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Discuss all things Destiny.
originally posted in:Team Turtle
3/18/2014 10:51:46 PM

Off the Beaten Path

I just realised how much I want to be able to explore in this game. When I think of the jungles of Earth and Venus, I want to be able to walk through them. I want to take cover in the foliage as the rain drips down through the green canopy above me. I want to hear the sounds of the trees and birds and insects around me. Then there's Mars. I want to walk the desert lands of Mars, trying to find the entrance of vaults and the gates of forgotten cities. I want to be able to see next to nothing in a blinding sandstorm as a march across with little more than a beacon on my HUD to guide me. On Europa I want the blizzards and ice shelves to crash around me. I want the sky to grow dark and be filled with its gas giant as it moves out of sight from the Sun. I want to trek through snow that comes up to my chest as the stars in the sky blend in with snowflakes. Am I asking for a lot? Yes. Am I asking for too much? Maybe, but this is my favourite part. This is what we did after the Darkness ended. We didn't care about consoles and fireteams and clans, only about what the game could be. Would you like something like this? What do you want from this game's worlds. Not gameplay, customisation, or anything like that. What do you want from the solar system. Deep caves with hidden waterfalls? High peaks with snowcaps? Wildlife? A barren wasteland or two? Ad astra.

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  • Yes. Yes. Why can't I like this harder. Yes.

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    21 Replies
    • Weeeell... We may have to wait a few sequels before rain water literally drips off of Venus's forest canopy -- but, all the same, I understand what you mean. There is a thrill in not rushing dungeons. A delight in mapping out the new wild frontier. Non-linear sandbox play. It's a beautiful universe they're crafting after all. I'm trying to put a group together for this -- the '[b]Explorers Guild[/b]' is the tentative title -- but, I'll be honest, It seems difficult at best to locate and pool interested persons of this kind of paced, inquisitive, world adoring play style. Roll call! Mmm, yep, as I feared -- the Explorers Guild only seems to have three guardians in its ranks right now, and that even includes myself! A Destiny specific 'clan' with only enough members to fill a single Fireteam! What a joke, hahha. What do I want? I want to have to map out certain installations just to figure out where I am! I want to explore, and be rewarded for doing so -- not necessarily with loot (though I'll take that sniper rifle, thank you -- [i][b]yoink[/b][/i]), but also with hidden sound files, strange rare creatures, beautiful vistas you have to -- for example -- climb over a specific ridges to see. All the while, sharing the experience with my fellow explorers. I also think it would be awesome if they included a feature where you could get your ghost to snap pictures -- like the phone in GTA5, or the 'Pictograph Box' item in The Legend of Zelda franchise, to help encapsulate some of these memories -- like we'd do IRL while on dates, or at weddings. You can do the same sort of thing with the PS4's sharing stuffs, but it's not exactly the same. Having the ghost take the picture, and storing 'albums' in game, would make it feel realer to me, I think.

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      6 Replies

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      • after reading all these comments, some people in this thread write a way better story than the actual destiny writers.

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      • Edited by DEZARATH: 3/19/2014 1:23:48 AM
        Everything in the OP is fantastic. I just wish I could have sat in my ship and have floated over Earth like we did in Reach. Just taking in the Milkyway while some orbital golden age space city hovered in the distance beckoning with dread and adventure. Turning my ship I lightly tap my engines and drift towards it lining up with the docking bay while two other players do the same. I don't know them, but we all took the same mission back at the Tower and we are going in. Dammit I so wish we had some sort of manual space flight.

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        5 Replies
        • Lava waterfalls and the darkside. Spelunking desert caves. I want to retreat into the woods with my fireteam to set an ambush. I want to be the silent veteran with the badass gear that all the younglings aspire to emulate.

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          1 Reply
          • I'm liking this so hard right now.. :P. Seriously, though.. MORE MAPS! MORE OPENNESS! Bungie! Do not neglect the value of open space that is less packed with constant enemies. Please remove invisible walls that keep me from climbing. Please do not make canyons I can jump my sparrow across only to be told turn back or you will miraculously blow up... MORE WORLD. MORE WORLDS!

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            3 Replies
            • Ive found out patrol might be my favorite activity simply because i always end up in areas ive never been doing the missions and get to see some really cool stuff

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              • id like to see titan

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              • This is what we all thought would be in the game but we are restrained by invisible walls... :(

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                • Why do people think the Darkness is gone? You do realize the heart of the garden was just one aspect of it right? It sounds to me like you wish you had bought Skyrim with guns. This game isn't Skyrim with guns. I think you might like Dark Souls 2 though.

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                  • You know, I wish Bungie had gone in a different direction with their world design. Not to say that I don't like their current one, it is still good, but I think a better alternative could have been made. I realize lots of people will probably disagree with me, but this is just something I want to see in a game like this. It would be interseting if the world levels of each planet were randomly generated by the game, rather than specifically hand-crafted by a designer. This way, when you patrol a planet, everytime you go on the surface, it is something different awaiting you. This would make so much sense, because the player is expected to go through certain areas many, many, many times. And even the best designs get dull after a while, especially when grinding for gear/weapons and etc. You could even choose which type of terrain you would like by choosing different areas of the planet to go patrol. Obviously there would still be set pieces like the multiplayer maps, the Vault of Glass, some story missions like the Temple of Crota and etc. However, the patrol areas would be randomly generated. Getting this to work with a shared world would definetly be tricky, and I never expected this to happen with Destiny. However, this would be pretty cool to have in a future title.

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                  • Damn straight it should be like this

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                  • Dude you have no idea how cool that would be. Just the thought of spotting a far off group of Vex, stalking around on a parallel hilltop. Guarding precious cargo, but to get there you need to traverse a valley filled with dense vegetation. While the cover fire of your teams resident sniper gives you comfort. The shady trees and damp surroundings of Venus, water dripping on to your visor and the ominous sounds of the Vex above you. Using the cover provided from the trees you burst fourth with your comrades while your sniper still on the parallel hilltop cracks of a few shots taking out the abdomen of 4 of your enemy's while you and your Warlock teammate crush the rest. Once your victory is done and you stand triumphant loot in your inventory. You peer over the vast forests of Venus from your hilltop vantage point and think: Where to next? That is what excites me in the worlds of Destiny.

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                  • I agree with dam near everything you said. i too want to walk and explore all that i see. from the broken cities and regrown wild life of earth to every planet and moon in the solar system and out into space. to find burried and hidden chests of loot and Glimmer to maps that may lead me to more loot or maybe some kind of upgrades or even new Magics. To boldly go where no Guardian has gone before. Engage!

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                    6 Replies
                    • Edited by Donogha: 5/11/2014 12:23:26 AM
                      Why not name the guild or whatever they call it "off the beaten path" just sounds cool IMO but back to the topic ya i cant wait to explore this world it sounds like they are really making it open to us so we can

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                    • what you on man

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                      • *uses power of necrobump*

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                      • YOU BECHA WE DO!!!!!!!!! Make exploration as close to reality as you can!

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                      • One thng that made Halo 2 so amazing was the lack of ANY barriers. I've made it a point to explore everything in Destiny, and it's probably my most favorite aspect of it. Yet everywhere I turn I run into the damned invisible walls. If I manage to find my waay out of the, then I get the damned 10 second auto-death countdown. Not cool. Not cool at all. Would It lead to weird locations? Probably, but thats half the fun of exploring. Maybe section haven't been fully rendered, but it would at least be nice. I got on top of the Radar dish tower thing that you have to head into for the first and only Alpha story mission, and was immediately greeted by pushy invisible walls.

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                        4 Replies
                        • So much exploration, so little time.

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                        • Totally agree! exploration is what is missing from all pathway games no matter how great they are. I would like Elder Scrolls level of exploration but that's unlikely. I hope it is something that at least strives to be as free as Oblivion/Skryim whether success is achieved or not.

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                          1 Reply
                          • We NEED polls like this. People like YOU. You sir, deserve a necrobump. Cheers.

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                            1 Reply
                            • Playing the Alpha, the Cosmodrome didn't have as much freedom as I thought. When I thought of free-roaming, I thought Skyrim, not set paths a lot like the common alleyway design. Sure it's open and I understand it could only be one of few places that are like that, but places like Mars which are giant deserts, a barren wasteland that's wide as long is expected. Perhaps it's not possible given the multiplayer side, but it's definitely one of the most amazing aspects of Destiny, exploring the wide open galaxy.

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                              • Charlie, you're my hero. Could not have said it better myself. :D

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                              • Turdal suk, potato ftw

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