originally posted in:Sundown
I just wanted to post an open invite to any Sundowners...I play BF4 a few nights a week, sometimes with 1-2 other guys that are, like myself, new members of this clan. If anyone plays BF4 as well feel free to send me a friend request if you haven't already and let's squad up. We just play for fun and believe me I'm not the one to judge if you don't have a stellar k/d. I do generally like to PTFO though. Anyhoo, add me or my friends Shokalokaboom and AbstractMap if you want to get your pew pew on before Destiny is released.
Hey I just joined this clan and I've played a lot of BF4. So maybe we should all just schedule a night/weekend were we can play BF4! And you all can just join my squad whenever you see me play BF4
Im also always down for some Resogun Co-Op. At least until my eyes start to water. It's like staring at an infinite stormy sea of polychromatic strobe lights.
I know Redbaron and I both have BF4 and would love to play a bit before Destiny drops (since BF4 will then be collecting dust on my shelf..). Perhaps we can find a time this week or next for some battlefield rampage?