Non-homophobes only at 34%.
The set up: They hooked a willy-measurer around their willies and showed them snippets of porn. They then measured the boner size and correlated it with the type of porn.
What they found shocked them.
Of the self reported homophobes, 26% got a chubby when shown gay porn, and 54% straight blasted wood. Of the more accepting non-homophobes they only had 10% and 24% respectively.
The only X-Factor is if the scenes caused wood in the homophobes for another reason. IE, did seeing the porn give them an anxiety boner, as opposed to a aroused boner.
Now, its in Scientific American, a respected source. No one should be able to question its validity now.
Edited by DeadliestDragon: 4/25/2013 8:53:50 PMYou are such a disgusting human being MynameisCharlie. You are truly an ultimate troll and you should be proud of that. There aren't many of you on this earth as trolly as you are. With that said I am proud to say I am among the 20% of us normal male heterosexuals. Nothing is more offensive to me than a man wanting to put his dick in another mans asshole and pack his shit. HERE IS THE THING ABOUT THIS STUDY. Porn is porn in the fact that it is made to arouse. Remember the first time you saw probably were very sexually excited even if you felt it was right or wrong. What this study doesn't take into account and or acknowledge, is that this could have been their first time viewing gay porn. It might have the same effect on the brain as the first time they viewed heterosexual porn for the first time. It doesn't mean they are gay or if they feel it is right or wrong. Concerning pornography you are dealing with the most primitive functions of the human body and its all about endorphins going to the brain. What this study and you Mr. Charlie are trying to do, is make some point that homophobes are really gay and hypocritical. To me this whole thing equals bad science and was simply done to push an agenda. PLUS look at the title of this article is screamings agenda.[b] "Single, Angry, Straight Male... Seeks Same?"[/b] God created Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve.[u][/u][i][/i]
Also, in this thread, a lot of people not realising that this is a parody thread... -_-
I know. Two (or more...) women having sex is very arousing indeed. I like it and I'm not even strongly or even slightly homophobic (I'm too indifferent to care either way. It's not like it's good, I just don't give a shit whether your gay or not because I'm so indifferent towards sexuality)
I am not concerning myself with the study or its findings because "They hooked a willy-measurer around their willies" is just too silly.
Wow... this one struck a nerve... I honestly didn't expect this much butthurt. I expected some, sure. just not this much. You would think I had the thread labelled with some of your names on it... (I'm looking at you cromy1) Well, I don't think anyone could dispute it now.
So I'm not disputing the study outright, but did anyone think that the fact that they had what I assume was a smaller version of a blood pressure arm cuff around their dicks affect the results? I still think a lot of homophobes are secretly gay, but maybe not as many a this study might suggest.
This is pretty funny. The story, the thread, all of it.
If I had a thing hooked up to my willy, I would get a major anxiety boner. I even get those when I use a public toilet.
I am enjoying these comments and general reactions to this all.
dude if someone even says the word sex i get a boner
Oh man, these replies.. my sides!
Edited by OliG: 4/28/2013 9:42:22 PM[quote] They hooked a willy-measurer No one should be able to question its validity now. [/quote] I bet they did... ;) ITS OFF THE CHARTS!
75% of statistics are made up.
But it was YOU playing the model ... come on (no pun intended) how could any man resist ?
Edited by Hoofle Man: 4/28/2013 12:32:11 PMAs an arachnophobic, I too get raging stiffs when watching arachnid on arachnid porn...
I Lol'd at this, I really did.
Pretty funny if you're to ask me. My guess would be that it's an anxiety boner and not an arousal.
That's a pretty interesting study. [quote]In this study, 64 self-reported straight males with a mean age of 20.3 years were divided into two groups[/quote] The sample size could be bigger, though.
I need to go post this around Conservative forums and get some rage going.
MFW reading the comments.
What kind of homophobe agrees to watch gay porn.
Look, to the haters: coming on here and flaming me like I posted this about you directly just makes you look bad. This study isn't outing you. It doesn't have your name on it. Acting like it does tells us: a) you think something is wrong with homosexuality, and b) you are worried we think you are gay. Well, there is nothing wrong with it, and no or cares about you.
Started a new topic: 80% of non-homophobes aroused by gay porn(1 Reply)
100% of people are aroused by videos of sex.