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Edited by Lord of Admirals: 12/26/2013 5:51:11 AM

New Details Regarding Flood Infestation of Earth

With the cutscene up, we've got quite a bit more to work with. First off, the pictures below are not actual infestations, but a predicted image of what the Earth would look like had the Flood taken it. [url=]Pic 1[/url] [url=]Pic 2[/url] Here are the facts: -Public told Glassing of Kenya was a Covenant surprise attack -Covenant Separatists glassed Kenya without prejudice; civilian centers vaporized -Earth would have fallen in hours to the Flood -Spartans train against the Flood in simulations in order to be Humanity's best defense against them if they ever return Analysis: Something that I was rather intrigued about was that the orbital view of Africa indicates that roughly half of it was destroyed. Probably less. However, this ties into the official logistics of Glassing. The Covenant only glass very specific areas, such as the poles, and population centers. The resulting Firestorms then burn up the planet. Based on the image, there are molten red rings very close to the shore that are recognizable as areas recently glassed. The other red areas I believe are simply the resulting firestorm. Glassing has had such a huge impact on Human morale due to the fact that the UNSC never really found out about the actual process of glassing because no one could ever stick around long enough to witness the full process. Thus, Hood's statement of "half a continent", is accurate in the context that the UNSC doesn't fully understand Glassing. Well done 343, you managed to tie up Hood's exaggeration nicely.

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