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Edited by afanoflafear: 8/30/2015 5:28:38 AM

Bec Rizk ❤️ old

write an achievement for 'HALO 2 Anniversary'

a helping hand - 5GP: swap an allies weapon for a Rocket Launcher, Fuel Rod Gun, Sniper Rifle, Beam Rifle or Brute Shot skewer stopper - 10GP: end a players sword spree pest control - 5GP: kill 5 drones within 10 seconds of each other [Edited on 02.06.2012 3:10 PM PST]

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    Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

    irony IV - 30GP: kill all hunters in the level gravemind with a fuel rod gun

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  • this goes booom-50gp-take out fifteen elites on legendary with one mag of the rocket launcher

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  • [i]Irony IV[/i] 50G- Kill all rangers with duel Plasma rifles on Normal, heroic or legendary. Can't believe I added a X where V was supposed to go! Anyways fixed now. [Edited on 10.29.2011 6:35 PM PDT]

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    Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

    you know how a marine makes a quote every now and then when they kill someone, take damage, look at a dead body... the first time I played outskirts, we proceeded after killing the enemies in the 'sniper alley',, one of the marines killed a drone and shouted 'who wants a piece of me!' then a camo elite with a sword sliced him out of nowhere. irony III - 70GP: kill all berserking brutes in a level with a melee attack excluding the sword or brute shot on Normal, heroic or legendary

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] path1k [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] InvasionImminent [i]Street Smart[/i] 20G- Survive "sniper alley" without you or your marines dying on Legendary.[/quote]hmmm... is it possible[/quote] I'm pretty emotional when it comes to halo AI, I mean, I can't let them die! They have families! But if you take point and are skilled enough, you can kill the snipers before the marines enter the alley. However you don't really have enough time to kill the drones and spec ops elites, so you kinda have to wing it form there.

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    Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] InvasionImminent [i]Street Smart[/i] 20G- Survive "sniper alley" without you or your marines dying on Legendary.[/quote]hmmm... is it possible, when I play it the marines always enter the "killzone" and get their heads beamed off a second later. irony II - 50GP: kill all sniper jackals on outskirts with a beam rifle headshot on normal, heroic or legendary

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  • I just finished a play through of cairo station, outskirts and metropolis, so get ready for an urban themed Mega list! [i]My welcome to earth gift basket[/i] 10G- Achieve 20 sniper headshot kills on Metropolis. [i]Once more, unto the breach[/i] 10G- Complete Outskirts with only Warthog chaingun kills. [i]Street Smart[/i] 20G- Survive "sniper alley" without you or your marines dying on Legendary. [i]Frequent Flyer[/i] 20G- Hijack 2 banshees on Metropolis. [i]Standard Issued[/i] 10G- Achieve 30 kills with the SMG on both Cairo Station, Outskirts and metropolis, in the same play through. [i]Precisely Accurate[/i] 10G- Achieve 40 kills with the BR on both Cairo Station, Outskirts and metropolis, in the same play through. [i]Fear of Falling[/i] 10G- Kill all rangers on Cairo Station with a distance of 40 feet. [i]Road rage[/i] 10G- Splatter all shade turrets on Outskirts on your first ram. [i]Invasion[/i] 10G- Kill all vehicles on Outskirts. [i]Longhsot eh?[/i] 40G- Kill 30 jackal snipers with the sniper or beam rifle on Metropolis without dying. [i]Stole my bike![/i] 10G- Hijack 4 ghosts on Outskirts. [i]Civilian[/i] 25G- Inflict zero damage and do not enter a vehicle on Outskirts. [i]Not on my shift[/i] 25G- Finish Cairo Station on Normal or above within 10 minutes. [i]Tug O War[/i] 10G- Kill all drones on Outskirts with melee only, and B.E activated. [Edited on 10.29.2011 12:42 PM PDT]

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  • [i]Jackals in the court yard![/i] 10G- Kill all enemy jackals on Outskirts.

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    Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

    irony? - 30GP: kill all gold and ultra elites in a level with the sword on normal, heroic or legendary

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    Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

    adrenaline rush - 20GP: touch an unsuspecting elite in the back, when he flinches after seeing you fire dual SMGs point blank at his face [Edited on 10.29.2011 12:43 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Grumpy1 Rofl, Tarzan, I like that one.[/quote]It's the only one I came up in an instant. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] InvasionImminent [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost Tarzan - 10GP - sword fly to a distant, higher platform [/quote] Working on that right now lol. I have to say; enemy AI must hate my guts, they never allow me to setup a proper flight.[/quote][url=]Learn from the master[/url] (skip to 0:15). Instantaneous disruption - 25GP - Take out an Ultra Elite's shield after it begins recharging

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    Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] InvasionImminent Woot! 100th post![/quote]awww, i was only one post away lol watch your step - 10GP: trick a leaping enemy to fall to their death ^ think the only way to do it is with a vehicle or grenades [Edited on 10.28.2011 9:15 PM PDT]

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  • [i]Voyager[/i] 25G- Drive the warthog from the beginning of metropolis, to the end. Woot! 100th post! [Edited on 10.28.2011 9:01 PM PDT]

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    Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

    it came from above - 70GP: stick an enemy with a plasma grenade thrown at least 30 meters into the air [Edited on 10.28.2011 8:58 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost Tarzan - 10GP - sword fly to a distant, higher platform [/quote] Working on that right now lol. I have to say; enemy AI must hate my guts, they never allow me to setup a proper flight. [Edited on 10.28.2011 8:57 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] path1k my bad, forgot the main characters are invincible. Was thinking of the time I killed captain keys in HALO C.E lol." you have to find ammo, I don't keep it loaded..." how do you get the hunters to the control room?[/quote]It's alright. Oh so that explains the description. It's something I've been working on for the past few days. If you want to know something about it, you can ask Grumpy. He's been supporting me. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] tanman13 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sector Z 157 What?! How did you- 5G : USe the banshee in Metropolis to find the hidden Scarab Gun [SECRET][/quote] why only 5G?[/quote]Yeah why? It's difficult to get the Banshee. We mustn't forget about what an ordeal it is. Tarzan - 10GP - sword fly to a distant, higher platform[/quote]Rofl, Tarzan, I like that one.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] path1k my bad, forgot the main characters are invincible. Was thinking of the time I killed captain keys in HALO C.E lol." you have to find ammo, I don't keep it loaded..." how do you get the hunters to the control room?[/quote]It's alright. Oh so that explains the description. It's something I've been working on for the past few days. If you want to know something about it, you can ask Grumpy. He's been supporting me. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] tanman13 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sector Z 157 What?! How did you- 5G : USe the banshee in Metropolis to find the hidden Scarab Gun [SECRET][/quote] why only 5G?[/quote]Yeah why? It's difficult to get the Banshee. We mustn't forget about what an ordeal it is. Tarzan - 10GP - sword fly to a distant, higher platform

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  • Benji, please change your pic. Path1k is pretty much unique to it, and 2 people with the same avatar would be confusing on the same forum.

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    Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

    benji, first time seen someone with the same pic as me. Boogie man - 5GP: suprise a grunt at close range then kill him with a brute shot melee or sword attack

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  • Head Hunter- 5G: Get 20 kills with Headshots in campaign or online.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] tanman13 i dont want a remade campaign i just want halo 2 multiplayer back.[/quote] Truth is, most of us don't care about multiplayer. Maybe all of the current Reach players care about multiplayer more, but not us.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sector Z 157 What?! How did you- 5G : USe the banshee in Metropolis to find the hidden Scarab Gun [SECRET][/quote] why only 5G?

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  • i dont want a remade campaign i just want halo 2 multiplayer back.

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    Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost If I had an army... - 100GP - Bring all 4 Hunters, every Elite other than the Banshee pilots, Rtas Vadum, Sergeant Johnson, and the 2 marine captives to the control room on Great Journey. It would be death - 50GP - Bring all possible allies to the Tartarus fight Brotherhood - 100GP - Bring all possible allies to the Tartarus fight and stop the second group of Elites from charging at Tartarus. Get them in the Spectre, send Hunters to the ledge, position beam rifle Spec Ops Elites on their flanks, and equip the 2 Councilors and Rtas with swords and get them to attack Tartarus. Bodyguards - 50GP - Get 2 Hunters in the ending cutscene Crowds and rabbles - 25GP - Equip Rtas Vadum and every Elite other than the Banshee pilots and control room Elites with Plasma Pistols and have them attack Tartarus up close. Swords and daggers - 25GP - Equip Rtas Vadum and every Elite other than the Banshee pilots and control room Elites with the Energy Sword and have them attack Tartarus. Rocks and pebbles - 25GP - Equip Rtas Vadum and every Elite other than the Banshee pilots and control room Elites with the Beam Rifle or Carbine and have them attack Tartarus. Fervent dereliction - 10GP - Have your allies kill Tartarus for you Theory of absolution - 10GP - Betray your allies, help the Brutes [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] path1k kill rtas vadamee with the sword he swaps for you[/quote]Is that even possible? How about an achievement for killing Sesa before he goes in the Banshee? Halopedia says that he can be killed by pushing him off to a lower platform.[/quote]my bad, forgot the main characters are invincible. Was thinking of the time I killed captain keys in HALO C.E lol." you have to find ammo, I don't keep it loaded..." how do you get the hunters to the control room?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] InvasionImminent [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost [b]Posted by:[/b] path1k kill rtas vadamee with the sword he swaps for you[/quote]Is that even possible? How about an achievement for killing Sesa before he goes in the Banshee? Halopedia says that he can be killed by pushing him off to a lower platform.[/quote] I tried that but it never works :([/quote]Invasion is correct, however, by speeding through the level you can freeze him and take him anywhere you want with the Banshee. That could be an achievement.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost [b]Posted by:[/b] path1k kill rtas vadamee with the sword he swaps for you[/quote]Is that even possible? How about an achievement for killing Sesa before he goes in the Banshee? Halopedia says that he can be killed by pushing him off to a lower platform.[/quote] I tried that but it never works :( [Edited on 10.28.2011 2:23 PM PDT]

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