At least Halo was [i]original[/i]. Destiny is literally just a combination of every single big name game out there right now. It literally Elder scrolls: Halo black ops shadow fall start of the wolfenstein and every game I havnt mentioned.
But in all seriousness, it really is just a mix of everything already out there and that's a huge disappointment.
What we have here.. (Steps behind rock) is the Forum troll...they tend to run rampant in the wild and here we see one in its natural habitat.. the Destiny forums; one should never attempt to contact the troll as it only feeds them and they become bigger with more contact... The correct thing to do (against all natural reaction) is to ignore the troll and not feed them the power they crave; eventually they will return to their Mother's hibernation chambers (ie. basement) and die if left to their own devices.