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7/18/2013 5:59:06 AM
Why not be known as what you are? People don't need to fit under a fake persona because of what people around them think and/or want them to be. Will this get them criticised? Probably. Should they just take the criticism and live with it? That's up to them. I don't think she "threw herself out there" as much as she did express herself like many people do on the interwebs and IRL, the only difference? She's not in the same demographic most people are here.

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  • No they're not hiding they're just not throwing themselves out their and going on as normal.

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  • Edited by DarkSunnyboy: 7/18/2013 6:09:34 AM
    Throwing yourself out there and purposefully trying to get noticed =/= innocently trying to express who you are to others and having it being misconceived as being an attention whore because of the society that's developed. Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

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  • You're putting it very nicely Dark, good job. Although I'm pretty sure that user is trolling. I didn't know when I made a profile on my boyfriends xbox (under my own name), then made it gold, I was "throwing myself out there".

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  • You called me a troll while I was here. It hurt my feelings. Now you're a hypocrite and an asshole yourself. Congrats for being an idiot.

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  • Oh, PLEASE. The whole point is that the insults she endures are based on facts that don't matter. Whether or not one is a troll actually matters a whole lot if you want to partake in intelligent and substantive discussion. I don't think you're a troll, but holy shit.

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  • I tried but she decided to end the discussion by calling me a troll.

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  • No. These girls are throwing themselves into a bunch of judgmental, assholes of which they should know and not post pictures of themselves if they don't want to be ridiculed. It's not the girls fault but they do have a part in it.

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  • So it's their fault they are who they are and are trying to change a society that's pretty backwards? I don't think people like them should expect to be ridiculed and just live with it, I know I'd want to do something about it. And why the hell not do it? This is a 21st century video game developer's site, not the 1800's. This shouldn't be a problem in the first place.

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  • It's their fault for posting pictures of themselves on an anonymous forum full of assholes! I know Felicia wants people to be nice but that's not going to happen. Or at least not anytime soon.

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  • Edited by Felicia402: 7/18/2013 6:28:02 AM
    [quote]I know Felicia wants people to be nice but that's not going to happen. Or at least not anytime soon.[/quote] And you're going to make sure of that right? By being an asshole yourself. You sir, deserve to be insulted for your crap opinions, not because of the way you "look", but because of the things you said in this thread. Also, welcome to my mute list. Rage on. EDIT: Oh and I'm not muting you because you're making me "mad" but because you're spamming my comments with crap. I don't like spam, sorry.

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  • Edited by Lord Ruler: 7/18/2013 6:40:16 AM
    [quote]crap opinions[/quote] That hurts my feeeeeeelings. Hypocrite. [quote] Now before I begin, I know exactly what I'm getting myself into here. I'm prepared for the flaming and the insults,[/quote] Mute me? I thought you were prepared to read what people had to say. Make a better argument. You're trying to push against a horde of stampeding bison. Saying you want people on this forum of assholes you want them to be nice won't do anything because these people don't give a shit.

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  • Edited by DarkSunnyboy: 7/18/2013 6:24:57 AM
    You're not getting what I'm telling you here, they haven't done anything to deserve the treatment they get, it's just the society that exists here think that it's "normal" and "okay". Then why not try to change people's minds? This may come as a shock to you, but some people WANT to change how people treat them in a community.

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  • So if this society is so bad don't -blam!-ing post on the forum! This may come as a shock to you but you don't have to be here. There are plenty of nicer places.

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  • Edited by DarkSunnyboy: 7/18/2013 6:35:41 AM
    Did it ever occur you that people may have friends here or people that they enjoy conversing with here? They may enjoy talking about gaming and Halo and other things (off-topic) with the community but dislike the people that ridicule them for being them and want to do something about it.

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  • Hey guess what. [quote]they may enjoy talking about gaming and Halo and other things[/quote] #Gaming [quote]Did it ever occur you that people may have friends here or people that they enjoy conversing with here?[/quote] Private groups or PM's. Besides I barely see any girls get ridiculed anyway.

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  • [quote]#Gaming[/quote] ? My point was that they want to converse about this with the community that shares their gaming tastes. [quote]Private groups or PM's. Besides I barely see any girls get ridiculed anyway.[/quote] ...And if those people are just posters that also aren't jerks and just happen to post in the forums? Trust me, when you've been around here as long as I have you're gonna see a lot, and if I had the time I could pull out 50 threads about Felicia from a Google search. Maybe they don't like being referred to as "MILF'S" or "GILF'S" and they just want to converse with people that have the same interests they do without being ridiculed. To tell someone of any demographic that they deserve ridicule and should just live with it in this day and age is pretty strange to me.

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  • When has anyone been ridiculed in #Gaming because of their gender? Someone that's not clearly an idiot trying to start something? [quote]Maybe they don't like being referred to as "MILF'S" or "GILF'S" and they just want to converse with people that have the same interests they do without being ridiculed.[/quote] Well maybe they should just converse their interests without posting pictures of themselves and writing out who they are and shit. [quote]To tell someone of any demographic that they deserve ridicule[/quote] When did I say that? No one deserves ridicule but you can't stop what people say. But you can close your ears and not listen.

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  • [quote]When has anyone been ridiculed in #Gaming because of their gender? Someone that's not clearly an idiot trying to start something?[/quote] This was before we had #Gaming and it was just offtopic for anything other than Halo, but this is besides the point. I agree that people won't pick on you a lot there, but is her situation people assume her to an attention whore because of what they've heard, I don't know, the past few years? [quote]Well maybe they should just converse their interests without posting pictures of themselves and writing out who they are and shit.[/quote] Thing is plenty of other users do this and don't face any kind of criticism and kind of comments some chicks do here. And again why is this? Because they aren't in the same demographic most people are. [quote]When did I say that? No one deserves ridicule but you can't stop what people say. But you can close your ears and not listen.[/quote] Or you can [i]try[/i] and make people see the error in their ways. You can try to change mindsets and the community's opinion to you altogether because as I said this shouldn't be a problem as it is and because it is a problem and someone wants to do something about it I'll applaud them. Should they expect some harsh comments to be thrown at them along the way? Yes because of the upside-down society but in a perfect world they shouldn't expect anything close to what they get.

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  • [quote]This was before we had #Gaming and it was just offtopic for anything other than Halo, but this is besides the point. I agree that people won't pick on you a lot there, but is her situation people assume her to an attention whore because of what they've heard, I don't know, the past few years?[/quote] Even in Bungie.old I never saw anyone get specifically ridiculed for their gender in a thread about a game. [quote] Thing is plenty of other users do this and don't face any kind of criticism and kind of comments some chicks do here. And again why is this? Because they aren't in the same demographic most people are.[/quote] Yeah. People tend to pick on girls here more often then not. Actually no. The only person I see on here that gets ridiculed more then others is Shadows. And she doesn't seem to give a shit. [quote] Or you can try and make people see the error in their ways. You can try to change mindsets and the community's opinion to you altogether[/quote] Guess when that will happen? Not anytime soon. Not on this forum of assholes whose opinions shouldn't matter to you. Not everyone in the world is going to be nice. Especially on the internet.

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  • Edited by DarkSunnyboy: 7/18/2013 8:41:05 AM
    [quote]Yeah. People tend to pick on girls here more often then not. Actually no. The only person I see on here that gets ridiculed more then others is Shadows. And she doesn't seem to give a shit.[/quote]It's comments here and there than they find offensive and the community doesn't and it's progressed to a state where it's just an everyday thing. [quote]Guess when that will happen? Not anytime soon. Not on this forum of assholes whose opinions shouldn't matter to you. Not everyone in the world is going to be nice. Especially on the internet.[/quote]Their opinions can matter to some people, people find certain things profound and value what some other people think. I don't give two shits though. Others could be mean to these girls if they had done something wrong or were just mean people. Then I wouldn't give a shit. Thing is that's not the situation, they're just being harassed because for what they are. And if they wanna change the horrible behaviour that some have toward them in a community they share interests with I'm all for it. Will they succeed eventually? I'm not Doctor Who or any other time traveller so I wouldn't know but things always seem impossible until they're done. So whatever, let 'em make a statement if they're passionate about it.

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