I come from somewhere. Somewhere else. And there are others like me. I know you'll want to know what it's like there, but honestly you wouldn't understand." "Oh," you said, a little let down. "But wait, if I get reincarnated to other places in time, I could have interacted with myself at some point." "Sure, happens all the time. And with both lives only aware of their own lifespan, you don't even know it's happening." "So what's the point of it all?" "Seriously?" I asked. "Seriously? You're asking me for the meaning of life? Isn't that a little stereotypical?" "Well, it's a reasonable question," you persisted. I looked you in the eye. "The meaning of all of this, the reason I created the first ghosts, is for you to mature." "You mean those of us left on Earth? You want us to mature?" "No, just a few of you. I made the ghosts for just a few. With each new life, you all grow and mature and become a larger and greater intellect." "Just a few? But what about all the rest of the Guardians?" "There are really just a few," I said. "In this universe, there's just you, me, and a few others." You stared blankly at me, "But all the people on Earth..." "Just you few. Different incarnations of you." "Wait..." you spoke hesitantly as the cogs began to turn in your mind. "Now you're getting it," I said, with a congratulatory slap on the back. "...Why?" You asked me. "Why do all of this?" "Because someday, you will become like me. Because that's what you are. You're one of my kind. You're my child." "Whoa," you said, incredulous. "You mean I'm a Traveler too?" "No, not yet. You're a fetus. You're still growing. Once you've lived every life necessary throughout this war, you will have grown enough to be born." "So this whole war...this entire conflict," you said, "it's just..." "An incubator." I answered. "Now it's time for you to move on to your next life." And I sent you on your way. You later awoke, a thin blue light surrounding you. You tried to move your legs, but found that you couldn't feel them. You began to look around, not seeing a trace of a body. Somehow you moved over to a puddle not far from where you awoke. What you saw was probably more shocking than you could ever hope to realize. "Now go, and help me create another child," I whispered to your mind as your metal shell began to float off in search of a new Guardian.

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    5 Replies
    • Edited by Epic: 8/10/2014 7:42:28 AM
      My Guardian decided to take a nice visit to the Tower. In his final moments, he decided to climb up the tree right next to the weapon vendor. Once he made it up into the tree, he decided to do a funky dance. In his merry little jig, he took a wrong step and broke his ankle, causing him to fall out of the tree. He hit the ground head-first causing him to die with a broken neck, and a broken ankle. But hey, at least he danced in a tree, it sounded like fun, you know, before he broke his ankle... and died... [spoiler]In reality, I danced in the tree in the Tower till the servers shut down. Best way to spend my final moments in the Beta.[/spoiler]

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    • Edited by Evil_Alliances: 8/10/2014 7:34:49 AM
      Amongst the ruins of old Russia, a blizzard was brewing. In the cold of his snow filled gaze, a guardian, a warlock, tried his best to glide above a massive snow bank to survey to land as best he could. In the distance he spied a few captains digging through fresh wreckage, dregs soon behind to keep the watch. With very low visibility and munitions, he had to get closer. 200 yards. 150 yards. 75 yards. Slowly he circled towards the other side of the wreckage being sure to keep out of sight. Soon, the captain's were on his motion taker, there were three of them... but the dregs were nowhere in sight. He only had enough energy for one nova bomb, and he had to make it count. As the captain's drew nearer to one another to haul out precious salvage. The motion tracker light up! He was discovered by the once absent dregs and forced to take his shot with his nova bomb. Leaping high into the air, covered by the blizzards winds, he reigned hell from above! He sent most of the captains back into the void. Upon landing the dregs laid down suppressing fire pinning him behind the bodies and salvage... The last, half dead captain used his remaining strength to smash this lone warlock's ghost and stab him in the heart. Thus, my warlock has been ended.

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    • Edited by Kylothian: 8/10/2014 7:31:06 AM
      Faced off against a horde of wizards and mooks, wielding a trusty hand cannon with solar damage, and singing [i]"I'm going dowwwwn, in a blaaaaze of glory!"[/i]

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    • HAILZ TEH PURBAL B@LL! PRAIZ3D JEEEEBUSS!!!*#&#,#&$?,^#*, $,!,!,,!,#,?*#*!&!,&#&*,#**=*#*/&!&!".???..?...................[spoiler]that should explain what happened. [/spoiler] [spoiler] I guess I stared into the void for too long. [/spoiler]

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    • My exos hard drive was wiped....

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    • It was a designed suicide mission. A battalion of warlocks were escorted by titans, the objective, the house of devils. As we took in our last breaths we embraced the void, demolishing everything within a two kilometer radius. As our pure, ruthless, life forces contorted us beyond imagination, and we fell. Thousands, wiping millions away. Till only I remained, and as my vision turned black... I felt peace.

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    • My Titan died when my Hunter caught the armored warrior trying to use her hooded cape to wipe the Fallen-Fruit pie off of her mouth. My Hunter died when my Warlock caught the cloaked one trying to sneak a look up her trench coat. My Warlock died when my Titan caught the wizened wizard trying to pee in her helmet. No wonder the classes don't get along....

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    • My guardian was perched on the tower overlooking the last city, but then my dick head friend pushed me over... And my friends name was Jake... From State Farm

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      • died trying to save the purple ball

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      • Dysentery... hey, shit happens...

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      • Anticipation......

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      • My titan spawned into the seraphim vault. She realized that with no way out, she decided to spend her last few moments reviewing her grimoire cards.

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      • Edited by OmegaRed421: 8/10/2014 7:06:13 AM
        It tried to decode my microwave and blew up. edit: oops Guardian not Ghost...took his Helmet off to smell that fresh Moon air...Forgot we never teraformed it.

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      • Not actually dead, just powered down in a corner of the Tower :p [spoiler]I liked the guardian I designed so much I made sure to get a good screenshot of their face so I can recreate them. Might try a different class for them though[/spoiler]

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        3 Replies
        • He was consumed by the darkness...which means Bungie is the darkness [spoiler]guess they weren't kidding about world domination[/spoiler]

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          • Edited by DeathGun : 8/10/2014 7:05:56 AM
            She raid too hard and got powers that nobody has seen before, but then she was soooo powerful she could destroy all the darkness in the universe but she was so out of control as OP(overpowered) that she was, so then she destroyed the whole universe with her and ended life, The End... I think this story can be improve, share with how powerful your guardian was that he/she destroyed the universe lol.

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          • My titan died fighting with his hands against a devil walker after running out of ammo taking out the devil walker's cannons. But succeeded in the end

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          • Taking a cosmic space crap behind a bush in old russia. Shanked. [spoiler]thats right, cosmic space crap[/spoiler]

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          • My hunter died by flying into the sun because wrong slip space coordinates.

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          • The Purple Ball just...imploded me...

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          • My exo ran out of battery.

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