Hello Flood, I need the answer to a question that I've been trying to find out through Google if it just didn't suck. Anyway, what sport teaches you how to do flips? I really want to learn how to do cool flips and put them together because it looks extremely fun to jump around twisting your body in the air forward, backward, and in all these different directions.
I know that tumbling does flips and stuff, but it looks more like the same 3-4 flips repeated over and over. I want to learn really cool flips that you can do pretty much wherever. When I say cool flips, I mean like gainers, front flips, back flips, back and front handsprings, and other things like handstands, etc. Pretty much anything that an acrobat would do in the movies or something.
I know this sounds a lot like parkour, but I'm not really interested too much in the climbing. I was excited to join parkour, but there is only one place near me that has a gym and teaches it, but it was way too expensive ($150 per month). So I cannot do free running.
is tumbling the way to go or what? is there another sport that better teaches what I want to learn?