And obamacare just went into effect. Discuss how republicans decided to use American jobs as a bargaining chip to achieve their political agenda and now are responsible for the loss of jobs. I wonder if they 800000 people that's aren't getting paid will vote republican in 2016. Oh wait...they won't
I'm not posting this in the sub-thread because people won't see his bullshit get unwrapped if I do. We've been over this you disinfo stupid shit. >Obamacare is supported by the majority of Americans FALSE: The majority of American do NOT support Obamacare >Obama himself won by a decent margin FALSE: Five million votes is only a big number if you live in hick town. Obama won on a whim. >TL;DR: The GOP needs to get over Obamacare Apparently the GOP is supposed to ignore their constituents when they complain about Obamacare and let it slide anyways. >The Republican Party is responsible for the shutdown. FALSE: Both parties are responsible for the shutdown, Obamacare has been canned by both parties and only brainwashed sheep still support it. It is equally the Democrats fault for sitting in a chair refusing to budge on a law that no one who is informed is supporting.