* tupac is overrated
* Shark Tale > Finding Nemo
* Personality means nothing, looks mean everything
* Miranda Kerr is ugly
* Scarface is mediocre
* Rap is the best music genre
* Queen and The Beatles suck
* Big butts are a turn off, I cannot lie
Already posted but I forgot something. Raype is overplayed. As in there are more raype victims in U.S. prisons than in the entirety of the U.S. outside of said prisons. I hate when people say "I survived", raype isn't something you survive, assault and attempted murder are things you survive, in a majority of cases the worst injuries suffered are bruises. Raype also isn't a primarily women victim crime either. [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/-blam!-_by_gender#-blam!-_of_males_by_females]3% of men in the UK have report having non-consensual sex, 5% claim to have been sexually abused as a child. The first successful raype case with a male victim was not until 1995.[/url] Of course raype is still a terrible crime and raypists should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, but I believe the media have way to much zeal for this particular crime.