Hi! I wanted to play as a Hunter because I like sniping and sneaking but the Hunter doesn't seem to have any advantages with the snipers and no particular sneaking skills... So should I just play sniper with a titan that has more damage résistance??
Also, the exotic sniper Closing time cloaks the user as long as they look down the sight, so just loot until you get that gun
The bladedancer subclass has multiple ways to fully cloak, including one that lends itself rather well to sniper rifles.
Thx for the answer! But could explain a little more?
I'm going off of memory from the beta, as you could view the subs but not play as them, so I may have forgetting somethings : -Your special melee, blink strike, can be set to cloak after use -Your super can upgraded to cloak you with a button press while in use -There's an upgrade near the end of the line that will cloak you after crouching for a few seconds
That settles it than! I'll be a hunter. Thx
Could you**
I wanted to know If certain classes run faster or get detected less easily... Or If some classes are better with certain weapons than other classes...
Hunters are faster than the other two classes.