originally posted in:Thee Warriors
Might be hard to revive this thread with the bungie.new format. But I'll try.
I think that if you make a wish, people can destroy it all they want in the sub thread, all new wishes can be new replies.
We'll see if it works.
Note: I found this game in the group "Council of the Sangheili".
This game is simple, you wish for something, I'll grant your wish, but corrupt it in some way, then I wish and so on.
I wish... I was rich
Granted, but you have to work on the corner to do it
I wish... for a copy of Halo 3
Someone else:
Granted, but the surpreme awesomeness of it makes your head explode
I wish... for a pet grunt
And so on.
I'll start:
I wish... I was a super action hero.
Granted, but then she's a man..... awkward I wish i could control myself sometimes. Quit letting myself do dumb things.
granted, but you are so nice, i cant corrupt your wish. I wish that my sister wasnt such a biz.
Granted, but i corrupt the wish and you dont get it. HA! I wish i could learn from my mistakes
Granted, but...........erm................you think the movie is lousy! I wish i had I wish I could brainwash everyone to follow my command.
granted, but it sucks worse than any video game in the world, and you wasted 60 bucks. I wish that I could go to the movies today.
GRANTED but ur ipod asplodes i wish for halowars to come out
granted, but now your so full of energy that you have to tire your self out before you asplode from the energy. So you go around doing crazy things and amazing things. (if you know what i mean by crazy). I wish that i could have better music on my ipod.
granted but your superglued to your seat i wish i wasn't tired
Ok.... Granted, but its not fun anymore. I wish i wasn't on here.... sweet! bye :)
Granted, but soon that power runs out and you are left with very powerful enemies. What are you going ot do then huh? I wish I didn't need to corrupt my own wishes. Oh well its fun.
Granted, but your connection fails right in the middle of a conversation. I wish I had... lots of power.
granted, but god finds out and banishes you to a prison where you cant get out, and you are as weak as Timmy. I wish that Syd and I were here at the same time. [Edited on 07.28.2008 7:57 PM PDT]
granted but you leave I wish for invincibility
granted, but we start talking about sex. I wish Syd was here.
granted, but 'other' places get smaller. i wish we would stop talking about puberty. It can get weird
granted, but you look uglier after you hit it like a brick wall. I wish that I could be at the stage in my life whre i bulk up really fast. (BTW I already dont have a squeeky voice, but it cracks when I try to use a high voice.)
Granted, since you didn't corrupt my wish. 100 push ups a day ad still no sign of muscle increase. Con flammit! I wish I would hit puberty.....finally..... Damn me and my annoying high pitch screaching voice!
granted, you impress this really hot 20 year old girl I wish taht for myself too. (I work out, but cant bulk up)
Granted, but Katie was a freakishly girlish dude. I wish working out would actually have an impact on who i impress. Currently I impress no one.
Granted, but you find out she used to be a dude. I wish Katie used to be a dude.
granted, but you get awoken by the sound of swords clashing. You get up and run outside, you realize there is a samurai war going on outside your house. And you are in the 14th century. And you finally get the blood lust you want. I wish that katie was able to date.
Granted, but soon after you trip into a mud puddle. I wish I was asleep.
Granted but, you're dead. I wish I was clean.
you didnt wish, so i get to corrupt your life. Your mom shows up at home and beats the crap out of you. Then you ask why would you do that mom? and then Saint Michael takes of your mom mask and says, hahahahaha, I will R@PE you!!!1 I wish that I could corrupt better.
Granted but your Computer can't keep up with all the typing. (Mine's getting slow 0.o)
granted, but now its like this: kajd;klfjadsklfjda'adsjgkaldsh'askdf'aldshgadkga'dghdsagjdsag'adsghdsaklgaf'ajdskfgau4389067u092tahkja'dfkjdsakglhad'ggdslkt h4oiruy03295yhdk;lfh498y59.