The entire new engram system is just one of the many convulted ideas each expansion. There's already significant to do in the game. How hard would it be to just bring the umbrella and gram to every vendor. But no they have to add eight steps for one easy step! It's like they never learn the simplest concepts. Gear caps ascendant cores the list goes on and on but they never seem to get the big picture. It would be nice if they just said hey we simplified a few things and here's one new system to learn at this point. Just my two cents
Changing things like mods and other stupid things like weapon perks are the only way for them to nerf thing without directly nerfing things. They can change the mod system fully so they can nerf us, but instead of saying they are nerfing us they say there is a cool new way to build craft. Everything that was used will still be used, but now the mods that gave us good buffs will require more building into it. This is what happened with the orbs of light nerf as well. They said their engine was the problem, but obviously it wasn't they added the stupid intrinsic foundry perks in place of orb gen. Why take orb gen away and add some bs, just put orb gen as a foundry mod for all weapons, no they wanted to nerf us, but didn't want to say they were nerfing us. That is why they do stupid things to nerf the player without saying they are nerfing the player.