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Edited by Aura : 8/9/2014 10:30:45 AM

So, Your Beta Guardian is now dead. But how did it die?

Let's try and lighten up the forums a little bit, shall we? Tell us all the story of how your Guardian died! Their final moments.. What were they doing? What were they thinking? So to get the ball rolling... MY Guardian died after trying to get it on with that big ol' handsome Fallen, y'know, the one that jumped on the car? Yeah.. needless to say it didn't end well. TL;DR. Don't spank a fallen.

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  • My Guardian did not die. He is being reborn by the ghost on 9/9 to start his adventure. Oh but his last moments before going into a month long slumber was ending sepik's prime's life. He was foolish enough to dance in the blast zone of the defeated sepiks prime

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  • Sucked into a black hole. Little did he know it was the dark, deep, dank and rotting recesses of the Kardashians.

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    • I was walking through old russian when i was ambushed by fallen and hive thousands of them i instantly unloaded all my auto rifle ammo and my shotgun ammo all left was a rocket i had no ammo with quickly i look behind me and see my cloak flailing in the wind i put my head down as they were closing in and took it off at my feet double jumped threw a incindiary at my feet and pulled out a golden flaming magnum i shot 3 times and got 9 kills i made a gap in there forces as they surrounded me i fell back to earth took my helmet off and turned my robotic head with death in my eyes my ghost gives me my memories of the golden age back i remember my family and children i come back to present day and in a rage of what i lost i pulled out my trusty knife and sprinted into the the hive the fallen where confused and started demolishing the hive i turn around after there all dead and the fallen are looking at me they started rushing and a hive orge jumps up and kills off the fallen i throwing knife him in his single eye and im grabbed by the neck and he tells me its over as a mysterious guardian shoots him with one sniper shot he is much stronger than i am and much more smart and he grabs my invisible ghost and crushes it i immediatly fall on my knees not able to breath and i pass out alive but dwindling slowly my old memories that my ghost gave me before his demise gave me a date in this coma im in it was 9/9/14 for all i know i am dead but maby another ghost will come but for now i will ponder on being legend

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    • All these exciting posts. My guardian died of old a lava pit that was his bed. But seriously, it was old age. True story.

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    • My guardian was actually plugged into the Matrix and Bungie pulled the plug on me while I was still active.

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    • A guy name caboose join my party and killed use by trying to help us

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    • Edited by Malfeitor: 8/10/2014 3:36:11 AM
      He was de-rez'd by Master Control Program.

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    • Two words. Toilet Ninjas

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    • My Human female Hunter named Faye and her two Titan female Exo bodyguards/devoted allies were last seen speeding from the tower into space off to unknown coordinates, Faye in her Regulus Class 66c flanked on either side by both her faithful counterparts each in their Phaeton class v1.1. Their Ghosts had warned them of the purge to come, the purge they had foreseen. So they took the proper precautions saving all data and notes they could and got the hell outa dodge. They cleared their schedule and plan on returning at midnight September 9th (starting off right with a 3day binge, off work) with in the first few hours of hard work back on earth, they plan on picking up damn close to where they left off.

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      • The darkness when it entered our system it caused a shockwave temporarily killing all guardians and weakening them it takes 30 days to recover the shockwave also destroyed all weapons and armor boom there we go

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      • Aids, i told him to stop -blam!-in monkeys. Well it was that or eating them, cant remember...

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      • My (dumbass) warlock got in the way of his Titan friends fist of havoc.

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      • [quote]It's because destiny is actually set in the world of dark souls. The knights of the Sun, praise the sun. The sun gives light. The Light of the Traveler. The knights were actually worshiping the Traveler. Ever wondered why Dark Souls is all about living and surviving against evil and Darkness? Also how they always come back to life? No matter how many times they die? Also the Guardians are raised from the 'Honored Dead'. In the end they finally kindled the flame banishing the Darkness. Then they ushered in the modern era. Which caused us to travel in space thus proving we were ready for the next step, and causing the traveler to come to earth. Edit: SUNSINGERS anybody? [spoiler]boom I know shit[/spoiler][/quote]

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      • Choked on a chicken bone.

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      • Shot up too much heroin

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      • Edited by ThePyrusAlchema: 8/10/2014 12:55:04 AM
        My ship exploded when I was going to the cosmodrome I got shot down by that traitorous son of a bitc.................................... * got shot*

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      • The KRAGLE!!! R.I.P... Frozen in Time.

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      • Well you see there was this amazingly hot awoken that my Exo was banging, and that glowing lighting BS in her skin caused my Exo to short circuit. Edit if you read this in benders voice it's 2 times funnier

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      • 0
        Got Hulk Smashed

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      • Death by purple ball #purpleball

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      • The whole experience was only a dream of the deep rim sleep that sometimes happens upon waking from the dead. My Ghost is moving. I can sense it now.

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      • -blam!- by the darkness... ...known as "the whipe"

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      • A goat, some cheeze and an overdose of Ritalin. What did you do with your life?

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      • My guardian didnt pay rent at the Tower so the Speaker kicked me out to die again

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      • Blunt force trauma. T-bagging is dangerous, people.

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      • He saw a picture of a man in the golden age, with a beard. He took a long look at this picture, and realized he could never defeat the darkness as he was. He tried as hard as he could. But he couldn't. He just couldn't grow that magnificent beard. He took a long look at his Handcannon. Solid gold, a reward from the iron banner. What weapon could give him a better death? He took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger. The lack of beards is killing people bungie. Only you can stop this.

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