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6/19/2024 4:45:02 PM

The final shape story does not make sense

This calcification thing is not what the original idea of the final shape was nor was it the witnesses original intent. The new writers seemingly dont understand nuance and thus, butchered the narrative. The witness wants a tended garden universe as opposed to the travellers, whatever goes, ideals. Life unchecked under the traveler can exist, but that means all forms of life exist. It also means that unnecessary suffering and pain exists. And there exists no true purpose. Just chaostic life. Life existing, simply to die or cause more suffering. A child born with cancer, living, only to die at 6. A rogue rock causing the end of entire species. That's pointless life. Cruel. The witness wants, as i stated, a tended garden. Life that is molded and cared for. As you do a beautiful garden at home. There is beauty, but it is orderly. Not confinded, but guided. Overgrown plants get pruned, pests and parasites removed. Sometimes entire plants removed to make way for better life. Or the garden can just grow, adding new life, preserving what is beautiful and purposeful. In this tended garded, there is no suffering. Life exists in perfect balance. In complete harmony, and can benefit the life around it. Having purpose. Sadly, the writers at bungie did a 180. Turning the witness that wants to take a chaotic garden and calcify it. Statues. A museum. Not a garden. Thats not life, that is death. The loss of life. I feel the story could have been far better and less saturated with contrived storytelling. There were no concequences. It reminded me of the last jedi and rise of Skywalker. Very simple, one two beats and an intense moment immediately followed by a resolution to whatever was the cause of said intensity. The first cutscene for example. The following is a somewhat in depth breakdown of the Witnesss previous actions, stated ideals and what we got instead. Established Philosophy and Actions of the Witness Dynamic Evolution and Perfection: Evolution Through Conflict: The Witness’s actions and dialogue in the lore emphasize a belief in evolution through conflict and survival. The concept of the "Final Shape" revolves around the idea that only the strongest, most resilient beings should endure. Selective Survival: The process of refining existence by testing and eliminating the weaker forms supports a vision of continuous improvement and dynamic equilibrium rather than stasis. Purpose of Destruction: Catalyst for Growth: The Witness and the forces of Darkness use destruction as a means to test the universe’s inhabitants, promoting a Darwinian philosophy where life forms are pushed to their limits to evolve and adapt. Refinement Not Stagnation: The intent behind this destruction is to refine life, ensuring that only those capable of overcoming challenges and suffering remain. This is inherently a dynamic process, not one aimed at achieving a frozen state of existence. Narrative Context and Oppositions: Conflict with the Light: The Guardians, empowered by the Light, represent the antithesis of the Witness’s vision. Their struggle is against the selective and destructive nature of the Darkness, defending a universe rich in diversity and potential for growth. Continuous Challenge: The narrative is built around ongoing challenges and the evolution of both the Light and the Darkness, underscoring a dynamic tension rather than a move towards stasis. Implications of a Pivot to Calcification Contradiction of Core Themes: Static Universe Inconsistency: A sudden shift to a goal of "calcifying" or freezing all existence would contradict the core themes of survival, adaptation, and continuous refinement that have defined the Witness’s philosophy. Misalignment with Actions: The Witness’s efforts to test and challenge the universe’s inhabitants would make little sense if its ultimate goal were simply to create an unchanging, static state. Narrative Disruption: Retcon Impact: Such a change would be seen as a retcon because it would retroactively alter the established motivations and goals of the Witness. This would disrupt the continuity of the story and undermine the previously laid foundation of its character and actions. Reader and Player Expectations: Fans and players who have followed the Destiny lore would likely see this as a disjointed shift, as it would not align with the Witness’s portrayal up to that point. Philosophical and Plot Incoherence: Philosophical Disconnect: The Witness’s philosophy has been consistent with a process of pruning and refining through conflict, a stark contrast to the idea of an eternal, unchanging universe. Plot Coherence: The plot, which revolves around the struggle between dynamic forces of Light and Darkness, would lose coherence if the Witness’s ultimate goal reversed.
#destiny2 #lore

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  • I think you're confusing the Witness for the Winnowner. I think the Winnowner is something far more ancient and powerful.

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  • So, you just ignored the existence of the Winnower, or did you not see the[url= Nacre[/url] lore tab? Heck, even within the Salvation's Edge raid, the Witness outside says it is not "The Winnower". It instead describes itself as "the first knife", and that the Winnower cannot tell it what shape to carve. The Witness even dismisses the Sword Logic as a "childish game". In other words, it is a simple matter of the Witness' idea for the Final Shape not lining up with the Winnower's ideals, not the writers suddenly changing directions in the storytelling.

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    2 Replies
    • I made a post similar a few days ago. The story is full of plot holes as well and by taking a force emotional narrative route they basically ruined what should have been a pinnacle story. We should have gotten avengers but instead got captain American civil war. I mean the final battle was supposed to be a battle of ideal with the gardener wanting groups who come together to form societies being the ones responsible for the fate of the universe, while the winnower wanted only the strongest to control the fate of the universe. So literally the whole campaign should have been us with all our allies fighting against the witness. Instead we got a campaign focused on the vanguard with 1 mission where everyone comes together.

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    • Based on your understanding it may not, but the idea of the Final Shape intentionally means many things. The Witness has basic variations it indoctrinated the Hive into believing. It knows of the Winnowers idea of a single strong species, and then theres the radical endgame view of it. The Witness can't share that version with everyone because it would scare the fk out of his followers. Even Rhulk had to be lied to.

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    • The Witness has only existed in the story since 2022 , you are thinking of the winnower And f them both, all life deserves a chance to exist , there will be suffering, but there will also be prosperity Most of the suffering in the Destiny universe has been infected by the darkness, so it's cheating at the flower game, instead of waiting for the Gardner to fail, it jumps ahead and kills everything before it can succeed

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      • I think Bungie's writers spent too much time reading the books and theories of competing religions and philosophers and studying the plots of other space operas, before trying to make some new coherent whole with it, but instead what came out is like what you'd get if you mixed random ingredients in a blender and poured them out. I say to them good luck explaining how the whole universe works because nobody else has.

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        • The Winnower and The Witness are not one in the same. Also, the themes of the Witness testing and performing artificial selection with the universe is totally in line with the Final Shape. The Witness was chasing perfection, a universe where all is completely as it should be in its mind. The Witness let its own flawed views and obsession with the way things should be eventually cement a philosophy where he worked to eliminate anything deemed imperfect, eventually settling on using the power of creation itself to reform the universe to its own will, making sure it was an utterly perfect moment, incapable of straying. What the Witness failed to realize is that true purpose in many ways comes from growth itself and life itself, not the end results of it, and those who had found true purpose would sacrifice anything to protect autonomy and life as they knew it.

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        • Even though you mistakenly identify the Winnower’s philosophy as the Witness’s, even then you misunderstand what was stated in Unveiling. The Winnower does not wish for life to thrive in cooperation, it wants a single life to triumph over all others, because it believes that is inevitable and it has been proven right in previous games. This is why the Winnower was involved in the creation of the Witness. Ironically enough, if the Witness had followed its vision it would have won. We had no way of stopping the Witness until it brought Darkness into the Pale Heart.

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        • I like how for a decade we were told about this “Shrouded Woman of Darkness” with a whole story connected to Sliver and Silver Oxides named TaOx but then the new writers just decided to be like “Nah, everyone on the witness’ home planet was a shrouded woman 😎. Hit ‘em with swords.”

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