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7/20/2013 4:56:11 AM
bb, I love you, but he's right. He and I have not only had moderators flat out tell us that they don't want to uphold the CoC because they just don't care, we've also had PMs from DeeJ telling us that they don't want us talking about trans rights/sexism/racism here because boys will be boys and there's no point and all we're doing is creating flamebait and we need to shut up and talk about videogames. (I have copies of said PMs if you really want to see them - I'll FB you.) I defended Bungie for a long time because I thought there were a few staff members here who actually cared about changing the culture, but that's just simply not true. It hasn't ever been true, and I'm beginning to think it never will be true. I mean, look at this thread - Foman went and said that because he doesn't care about people being racist towards him, none of us should care about any kind of discrimination we face. He's a moderator. The webteam have appointed him specifically to make sure the rules are enforced. If he's not going to stand up against discrimination (which is specifically prohibited in the CoC), who is? I'm sorry, I really am, but you're putting your faith in the wrong people here.

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