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Edited by NotSoLoneWolf: 8/1/2014 8:57:02 PM

My Beta Impressions and Feedback

Hello Bungie! Congratulations on the most successful beta in new IP history! Now, let me give some feedback! [u]Story and Strike[/u] When first jumping into the game, I was quite surprised to learn that Guardians were raised from the dead. I thought the populace of the Last City was scanned by Ghosts for wielders of the Light. That said, it seems odd for your character to go along with whatever your Ghost says. Have the character argue with the Ghost, demanding answers, until the Fallen roar in the distance and your character decides to go with the Ghost. Then on the flight to the City after the tutorial mission have your Ghost explain the events that befell humanity, starting with the arrival of the Traveller. that was really my only complaint, everything else flows very smoothly. As for the Devil's Lair Strike, make Sepiks Prime move around, and buff his melee burst sphere attack so that it is a real danger to stay in one spot for too long. Try to cut down on the amount of static boss fights like with the Devil Walker, where it just sits in one position the entire time. [u]Music and Visuals[/u] not much i can say about this. Both were pretty much spot on. A few textures that popped in a few seconds late when loading the map during heavy traffic times, but other than that no graphical glitches whatsoever. Also, whoever you brought in to do the music after Marty did a positively AMAZING job! my favourite track was the one that plays during the Balls-To-The-Wall holdout during The Last Array mission ( [u]Tower and Explore[/u] YOU REMOVED THE SOCCER BALL!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??? Well i do have to say that purple balloon was pretty fun as well :P In the alpha, the Gunsmith, Cryptarch, and Vanguards all reset their stock on a timer of fifteen minutes. this was clearly not long enough. However a three-hour timer is too much. I found myself only logging on every three hours just to check the vendors, and see if there was a item worthy of purchase (9/10 times there wasn't). I suggest one hour. this will give people plenty of time to react if, say, a level 4 Galahad-E comes up (not saying that it will). Or alternatively, you could double the amount of goods each vendor carries. In Explore, i felt that there wasn't enough players in a game at one time. the max i ever got was 4. make the minimum amount of players in an area 3, and to balance this move the requirement for Public Events to spawn to 5 players. Also, aside from public events there wasn't much dynamic flow of the gameworld. Make the roving bands of Pikes (and other faction equivalents) spawn more frequently, and maybe if you kill enough enemies or complete enough of the minimissions a Fallen Dropship spawns near you (with tough armour and weapons), with the specific goal to hunt down Guardians and destroy them. finally, all the minimissions (green blinking beacons) just seemed like the same old thing. kill enemies, go over here. kill enemies, kill one guy. kill enemies, collect their items. Try to come up with some more variation for the final game. [u]Crucible and Iron Banner[/u] The PVP was pretty good, but there were a few balance issues. The interceptor was flat out overpowered at the start of the game, and decreased in scariness as the game progressed. lets compare the Interceptor to a Heavy weapon or a Super. how many are available right at the start of the game? only the Interceptor. Lessen your Nerf to the interceptor slightly, and then make the one that will spawn in the middle of the map start on cooldown. when the first Heavy Ammo spawns (or when Super Timers are finished) spawn the Interceptor. Also, i would suggest decreasing the damage that the Interceptor does to Guardians on foot by a large amount. Make it a vehicle-hunter unit, not a destroy-all unit. decrease the blast radius. Thicken its armour towards Energy Blasts (just thinking of the Pike because thats the only other vehicle i have seen). etc. Iron Banner... Next time, make Lord Saladin stay in the tower for 15 minutes after the event ends. this will allow players to grab their winnings from him, instead of having to wait until next time. Also, make it clear that to get items you need to accept the Bounties. to this end, put Iron Banner Bounties at Lord Saladin, not the Bounty Tracker. This will all contribute to less confusion about who gets the Legendary Handcannons. One more thing: WHY DOES THE FREAKING WOLF EMBLEM REQUIRE IRON BANNER RANK 3 AND 3000 GLIMMER?!?!!?!? ITS [i][u][b]MY EMBLEM!!![/b][/u][/i] (lol first objective when i hit level 20 is to get dat Wolf Emblem and Titan Mark :P) my Beta score: 10/10. If this was full release, and all of the content was unlocked, then it would probably score 9/10. just iron out a few more winkles and you will have a masterpiece of a game. Also, good on you for opening the moon up! me and my friend had a blast storming the Hellmouth :D

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