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4/4/2013 2:03:44 PM

Halo 4 boycott. Halo 3 re-population. April 8th 2013

[quote]"Historically, we've had these twod audiences in Halo.... Campaign and Multiplayer..... We wanted to bind them" "We wanted to create an experience where Campaign players could do well in Multiplayer, and introduce Multiplayer players into Campaign". "We wanted to help new players find success, help them get power weapons in ordnance that they might never have gotten a hold of before" "We want to make Halo more accessible and easier to succeed at" "Halo always had a steep learning curve that threw players off, we wanted to change that" "We listened to all the community feedback, and realised that players didn't want an even playing field and put a progression system in, which is what they wanted" - U WOT M8?(p) I have just finished watching the panel at GDC. It has been a reality check. A reality check that if you played CE - Halo 3, there is no more Halo like that any more. Not only is it an insult to state that the "Community" wanted a progression system, but it is false. How did you manage to survey the entire community and ask them what they wanted? You are in a total state of self denial, 343. You should have seen the chat! Oh my god they were going absolutely mental at how many utter lies you were spouting, not to mention all the things you said that re-affirmed to a lot of people that Halo's direction is this: (Actual picture slide that was displayed at the event) "We made Infinity Slayer so campaign kids could use power weapons in Multiplayer." - This is not how a multiplayer should be made. "Steep learning curve that threw a lot of players off" - Are you serious! Halo has always been a massive game because it takes skill, it's not like any other generic FPS like Battlefield or COD!. It's almost as embarrassing that the "X"'s are broken. How do you screw this up? "They will be displayed throughout the duration of your death" - Kevin Franklin. Now... Was this a lie? Or did you not even PLAYTEST YOUR OWN -Yoinking!- GAME? How do you screw this up? What was wrong with the old one? It seems like you have an EGO problem, you refuse to leave anything in the game that Bungie created. You INSIST on redesigning EVERYTHING... Even if it's not broken. The fact that it was called "A Postmortem" is quite right, expect they can't seem to see what killed Halo. What's funny is that no one at 343 actually reads these forums. Feedback is useless. 40k Population. And yes, I am seriously mad. You put "Halo" on the box. I bought the game thinking it would have Halo Multiplayer (Thank you, Mr Audley) This is NOT Halo multiplayer.[/quote] If you are not informed please read the OP post^^Check the thread linked for more info. On waypoint...there's a plan to boycott Halo 4 and re-populate Halo 3. For you haters of Halo 4, there is a small chance this might work and 343i will actually start listening to the community and hopefully make Halo 5 a great game. And...yes I know there's another thread on this but he hasn't stated that we re-populate Halo 3. It's big on waypoint and a few other sites. Hopefully it will be on here too.

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