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Edited by Spartan Ken 15: 9/30/2013 7:48:14 PM

Why did Bungie change the Box Art?

On the left we have the original Bungie cover (placeholder) and on the right the new one. I wish Bungie would of stuck with the original design they had, it was unique and looked very mysterious.The protagonist looking away with their gun staring at the distance has been done so many times. The traveler floating above Earth by itself is a very powerful image I think gets ruined by adding the 3 Guardians. I think the Travaler alone stands out to me much more than the Guardians and overall it looks much nicer to look at. The new one kind of looks quickly shopped. I understand the need to attract people but the new one looks really generic, the Traveler by itself seems kind of Iconic and something new. Also I wish we could have seen the xbox Boxart and get announcements for the Xbox 360 and xbox One.
#Destiny #boxart

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  • I liked the old one more too... but I guess the points that people are making do make sense... but it's just that the placeholder looks more mystifying...

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  • Scenario 1 >man doesn't keep up on latest gaming news >man goes into gamestop >man looks for shooter >man sees floating orb above earth >man passes over it, and continues looking for a shooter Scenario 2 >man doesn't keep up on latest gaming news >man goes into gamestop >man looks for shooter >man sees a game cover with 3 dudes with guns >man is now more likely to buy/take interest in the game

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    3 Replies
    • I liked the placeholder as well but I don't absolutely hate the new cover art, the traveler is still there but the atypical guy with gun front over is getting annoying and probably has something to do with activision marketing dep.

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    • Well, the original is place holder. They almost always change.

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    • They should turn the characters around so they are looking away from the Traveller. I'm pretty sure most of the aliens that we are fighting will be away from the traveller

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    • Edited by Saxoclone: 9/30/2013 5:25:49 PM
      For the same reason that Bioshock Infinite had a more generic "guy with a gun" art. I agree, the art on the left looks better. But if you were someone that didn't know anything about Destiny until you looked at the box, what would it tell you? It looks kind of sci-fi. It maybe takes place in space? But it's showing Earth, so maybe it's only on Earth. As for the type of game or what kind of gameplay to expect, the left art doesn't tell the average Joe anything. The one on the right is more generic, but is also instantly recognizable by the uninitiated. It has guys in futuristic armor and a space-ship sort of thing. So clearly it's sci-fi and takes place in space. One of the guys has some sort of magic thing, so there might be some fantasy elements. And of course, everyone's holding guns, so this game is clearly a shooter. Again, to go back to Bioshock Infinite, I think it was Ken Levine that said box art basically has to cater to the lowest common denominator of consumer, someone who knows nothing about your game before they pick up the box. So you need to be able to tell them everything they need to know in that first image. Otherwise people won't want to learn more about it. Maybe Bungie will provide some alternate cover jackets to print out or put the placeholder art on a special edition.

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      1 Reply
      • This new cover looks like poorly made photoshop fan-art. I'll be disappointed if this really is the final cover - the previous one was much, much better. It came off as artistic, and relatively much more interesting.

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        2 Replies
        • For me Place holder cover arts are better than the final cover art. I don't know why they change it.

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          • Were you not around for the controvercy surrounding the Bioshock Infinite cover? The moral of the story is that game covers are made for casuals with their heads in the sand, not for fans. The placeholder cover could be for a Puzzle game for all they are concerned, the final cover clearly cements the game's theme of "Become Legend" and shows there are space guns. Casuals eat that shit up. A compromise that has happened in recent years is the reversible cover with a more fan oriented cover on the inside. But this is just fine I think.

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            3 Replies
            • Bungie said almost everything is subject to change. I kind of like it.

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            • Edited by FairlySplendid: 9/30/2013 5:58:12 PM
              Why did you feel the need to start a new thread? The answer is the *Kevin Levin Bioshock Infinite* argument. You have to design cover art for the lowest common denominator. So in this case: At a glance you understand that Destiny has guns, is futuristic, and can be played with your friends.

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            • I hope they have a reversible cover with the traveler I them both

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            • I agree i don't like the new art

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            • I like the Traveler more, it's far more mysterious.

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            • Edited by ODSTJacob: 9/30/2013 7:23:31 PM
              I'm hoping that they'll print multiple versions of the cover art for a limited edition. Both covers remind me of [url=]the postcard concept art images[/url] and should see light. ([url=]See thread[/url])

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            • This is the fireteam from 'the law of the Jungle', right? Not a big deal, but i personally like it more, than the placeholder. The most interesting thing is that the hunter has flipped back his hood, so that more of the helmet is visible. Maybe it's an reference for more costumisation options. I like the idea to decide, if my hunter wears his hood over the helmet or if it's flipped back.

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            • Edited by Daaaah Whoosh: 9/30/2013 7:08:24 PM
              I assume this isn't Bungie's doing. It's probably Activision doing the same thing Microsoft did when they changed Halo to Halo:Combat Evolved. They want people to know what the game is about, and they don't trust their market to be smart enough to look it up.

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              1 Reply
              • Does anyone actually drop $60 dollars on a game that they no nothing about and not even bother to make a quick google search to see what its like? I honestly don't think anyone buys new games anymore without knowing what they're getting into.

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                • The new cover looks better imo.

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                • In Reality, I'm going to be looking at Destiny on my TV and not staring at the box. So I'm not really concerned with what Bungie puts on it. Just sayin.

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                • I prefer the new one but I would have been happy with either.

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                • the 3 guardians are awesome. awesome smoke is awesome. space magic is awesome. not yet rated is awesome.

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                • Because unless you have so way of looking at nothing about the place holder pops out at you. It looks great and we did our hw so we know the significance of it. But you need something to draw in those who nothing about the game. All sales will keep the game and servers running.

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                • Edited by Lord Commissar: 9/30/2013 6:01:09 PM
                  Don't like it, but I can understand why they did it. I just hope there's either a reversible cover or a special edition of it has the original box artwork.

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                • Hey Destiny Updates tweeted pictures of the box art for Xbox 360 and Xbox One. You should check them out. :)

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                  9 Replies
                  • the good news is that generally with Limited editions, its made for the "hardcore fans" SO the box art will not be so cliche most likely.

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