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originally posted in:The Black Garden
Edited by Hobbes92: 7/8/2014 9:42:35 PM

Domitoris Awakening Chapter 2

Domitoris Awakening Chapter 2 Meetings Shoo-Lawn Industries, 0600 hours Shoo-Lawn Industries, founded by several men and women seeking to leave their mark on history, they were solely interested in the studies of the Traveler and how it could benefit human kind in the most progressive and enhancing ways possible. Located in the industrious district of Charlemagne, the silver tower was a colossal sight to behold standing over 230 stories high and the glare from the sun that reflected off of the windows shone brightly. Many came from all around to apply and tour the famed business, but not all was welcome. Their head scientist and most trusted (yet greatly disliked because of his personality) colleague, was Maven Leonard. Maven was another of the genius connoisseurs of the Golden Age; known for his robust belief in that the Traveler was greater than any deity, he pushed for humans to disown all faiths or religions and accept the Traveler as being solitary proof that there is no other superior being. His accomplishments in the field of molecular biology were considered to be the best; he made a substantial breakthrough when he found a way to enhance the human compatibility to heal by itself without the aid of drugs or machines. Known for being a perfectionist, Maven practiced and recited his speeches and presentations till they are flawless, made sure all his clothing matched (to his digression), always carried himself as professional, and organized everything to a T. Maven looked extremely younger than he was, being that he was over 100 years old, but his aging had ceased due to a process he discovered through an “accidental” injection of paramell vestite into his own blood stream. He was a tall slender man, had light brown hair, thin cheek bones, perfect white teeth, and ardent gray eyes. As one of the lead scientist and Traveler research enthusiasts, he was practicing a presentation for the investors and private interest of a newly discovered element found in a meteorite not but two days ago. Classified as benite, this element interacted in strange ways with the Travelers energies. He had discovered a way to manipulate the cells in the human body with “raw” energy gathered from the Traveler and the benite element; by infusing already benite irradiated cells with energy, Maven saw a greater change in the DNA of rodents (for practice) that allowed them to be almost immune to disease and heal at an accelerated rate. Furthermore, the rats and mice were capable of influencing their molecular cells that formed how they appeared, allowing them to look, sound, act, and give off a scent that made them appear to be like the rodent(s) they were impersonating. The machine he built was not big enough to for a bigger subject, such as a cat, small dog, or chimp. For several months, he attempted to convince the Shoo-Lawn investors to provide him the funds to build a machine that would allow him to gather enough raw energy to try his “grand experiment.” To him, this was the next great step in human evolution… “Ladies and gentlemen of the free colonies,” Maven began his presentation standing in the center of an observatory room at the Shoo-Lawn headquarters in Charlemagne; the room was darkened and he had the spotlight on himself. “Investors and board members, we of Shoo-Lawn Industries have been producing top tier technology and manufacturing life changing cures for the use of the public for over three decades now. In addition to pharmaceuticals and computer technologies, we also fabricate weapons for the military and law enforcement divisions around our many colonies. We are also one of three companies committed to researching the various Exos that are produced through the Travelers machines here on Mars, Venus, and Earth. Recently, we have been working on something I like to refer to as my grand experiment or Project Metamorphous. Yes, yes; I’m well aware that you are not fond of my particular experiments, they have cost you all a great deal of money and resources, but I assure you…this is going to work…” Maven positioned himself in the center of the darkened observatory, a single light shown on him as if he was on a stage. From the darkness to Mavens left appeared a hologram of small cell organism. “This is a human gene,” Maven continued. “ And since we first spawned we have always tried to make ourselves better through fitness, technology, science, and other means of making our selves ‘better’ or ‘perfect.’ In the past, experimentation of attempting to change human DNA has been met with only defeat. Splicing foreign DNA into our own caused madness, grafting metal to our bones or implanting artificial skeletons proved faulty, and cloning has failed time and time again. Until now that is; we have been doing some testing with the recently discovered element of benite and have already been experimenting on rats and mice, which have delivered auspicious results. *Human cell image fades as images of rats and mice being tested on are shown* As you can see, we begin with injecting the specimens with the benite, let the element take effect over a twenty-four hour period- I want the record to show that benite is non-life threatening when introduced to the body, it acts like a vitamin if you will. After the twenty four hours are up, we place the specimen into my patented Tehis generator- for those who don’t know, I use it to gather small amounts of energy and radiation from the Traveler. Placing the specimen inside we let small amounts of radiation infect the rodent and let small arcs of energy strike the subject for a small amount of time. *images change to a video showing what Maven is talking about.*” “Now,” Maven continued after a few minutes of letting the footage role. “We place the rat among mice, to see how it will interact with them. We also place another rat, same species of rat, on the opposite side of the mice’s’ containment unit, this particular unit contains 300 mice. Notice the rat without the irradiated cells is segregated among the mice, how they shun him because he isn’t one of them. Now let us check on the other- well, where’d did it go? (Footage shows that the other rat had gone missing) By checking the mice population, you can see that there are now 301 mice. A trick, perhaps? I should think not. (Video shows one mouse being picked up) Looks normal doesn’t it? Taking a blood sample, we test to see of this is a mouse; as you can see, it is in fact a mouse…or is it? (Video focuses on mouse) We placed the mouse in with the rats after word and had…surprising results. (Mouse is placed inside with rats) As you can now see, the mouse is changing before your very eyes. (The mouse’s white fur began to change to grey, its whiskers grew long and it grew in size.) Surprised? So were we. This rat changed into a mouse, in every way possible: size, looks, weight, scent, and evens its DNA. (Video ends)” “We believe we are ready for the next step,” Maven says, taking a drink water from a glass. “Human testing…” Maven than began to sum up his presentation, specifying that they need the funds to build a bigger facility which to harness more energy and radiation from the Traveler, in addition to use bigger test subjects. He walked out of the observatory in confidence, believing himself ready for his presentation later that day. Walking into a break room, Maven greets one of his coworkers. “Salutations Macey,” Maven greeted. “Good morning Dr. Maven,” Macey replied. “How did your practice go?” “I think it went rather well,” Maven said confidently, getting him a small cup of coffee from one of the automated dispensers. “Will the subjects be ready to present by the time I began at 1500 hours?” “Yes sir,” Macey replied. “Good,” Maven said, leaning on the counter. “Best get ready now my dear; never know who might show up early…” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hum of the engine was the only noise that could be heard in the cargo hold that I sat in on my transport to the location to meet Ambassador Wess and the security team he went everywhere with. The site at which Wess was stationed at was completely confidential place, not even the pilots knew where it was exactly; they simply sat at the controls while the auto pilot system guided the ship to the location; they didn’t even know I was in tow. Once the ship disembarked from the destination we were headed to, the auto pilot deleted the info containing the coordinates to the hideaway, just to be safe. Supplies and equipment filled the cargo hold; it was like a maze walking through it all; food rations, demolition gear, spare parts for shuttles, grain for farming, two excavating machines, and many other objects filled the room. I held a hollow pad in my hand and flipped through images of Wess’ file and footage of locations he had been to. He looked to be in his thirties, had amber eyes, high cheek bones, broad shoulders, moderately muscular build, brown hair, and had a widow’s peak hairline. He had quite the reputation it seemed for stepping in and trying to make peace where it isn’t welcomed. *landing alarm sounds* A red light flashed slowly in the cargo hold, I could overhear the pilot’s conversation as we drew close to our destination through my com link. They had been quiet for most of the trip, not making any more than the occasional yawn or gripe about the lack of pay they were receiving. “So,” Pilot one began. “Where is this place we’re going to again?” “No idea,” Pilot two responded. “Top secret, I know that; even the autopilot log won’t show the exact location we are headed to.” “What makes them think we can’t pilot right back to the location ourselves?” Pilot one asked out of curiosity. [b]Continued below[/b]

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  • Edited by Hobbes92: 7/8/2014 9:43:56 PM
    “One, they never use the same pilots or coordinates to get to the location,” Pilot two explained. “Two, the location is constantly mobile.” “Ah, okay.” Pilot one responded. “Everything just seems to be getting weird lately, you know? The dark outpost thing, revolts among the colonies, the Traveler beginning to speed up production on things, etc. All the strange things going on lately in the colonies give me the willies man.” “Yeah,” Pilot two conquered. “Zebra one this is Blue Hippo, over.” A radio control operator chimed in to the pilots. “Hello Blue Hippo,” Pilot one answered back. “This is Zebra, over.” “Confirmed Zebra,” Radio control answered. “We have you in our sights. After we get the goods off of your ship, you will have five minutes to leave our atmosphere or else we will shoot you down, over.” “Yes sir, we'll leave as soon as the gear and supplies have been offloaded.” Pilot one answered. “Boy, they mean business!” Pilot one expressed on surprise. “I’ll say,” Pilot two agreed. “Best do as they say, I got a hot date on Venus waiting for me and I don’t want to miss it.” Looking from the port side window, I could see the base we were heading to. It was a meteorite that had been mined and retrofitted with an engine to keep it moving, yet under control as to direct its trajectory. A cloaking device concealed the top left of the meteorite where the base was located, it projected over a small surface area that was flat and had been blasted and partially terraformed to support human life. As we got closer I could see it better detail; three rectangular buildings were close to the edge of the flattened edge that led to a cliff, in front of the buildings was a long runway, on the other side of that (on the north end of the runway) was a large structure that looked do to be an administration building. Behind the large building were three cylindrical structures that had pipes going down into the ground, not too far from them was a triangular structure about twenty stories high (probably the cloaking device or solar gathering machine), on the very edge of the runway on the north end was a small square building that looked like a shop or garage. The south end of the runway had the hanger in addition to several small barracks next to them. To the east was nothing but hard rock and quartz; to the west (opposite side of the rectangular buildings) was space. Right now we were near Saturn and the reflected sunlight made the whole base light up, but nothing to bright. As we passed into the artificial atmosphere we were greeted by high winds suddenly, kicking up the orange and black dust. As I was approaching the portside door to exit before anyone saw me, it suddenly slid open, and a tall man with a blue button up dress shirt (sleeves rolled up to the elbows revealing his muscular, hairy, scared arms), red suspenders connected to brown corduroy pants, with worn leather boots that had seen better days, and (of all things he could put on his head) a white ten gallon cowboy hat. “Howdy,” the man greeted in a thick Texan accent. Stretching out his right hand to greet me he placed his left hand on his hat (to keep the wind from blowing it away. He had dark, wild hazel eyes, a firm jaw line that looked like it had been carved from stone, some of his short brown hair protruded from underneath his white hat, and he had a menacing scar on his chin and over his left eye. I couldn’t help but notice the side arm he had strapped to his right thigh; it was golden colored and had a polished black hilt which was no doubt a revolver… “Name’s John Alum Winston or Captain Winston – but that’s typically for new and young recruits,” John began. “But everyone around these parts just calls me John. I’m head of Wess’ escort security team.” I reached out and took his hand in a firm grasp, though I wasn’t used to being offered handshakes. In truth, many people didn’t greet Exos or other machines such as me with such respect; typically we’re just ignored and expected to follow orders. “Best get inside,” John recommended. “These high winds can really ruin your day in a hurry if you get lost in them.” I stepped outside the cargo hold and looked around, I was getting a reading that showed the wind had picked up speed since we had landed from 20 mph to thirty and was still climbing. “Hey, are you coming or not?” John yelled at me from a few yards away. I followed John to the administration building, where we entered from one of the doors in the front. It was quite dark inside; I had managed to switch my night vision when John called me over to a room before I got to look around. We went into what looked like a janitor’s closet, but as soon as the door closed John reached behind one of the janitor’s cabinets and I heard a grinding of gears, then suddenly the room began to shift downward like a large elevator. “Won’t be long now,” John began. “You’ll meet the rest of the security team then we’ll get you squared away with Mr. Wess.” “Captain Winston,” I started. “How big is this base?” “Call me John,” He insisted. “The meteor is about three miles long and two miles in diameter, the base is about ¼ of that, but we have many small caverns and many, many tunnels throughout.” “How many personnel are stationed here, Captain?” I asked. “Call me John,” He insisted again. “I’d say around sum 500 military and 1,500 civilian; mostly engineers and scientist, some private security teams such as our selves, pilots, a few people using this place as a hide out from problems in the colonies. The list of people who are here is quite long to be honest, don’t know the exact personnel roster.” “What is this a base for exactly?” I inquired. “This mostly a secure hide away for people who work as peace ambassadors and it also acts as a ‘safe house’ for VIPs such as the Vanguard council and other important figures, not really a base to be honest.” John informed me. “Sorry for the mad dash down here, we don’t like too much of our underground personnel being topside for too long, in case someone happens to see past the cloaking device. The admin building is mostly empty, only a few people are in there anymore just to make it look occupied. The rest of the surface is to look like it functions as an airfield, but that isn’t always the case depending on what is going on down here.” We continued down for a few minutes before coming stopping with a dull thud in front of a large steal door that had had no signs of a latch to open it. “Let us in,” John said into his radio. “Password,” Chimed a small robotic voice from the small radio device. “It’s Captain John with our new guest, open up,” John said. “Nope,” The voice chirped. “Let me in.” John said, his voice sounding tense. “Not even close,” The voice squeaked. “Open says me,” John spoke sternly. “Uh-uh,” The voice squeaked. “Whiskey-foxtrot,” John tried. “Nein,” The voice said in German. John was beginning to look irritated. “Listen here you little scrap drone,” John began in anger. “That’s it! That’s the one!” The voice yelled. A yellow light accompanied by an alarm indicated that the door was being opened up. You could hear the locks and latches being undone inside the walls; speaking of the walls, they were all sparkling like they were filled with small diamonds, it looked like it had been roughed cut out and no grinding had been done to smooth it all out. Turning my attention back to the door, it slid open to reveal its keeper… “Halt, who goes there?” A small Exo said, standing on the ground pointing its fingers at us in the fashion of a gun. It was one of the smallest Exos I had seen to date, about the size of a child of eight or ten. Placing its hands on its hips and feat spread apart, looking at me and John with its dark beady little eyes darting back and forth. Had absolutely no clothing on, exposing its black amalgam alloy body, no incriminating parts to speak of; didn’t even have a mouth to use, just a small speaker looking piece that it used to verbally communicate. [b]Continued below[/b]

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