[url=http://www.p4rgaming.com/microsoft-confirms-xbox-one-will-only-work-in-21-states-in-the-us-at-launch/]Read the Outrage[/url]
Did you think that lovely Xbox One was going to come to your door this November? Think again! [b]Xboyz[/b] in certain states will greatly disappointed as certain state markets have been deemed by Microsoft as 'stagnant markets'. The Xbox One will launch in limited markets this November!
Still convinced Microsoft is superior? You can feel superior as you sadly squat in your dirt hut in any of the 29 states deemed unworthy of the Xbox Master Race. It's sad, pathetic, and...
[spoiler][b]Totally not true.[/b] Calm your tits people. While the Xbox One may be region-locked, it'll all be available for our grubby little hands right on time. At least, if you live in the US or major European countries. Be Brave B.net[/spoiler]
*reads in outrage* *reads last line* Haha, you got me.