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Edited by SilverSource: 7/20/2014 3:56:39 AM

Some Ideas and Hopes

I was hoping for some stuff, and wondering if it would be some way implemented. Here are my thoughts: 1. Ranking A better way to express level, if not everywhere than at least in Multiplayer. For example Halo Reach. It was always epic to rank up to an awesome new rank and emblem, instead of level 1,2,3... Just as awe-inducing to see a high ranked person to join your game, knowing you will have a challenge. Or feeling like your in the presence of a powerful player seeing an inheritor. Could there be such ranks in Destiny? It would be awesome. 2. Full-Release Level Caps? Please let them be huge. I don't want giant bonuses, so that way higher people are completely OP. I would want the higher rank would show a persons skill. Some who is really high leveled may not be OP through their loot, but from there skill and effort put into the game. Again, a reference to the Inheritor of Reach, which was always epic to see. 3.More Subclasses/More In-depth abilities Using the Warlock as an example, I was really hoping for more abilities, or "Spells" in the warlocks case. Rather than only two subclasses and there two supers, but different types of "Supers/Spells" for each class. For Example: DIfferent offensive spells besides the nova bomb. Some Ideas for that: Spread Lighting-Lighting bolt that spreads across enemies in a larger space than nova bomb, spreading across enemies in the area, causing it to be slower than nova, but in a wider area. Inferno- Shoots flames out into an area directly in front of you, doing little damage but lighting targets on fire and doing damage over time. Also leaves fire on the ground for a couple minutes, a way of controlling your battlefield. 4. Controllable Battlefields Maps that are more in control of the player? Like burning a bridge to block an enemies way. Shooting a pylon to cause a pillar to fall, possibly harming or hindering enemies. Barricades. Traps. Explosives. Maybe these could work on a larger map, with a more complicated goal, like capture the flag, or something huge and epic (Bungie can think of something) rather than a traditional deathmatch. 5. Enemy Info Maybe some cutscenes showing life for the different types of enemies? I don't really understand them yet, no backstory. They don't really have personalities. Just things trying to kill me for no apparent reason. Finally, Thank you for reading. Please leave feedback to my idea, and Bungie, thank you most of all for Destiny, and possibly take my ideas into consideration.

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