Are you a smoker(cigs or marijuana) or a drinker?
I am definitely not a drinker, but i do like to smoke some good Mary Jane, no cigs tho...
Edited by Bolvack8: 9/3/2013 11:59:49 PMI don't know where to put myself. I do drink, but I rearely get drunk, I have three or four drinks and that's not even close to get my tipsy. I used to smoke cigarretes but I've been almost for a month smoke clean. I do consume marijuana ocasionally with my friends but I haven't smoked Mary Jane in about 1 month and a half. I like drinking and smoking weed but depends a lot on the ocassion, for a party or being at a club I hate being high, and for little social reunions in someone's house I hate being drunk or high haha. Haven't done anythink else, and never plan to. ;)