If I ever go on a DBZ clip now, there's always a small argument on DBZ vs DBZ Kai.
So I thought "screw it" and now I'm making this thread.
I much prefer DBZ Kai. The Voice Acting is much better, the music is better, and no BS filler, "I will fight you when I'm done screaming for 20 minutes"
Just look at the x20 kaioken kamehameha scene. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPZr3vtP6ww]The DBZ Kai scene[/url] is far superior. Sean is much more enthusiastic in this scene, the music fits perfectly and the kamehameha is actually properly pronounced
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32k5icj6B3g]In the DBZ Version[/url] the music hardly fits, and the "kamehameha" is just, well, pathetic.
So give your thoughts, mere mortals
I don't care what they "improve" on anything. When I want to watch a series, especially one that I love so much like DBZ, I want the same experience I had when I first watched it. You can remove the filler and the screaming all you want, but when you give Vegeta pants that look like they made them in Paint, make the blood clear so it looks like sweat (or considering most of the blood is from the mouth, it looks like they can't stop drooling. Well... I guess they are monkies) and make Mr. Popo BLUE... we have a problem. I don't care if it was just the 4kids one, it still happened. What some might consider better, I consider change. And I don't want to change what I loved so much growing up.