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Edited by bastage: 5/14/2015 12:30:53 PM

Paste The Last Thing You Copied (LATE 3K POSTS PARTY)

empty that bin, yo.

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  • Get ready [b][i]The Magical Wonder-Friends™™ Friendguard™™ Reconnaissance Team[/i][/b] [b][i]Chapter One[/i][/b] [b]Note: [spoiler]I mean no offense to Daz or any ninjas in this epic, please take none. It was not written in the intention of harm, merely a jest. Have a great day, flood.[/spoiler][/b] [i]BioSmiley[/i] peered down at the Desticle camp through Night Vision Binoculars. He and the Recon Team for the WonderFriends Friendguard were on a mission: Destroy the camp of the immature Desticle virus. "Can you see their leader?" Whispered Captain Elbow Macaroni, the teams ninja-shotgunner. "Not yet- no, there he is", replied Smiley, after a figure strode from the biggest tent in the camp. "You were right Rain, it's him" mumbled Rocketman (the teams rocket launcher enthusiast). "he makes me sick, strutting around like that" whispered Sergeant Rain. The figure, as could now be seen, was clearly dazarobbo, a Desticle General. Rain looked down his Sniper scope. "I have him in my sigh-" Rain was cut off by an insane yodeling coming from half a mile from the camp. The desticles froze as Bastage came hurtling through the camp, yodeling, machine gun in hand. He shredded tents with led and proceeded to slash plans and maps in Robbo's tent. Robbo confronted him with a Fusion Rifle, but was stabbed in the knee by a now yodeling AND cartwheeling Bastage. "charge!" Yelled Elbow, and the Recon team came in and finished off the rest of the Desticles. Robbo fell with an injured knee , and bastage bellyflopped on him. But just then, chaos occurred. A massive angry desticle troll rose from a hidden cage behind the camp. Bio yelled "Scatter!" As everyone dived in separate directions. Bio whipped out an Auto Rifle and shot the ogre in the eye while elbow threw grenades. Rain and Elbow soon resorted to hiding and firing from wreckage across the camp, while the ogre protected Daz. Nobody had accounted for Bastage however, who now flew from a tree and furiously stabbed the ogre in the neck, who squealed and threw him off. Rocket couldnt have gotten a better chance. He burst from a pile of tents, screamed "LERRROOOOY JENKINS!" And launched two rockets which slew the desticle. They went to daz, but he was too far gone for questioning. He had bled to death in the fray. "Well, off we go then! " said Elbow, and the Friendguard Recon Team tromped back to the ship, with bastage in tow behind them. End chapter 1. ~ Space Wolf

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    • [quote]I violated [url=]DeeJ's Mother[/url] and was met with Ninja Justice.[/quote]

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    • I have pity within me and infinite time. But I also have impatience -because I am all things.

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    • On Iphone

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    • [quote]This thread has been made before, but why not another? Paste whatever you have copied. [quote]... Ǥℜḯℳ ⓢ∆Ṽ∆Ǥㅌ ..... What the...[/quote][/quote]

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    • Spread your cheeks for Smokey, boys!!!!

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    • #noshame

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    • Edited by Onion Beetle fan: 9/24/2014 1:23:40 AM
      There was a selfie thread from General Discussion of League of legends forums so I uploaded it. zzzz

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      • Shrek is love, Shrek is life

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      • 0
        \\ _    \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) F     < ⌒ヽ A    /   へ\ B    /  / \\ U    レ ノ   ヽ_つ L   / / O   / /| U  ( (ヽ S  | |、\  | 丿 \ ⌒)  | |  ) / `ノ )  Lノ (_/

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      • [i]It's so cold[/i]. He shivers in the forest. The trees seem to reach out for him trying to grab him. He cries to himself, he doesn't know where he is. There is nothing but the darkness that covers everything here. His breath is shaky and it comes out heavy. Something moves in the distance and there is a cry. Another has arrived and they too will soon be like him. Hopeless and weak he weeps onto his knees. He will die here, alone, and cold. This time...there are no happy endings. Oh um...I still have this...

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      • I will only get a PC if it is premade, packaged with an Xbox controller, connects to my TV, and supports Xbox Live and Xbox game discs. Graphics don't matter to me, look at Crytek with all their hype over their graphics but they aren't doing good at all. I hate Steam, and Valve games, I hate piracy, and people getting massive homers over Steam sales and acting like entitled cheapskates in general.

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      • Please dispose of human waste properly

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      • Edited by SolaireOfAstora: 9/23/2014 10:57:48 PM
        [spoiler]// ==UserScript== // @name Dark Advanced // @namespace // @description A Style for that aims to fix many of the spatial arrangement issues of the site, while also keeping your retinas from frying. // @author Jx493 // @homepage // @include* // @include* // @include http://** // @include https://** // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function() { var css = "/*Toolbar*/\nheader {\nbackground: #090909 ! important;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansRegular', sans-serif ! important;\nborder-bottom: 1px solid #090909 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Toolbar Logo*/\n.nav_logo .logo {\nbackground: url(\"\") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent ! important;\nheight: 54px ! important;\npadding: 0;\nvertical-align: middle ! important;\nwidth: 224px ! important;\ndisplay: block ! important;\n}\n\n/*Left Nav*/\n#leftNav .column1 {\nposition: relative;\nz-index: 3;\nwidth: 100%;\nheight: 100%;\npadding-bottom: 16px;\nbackground: #090909 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Left Nav Active*/\n#leftNav a.current:after {\nposition: absolute;\ncontent: \"\";\ndisplay: block;\ntop: 0;\nright: 0;\nwidth: 4px;\nheight: 41px;\nbackground: #3C3C3C ! important;\n}\n\n#leftNav a:hover, #leftNav a.current {\nopacity: 1;\nbackground: #090909 ! important;\n}\n\n#leftNav .moreColumn {\nposition: absolute;\noverflow: hidden;\nleft: 185px;\ndisplay: block;\nwidth: 0;\nbackground: #090909 ! important;\n-webkit-transition: 0.25s ease 0.35s;\ntransition: 0.25s ease 0.35s;\n}\n\n/*Main Page Fix*/\n.PublicForum .column.main {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #090909 ! important;\npadding-left: 175px ! important;\n}\n\n/*Thread Title Colour*/\n.forumPost .post_title {\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\ncursor: pointer ! important;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansRegular',Arial,sans-serif ! important;\n}\n\n/*Tags*/\ {\n}\n.forumPost .tags a {\nfont-size: 11px ! important;\ncolor: #C9C9C9 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Thread Title Backgroud*/\n.forumPost .header_post {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #090909 ! important;\n}\n\n/*OP Colour*/\n#post > .post {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #090909 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Post Body Text*/\n.forumPost article .post_body, .forumPost article .post_urlLinkOrImage {\nclear: both ! important;\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansRegular', sans-serif ! important;\nfont-size: 14px ! important;\n}\n\n/*Name Text*/\n.forumPost article h1 a {\ncolor: #F1F1F1 ! important;\nfont-family: 'OpenSansSemiBold',Arial,Sans-Serif ! important;\nfont-size: 16px ! important;\n}\n\n/*Avatar Inset Correction*/\n.forumPost article .avatar {\nborder: 0 solid #000000 ! important;\nbox-shadow: 0 3px 3px -1px transparent inset, 0 1px 0 #222222 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Post Border Colour*/\n.forumPost .post {\nborder-top: 1px solid #252525 ! important;\ncolor: #283139 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Reply Button Colour*/\n.forumPost .actions > a, .forumPost .actions > div > a, #commentPanel > a {\nmargin-left: 10px ! important;\nfont-size: 11px ! important;\ncolor: #A7A7A7 ! important;\n}\n\n/*QuoteBox*/\n.forumPost blockquote {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #080808 ! important;\nborder-color: #777777 #777777 #777777 #C0C0C0 ! important;\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\n}\n\n/*SpoilerBoxClosed*/\n.forumPost .spoiler:after {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #080808 ! important;\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\ncontent: \"Spoiler Alert - Click at your own risk\" ! important;\n}\n\n.forumPost .spoiler {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #090909 ! important;\n}\n\n/*SpoilerBoxOpen*/\n.forumPost .spoiler.opened {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #090909 ! important;\nborder-color: #7E7E7E ! important;\ncolor: #E4E4E4 ! important;\nheight: auto;\n}\n\n/*Notification Bar*/\n.Nav_Top .panel .hgroup {\nbackground: #636363 ! important;\ncolor: #f3f3f3 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Messagebox Fix*/\n.Nav_Top .panel .mail_conversation .hgroup h4 a {\nbackground: none repeat scroll 0 0 #636363 ! important;\ncolor: #F3F3F3 ! important;\n}\n\n/*Notification Dropdown*/\n.Nav_Top .signedIn .opened:after {\nbackground:[/spoiler] theres two parts read the reply

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          • [quote](i imagine the lines of the stick figure as their bones)[/quote] ...take that for what you will

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          • [spoiler]Deej gazed down at the mass of flesh beneath him, and began breathing heavier than usual. The creature was glorious, and it was HIS. He stroked the disgusting, oily corpuscle, and heard the high-pitched squeal that indicated its happiness; "We luv u Deej wutclasugonpleh?" Deej grinned toothily at the mass, and removed his cargo shorts, laden with real-life Grimoire cards and talking points, so that he stood bare in front of the creature. "I love you too, my perfect. And if we work together, we can build a new site; one that will stand for millennia." The creature was stupid, and could not understand such a large word as "I", but it felt the praise behind its master's voice, and squealed out, "add cat ears to teh game deej!", in delight. "All in good time, my sweet." Deej cooed, continually stroking the creature. "But the bad people in Off-Topic don't like cat ears. We need to fix that, don't we?" The lump of flesh quivered angrily. How dare they question the Great Deej? They would pay. But first, they would have to get there. And #Gaming was all that stood in their way. "I'll make sure you aren't interfered in your work." Deej murmured as he began to lick the top of the creature, savoring the taste of sweat, rage, and Mountain Dew. "Now go, my perfect little desticle, and I'll add open voice chat to the Tower when you get back." The creature trilled happily, and began shuffling inexorably towards #Offtopic. "And then we will have a perfect forum." Deej uttered, still standing naked in the storage closet where the meeting had taken place. "Deej? What are you doing in there?" Achronos asked, as he saw Deej standing naked in the closet. "NOTHING!" Deej screamed as he slammed the door to his lair. [/spoiler]

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            • Oh god

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