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Edited by littleking9000: 8/5/2013 2:12:58 AM

Advice for Bungie and Their Already Great Games

Anyways, since this is such a high risk investment of time and money, I want to help ensure that people will play your game for years to come. That your Shared World Shooter genre mash-up doesn't fall on its face. That there are incomparable abilities rather than specific game breakingly good gear in Destiny. That you make just about everything fun in itself. That you can make it fun to get sniped. That you don't do any crappy good/evil meter things. I will help ensure this by showing you something that will help you to make great games and destiny expansions for years to come. [url][/url] It's a fairly intellectual web show about where the industry is going, how it and it's games can improve, how they can enrich lives, how people can get into the game industry, etc. P.S. I know at least one bungie employee will probably see this post. P.P.S. I don't expect anyone to comment.

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