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Edited by Z Wookiee Jedi: 7/27/2014 2:46:20 PM

Stock Purchases and Engram Sales

I honestly really like the idea of the stock continually refreshing. It was a brilliant idea so that no two people would ever wear the same armor set. Something that bothered me though was I felt as every single purchase I made was just like another armor set with a recycled named and maybe a different camo pattern. Maybe that's what shaders are for but it's difficult to say when we had no access to those. The other problem I had, and this was probably the biggest thing I didn't like was the Encrypted Engram sales. I was constantly getting THE SAME EXACT ITEM I had currently equipped. It was almost pointless to make purchases at the Cryptarch due to never receiving something new or even better in stats. Especially when it came down to the Hoods, Marks and Bonds. They were constantly the same with just a different name. Now it's the beta and I'm sure your team tried to put as much as you could into the game without releasing to much, but I really do hope the Cryptarch in the actual release of the game is much more diverse and is constantly surprising me with different items rather than the same Hood with a different color or a weapon with the same stats. Something to look into! This

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