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1/7/2024 9:02:37 PM

glaives should be extremely buffed

As in right now, glaives are seeing almost zero gameplay, and there is sadly no surprise. They offer almost zero advantage or real use unlike normal weapons. I have for some time now tried to create a consistent glaive build that synergizes with mods and could be used for mid/late game content, but its almost impossible. almost no mod can be activated with glaives, no siphons, no surges. one two punch doesnt work with it, lot of fragments dont either. I suggest reworking a lot of mods to allow glaives to work with them. there is no reason for surges to not work with glaives, I have also noticed that some mods do activate, but only for projectiles from glaives, which makes no sense. allow siphons and surges to work, add "and glaives or swords" to powered melee mods, even just projectiles doesnt have to activate on melee, allow all melee fragments to work with glaives. Glaives have absolutely amazing potential, yet they are almost unusable and impossible to properly implement.

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  • I feel like the biggest issue with glaives is the melee. Doesn’t benefit from surges, can’t generate orbs, blocks your melee ability, does low damage, and you have to make an entire build around it to make it even remotely effective. Buff the melee and glaives become a lot better.

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    3 Replies
    • Have they tried working out at the gym?

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    • Delete them and give us special ammo swords Imagine an exotic dual Stasis and Strand Sword , threadings and frozen targets

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    • There’s definitely some oddities with Glaives, but also, Glaives seems to be made for a time in the game where it would be slowed down to a crawl unlike now for both PvE and PvP. Especially if someone want to speedrun through the game.

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    • No. DIsrespectfully. [quote]glaives are seeing almost zero gameplay. they are almost unusable and impossible to properly implement.[/quote] Exactly. Delete Glaives. Horrible idea. Worse implementation.

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    • Maybe you should be asking how to use glaives 1. Galives negate all knock back damage (you do not take any damage from, or get moved by anything in the game that is counted as knock back damge, which consist of environmental knock things, and some boss stomps and taken unstoppable boop attack) 2. Has a damage reduction of 90 percent to incoming damage when blocking with shield (95 if you block the same elemental damage). The damage reduction can be stacked on top of overshields, and healing effects, making for almost unkillabe builds that can shred through gms and master raids (Also the buff thay gave to swords gives swords a damage reduction of 70 percent, 75 for blocking same elemental damage as sword element) 3. Necrotic grips on warlock causes almost all the projectile perks on glaives to bug out and be procked on meele hits as well (example: on judgement of kelegoroth, you can prock incandescent with meele hits, instead of having to shoot something. Before the patched the ritual glaive that had destabilizing rounds on it, you used to be able to prock that on meele kills as well, but now it only works with meeles, however I use a void hunter build with either tritons vase for more glaive damage, or aeons to make heavy, with that glaive I can have infinte invis, by first hitting something with the projectivle, then just spamming meele nor stopping, inoder to stay invis, and everytime I kill something it refresh invis, with glaive meelels if you spam meele without stopping once you go invis, you can stay invis until either the timer runs out or you stop meeleing, the meele again) 4.glaives can be used for wack transversal. If you meele an enemy waly grounded, and said enemy goes airborne, then your character will stay locked onto said enemy until either you kill it, stop meeleing or die. Can be used to meele someone in crucible who popped dawnblade and is flying across the map, ypu would be locked onto them looking like your teleporting behind them waly meeleing, you can also use it to lock onto an immune, or heavy health gated airial pve enemy, and tractor them then proceed to start your mele under them waly grounded, the meele attack will start to push them upwards allowing you to travel with them up into the sky, until they kill you, teleoprt, or die. On matse kings fall you can tractor one of the knights, and have a teammate grapple.luanch the knight waly you meele it with a glaive, and can travel halfway across the ship jumping area if you do it right. You can glaive skate with glaives by meele canceling waly hunter dodge near and edge, or the same thing but with the titan dash on arc, and warlock dash on solar, granted it doesn't move you as fast as eager edge or worldline skate, but you can still travel far, and best part you can use it as a movement in crucible without needing ammo. 5. Glaives don't need ammo to stun Champs, when we have a glaive champ season, the meele on a glaive can stun a champ, and you can tank all Champs in the game by blocking, then get up and meele them. 6. Glaives work with surrounded, close to meele, tractor, div, void weaken effects, stasis stage debuff effects (slow, freeze, shatter), lumina, boots of the assembler, synthosteps, wormgods, necrotic, the one gloves on warlocks that give health on meele kills, tritons, and a few other exotics, that either add to survivability, or give glaives enough of a damage boost, to be able to keep up in damage with most legendary swords (granted thier is more prep work and builds required, so it's easier to just use a sword if you don't know how to use glaives, but if you know how to use glaives they are busted) 7. Can use glaives to get some raid bosses and gm bosses aggro glitches in one spot, can cause crota to get stuck in a corner, and cause the minotaur that changes platforms in the gm on nexus to get stuck on the second floor, and not be able to shoot your teammates, and just spam stomp the person with the galive, can block the barrage of those fireballs in proving grounds, as well as the tanks waly your team dps them, their are a few other examples, but don't want bingie fixing all of them 8. Can use the meele pull on glaives to sling shot yourself, if a teammate or an aoe kills an add, waly your being pulled towards it with the glaive meele, can also be used to glitch out of some spawn doors, with the meele pull, allowing to get out of the map to explore. 9.used to be able to use the glaive to pick up the vomit from the harpy boss in garden with a cooldown timer without dying, sadly that's been patched 10. Glaives to work with some Armour mods, if you use necrotic grips, for some reason necrotic grips seems to break the interactions glaives have in the game with certian projecticle exclusive perks and mods being able to then activate on glaive meeles. 11. Glaives can be used to eat a golden gun in crucible, granted only one shot from a golden gun, also can absorb the outside effect from an aoe super, meaning if someone throws a vortex nova or a gathering storm, so long as your not at the center, you can use the sword block to block the outer layer of damage, allowing you in some cases to survive a super if you get far enough away to be close to the edge end of the super. Can block suppression grenades in crucible, if the aoe blast activates infront of your glaive shield, and not on you, next to you, behind you or above your glaive shield. Can also use it to stay alive in an enemy well, waly you shoot them with your galive, or buy enough time for you super to charge, or to contest the control point, same deal with a bubble. Works wonders if you have a blade barrage or something, damage the bubble from the outside with your glaive to get a shield charge, then block waly walking into thier bubble, so they can't hurt you that much, then throw super, have shut down alot of wells and bubbles that way in trials. Also annoys the enemy team.

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      1 Reply
      • [quote]As in right now, glaives are seeing almost zero gameplay, and there is sadly no surprise. They offer almost zero advantage or real use unlike normal weapons. I have for some time now tried to create a consistent glaive build that synergizes with mods and could be used for mid/late game content, but its almost impossible. almost no mod can be activated with glaives, no siphons, no surges. one two punch doesnt work with it, lot of fragments dont either. I suggest reworking a lot of mods to allow glaives to work with them. there is no reason for surges to not work with glaives, I have also noticed that some mods do activate, but only for projectiles from glaives, which makes no sense. allow siphons and surges to work, add "and glaives or swords" to powered melee mods, even just projectiles doesnt have to activate on melee, allow all melee fragments to work with glaives. Glaives have absolutely amazing potential, yet they are almost unusable and impossible to properly implement.[/quote] Glaives are extremely good.

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        9 Replies
        • Edited by jamlordrevelator: 1/8/2024 1:35:54 PM
          [quote]As in right now, glaives are seeing almost zero gameplay, and there is sadly no surprise. They offer almost zero advantage or real use unlike normal weapons. Glaives have absolutely amazing potential, yet they are almost unusable and impossible to properly implement.[/quote] LOL. You need to maybe post a question asking how people are using glaives. Glaives are one of the best weapons for some content. They are incredibly powerful. They do 20 k damage, have a shield that can absorb and increase damage…lol you should try using them. When Glaives came out they literally turned one master dungeon into a walk in the park. The shield/melee/shoot combo is a game changer. I love using grapple with a glaive. I have used them for add clear and boss damage. They save me from having to use healing grenades in some content. Not a personal attack or criticism, I just hope you figure them out cause they are super fun to use. Edit: I am in favor of a melee, grapple buff. I am happy with the projectile damage but a buff wouldn’t break anything.

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        • That are better the more the content puts you at risk of dying. I get lots of use out of them in activities where I wording be using my special for anything else really.

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        • I don’t think Bungie likes melee. Epically not powerful melee. And yet they also don’t like us plinking away at enemies with ranged weapons either. 🤷‍♂️

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        • If I’m honest, I kinda feel like they’d be better off removing them or reworking them entirely. They don’t seem to fit, they feel clunky to use, they look outrageous being that big and it’s hard to make them work in most scenarios. Not to mention that there’s about 3 models and the the rest are reskins with the only unique one being a freaking fishing harpoon.

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        • Nah just delete this hack n slash in a FPS.

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        • The only 2 high-power activities I've found use for glaives in recently was The Coil (for reasons) and Legend difficulty weekly campaign missions with a team. Glaives turned surprisingly clutch against some Cabal Gladiators and Tormentors with the glaive shield, basically nullifying some of their attacks which would otherwise 1-tap or 2-tap you, especially melee attacks.

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          2 Replies
          • Edited by Fates-circle: 1/8/2024 11:49:51 AM
            I would like to see a buff to glaive melees, when I seen them originally I thought it would focus on that more rather than the projectile. Glaives should also do 100 melee damage in crucible.

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          • I think some small buffs could be helpful. General: - Increase reload speed by ~10% PvE: - Increase projectile damage another ~15% PvP: - Increase DR by ~10% - Allow Glaive blocking to reduce Witherhoard tick damage

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            1 Reply
            • [quote]As in right now, glaives are seeing almost zero gameplay, and there is sadly no surprise. They offer almost zero advantage or real use unlike normal weapons. I have for some time now tried to create a consistent glaive build that synergizes with mods and could be used for mid/late game content, but its almost impossible. almost no mod can be activated with glaives, no siphons, no surges. one two punch doesnt work with it, lot of fragments dont either. I suggest reworking a lot of mods to allow glaives to work with them. there is no reason for surges to not work with glaives, I have also noticed that some mods do activate, but only for projectiles from glaives, which makes no sense. allow siphons and surges to work, add "and glaives or swords" to powered melee mods, even just projectiles doesnt have to activate on melee, allow all melee fragments to work with glaives. Glaives have absolutely amazing potential, yet they are almost unusable and impossible to properly implement.[/quote] I will record some glaive combat for you later once i get home. <3

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              5 Replies
              • Edited by Rogue: 1/8/2024 12:12:43 AM
                Triton vice void hunter works really well for me. I just wish glaive melee worked with grappling hooks. As is it feels extremely clunky. For a while now strand hunter has been my go to, and it’s still what I prefer to pilot, but a triton vice void hunter has so many layers of defence. Devour to heal, stealth to avoid and the glaive to completely mitigate. For how strong glaives are at mitigating damage, they kind of have to deal less damage than other special weapons and I think that’s a personally reasonable trade off. I also imagine when Bungie added a defensive weapon to the game, they were expecting it would be less popular than the more aggressive alternatives, because that’s just standard across gaming. Something defensive needs to be overwhelming more powerful to get the attention of the average gamer. I think glaives are actually in a decent spot right now, but I would like their melee to work with more things

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                22 Replies
                • It takes all the rounds to take down a yellow bar

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                  • I'm still wondering even though we got the class Glaive buff why their still no catalyst for them that should have been out since WQ or at least during the light fall seasons

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                  • Glaives were the best thing to ever happen to the game...when they were new. Nerf after nerf just kinda has them feeling mediocre now.

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                    14 Replies
                    • Yes

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                    • When normal melee can one two you But a whole az spear takes four...... Three with surrounded... And the melee even with L2 held in, is slower..... It's a swing and a miss in this game. Literally..

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                    • For me, personally I don’t see much reason not to use them if they don’t have an intreating play style The exotic ones have some good use, the Titan one works well with saint 14 helm, though that exotic is, meh The arc for hunter would be fun with the new exotic arms for them, but I haven’t been interested in getting them for an arc build when there are alot that work better The solar one, hmm I can equip some boots and lumina and can do pretty much the same effect as they are more fun The other exotic ones, the heavy and the vex (can’t recall if there are any more exotic ones) are alright but not that interesting exept the heavy one, put that on my warlock Lastly, the normal ones I don’t see much use of them, as I’m pretty sure a gun will always beat a space magic stick

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                    • As someone who has over 10,000 kills on my Glaive. I support this post.

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                    • I don't even like glaives, I would like to though. Agreed they need something to reward/allow being in the thick of it. Rn the game just doesn't support it. Anyone know if the vow origin trait activates on melee or is it only shots

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