I'll freely admit, I didn't know. I would have thought that the would be an attractive destination for those who are poor, suffering, persecuted or looking for a better life. After all, they are a prosperous nation that is the largest example of Euro-rooted, western civilization in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, a place where people would likely be eager to go to for an opportunity at a better life.
But I also imagined (and am surprised to learn) that by being a continent of their own and not having any shared land-borders with less-privileged nations, that they would have immigration issues and problems that were similar to the US (who does have a shared and lengthy land border with a less prosperous nation).
So I was surprised to read this article and learn about the issue in Australia.
[url=http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/20/world/asia/nauru-australia-riot/index.html?hpt=hp_t2]Riot on a tiny island highlights Australia shutting a door on asylum[/url]
TBH, I was a bit surprised. I would have imagined that Australian's (as a whole) would have a more "open-arms" policy than the US (whose immigration issues and practices are frequently criticized).
Does this surprise anyone else? I confess, I am blissfully ignorant of internal politics of other nations, but when I find news that makes me consider and learn something new, I am interested in knowing more.
You'll find internationally that many countries chastise conservative immigration policies held by the U.S., but in many cases themselves have much more conservative policies when it comes to immigration.
It's like you completely missed the subtler plot points of Pacific Rim.
They're xenophobic as shit.
Edited by Progo: 11/13/2013 3:48:36 PMDoesn't this stem from Australian disdain for Muslims? EDIT bumped thread -_-
[quote] TBH, I was a bit surprised. I would have imagined that Australian's (as a whole) would have a more "open-arms" policy than the US (whose immigration issues and practices are frequently criticized). [/quote]But aren't Australian's stereotyped as more xenophobic then the deep south?
Edited by Yvonne: 11/13/2013 12:59:37 PMYes, and from what I know, one can only emigrate there if you plan on taking a job in a tech/engineering/science field. Not too bad of an idea, IMO. Edit: Whoops, didn't notice that this thread was bumped.
Irish are leaving in the hundreds of thousands to Australia in the past few years.
I would have assumed that the hostile natural environment would ward away immigrants
You wwould post this right when I land in Sydney -_- Well I got my visa so suck it.
Your surprised? You rustled my jimmies.
Doesn't this stuff ever get to foreign news stations? The 'boat people' issue has been problematic since Howard's operation got scrapped when Rudd first got in.
Captain cook was the first boat person in australia.. Maybe the aborigines should have shipped him off to some neighbouring island.
I figured the fact that they were surrounded by ocean and filled to the brim with shit that is actively trying to kill you and suck down your organs would deter most people from coming over.
Wow I live there. Daddy look I live there! We are on Bungie.net! We are so famous!
I was surprised to find out Austrailia was a prisoner drop off point for GB. Its amazing the society that has been built from criminals that were given a second chance.
Smart. Now, just leave them on the island.
tl;dr australians are racist as hell
no one
Well yes and no it. This is mainly due to the amount of problems different cultures cause when they clash together.
Well I am not moving there.
Edited by Hipi07: 7/21/2013 12:26:12 AMYou know what other country has horrible immigration problems? The UK. At least Australia is competent enough with handling with their immigration problems. The UK is simply beyond useless. I know this first hand. FYI, I'm not british.
They have been sinking ships and letting the people drown for years.
Edited by Obsric: 8/1/2013 1:09:06 PMUnfortunately, our politicians and media like to confuse the words 'illegal immigration', with 'illegal refugee'; somehow, the current thinking is that it's illegal to seek refugee status. With an upcoming election, 'illegal boat people' have become one of those flash point topics for our right-wing conservative opposition, as well as current center left Government. Stupidly, the debate has focused on some sort of 'zero tolorance' for asylum seekers; although I do suspect this approach has been taking by the Government to take the wind out of the opposition's sails (no pun intended). You are correct in believing we don't have an illegal immigration problem, we have a perceived illegal immigration problem - driven by alarmist and sensationalist journalism. It's unfortunate that the only party here ('the Greens') who seem to have some semblance of normality in terms of immigration policy, are so far completely out of whack when it comes to workforce and economic policy...
It's a disgusting and xenophobic policy, and one of the things I hate most about our people and government.