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originally posted in:Secular Sevens
originally posted in: Are science and religion compatible?
7/30/2013 4:35:17 AM
Correct tidal heating from neighboring galaxies Correct tidal heating from dark galactic and galaxy cluster halos Correct intensity and duration of galactic winds Correct density of dwarf galaxies in vicinity of home galaxy Correct amount of photoevaporation during planetary formation from parent star and other nearby stars Requirements Related to the Solar System Correct number and mass of planets in system suffering significant drift Correct orbital inclinations of companion planets in system Correct variation of orbital inclinations of companion planets Correct inclinations and eccentricities of nearby terrestrial planets Correct in-spiral rate of stars into black holes within parent galaxy Correct strength of magnetocentrifugally launched wind of parent star during its protostar era Correct degree to which the atmospheric composition of the planet departs from thermodynamic equilibrium Correct delivery rate of volatiles to planet from asteroid-comet belts during epoch of planet formation Correct amount of outward migration of Neptune Correct amount of outward migration of Uranus Correct star formation rate in parent star vicinity during history of that star Correct variation in star formation rate in parent star vicinity during history of that star Correct birth date of the star-planetary system Correct number of stars in system Correct number and timing of close encounters by nearby stars Correct proximity of close stellar encounters Correct masses of close stellar encounters Correct distance from nearest black hole Correct absorption rate of planets and planetismals by parent star Correct star age Correct star metallicity Correct ratio of 40K, 235,238U, 232Th to iron in star-planetary system Correct star orbital eccentricity Correct star mass Correct star luminosity change relative to speciation types & rates Correct star color Correct star rotation rate Correct rate of change in star rotation rate Correct star magnetic field Correct star magnetic field variability Correct stellar wind strength and variability Correct short period variation in parent star diameter Correct star’s carbon to oxygen ratio Correct star’s space velocity relative to Local Standard of Rest Correct star’s short term luminosity variability Correct star’s long term luminosity variability Correct amplitude and duration of star spot cycle Correct number & timing of solar system encounters with interstellar gas clouds and cloudlets Correct galactic tidal forces on planetary system Correct H3+ production Correct supernovae rates & locations Correct white dwarf binary types, rates, & locations Correct structure of comet cloud surrounding planetary system Correct polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon abundance in solar nebula Correct mass of Neptune Correct total mass of Kuiper Belt asteroids Correct mass distribution of Kuiper Belt asteroids Correct injection efficiency of shock wave material from nearby supernovae into collapsing molecular cloud that forms star and planetary system Correct number and sizes of planets and planetesimals consumed by star Correct variations in star’s diameter Correct level of spot production on star’s surface Correct variability of spot production on star’s surface Correct mass of outer gas giant planet relative to inner gas giant planet Correct Kozai oscillation level in planetary system

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