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Edited by kritze: 10/25/2022 8:58:50 AM

freelance for all pvp activities please

I'm really trying to have fun with this messed up pvp in destiny, sometimes it works if your matchmaking isn't just totally for -blam!-. Opponent team consists of 4 clan members, finish the round with k-ratio of 10, 9, 7 and 5 and my team all solo players including me stink around on 0,7. I've had matches that were super balanced, both teams had a k-ratio of 2 to 3 but most of the time my head just turns red because it's no fun at all and it's just frustrating as hell. No wonder there are always players who leave the match. If you want to lure any players into your crappy PvP then optimize your crap too. Enough excitement, good night.

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  • Edited by ITS JUST DAVEY: 10/25/2022 2:27:01 PM
    Freelance trials and freelance iron banner and freelance comp is all we need.. what’s so hard about sticking close to team mates when running against a stacked team. Since sbmm I’ve played multiple stacked teams and apart from one or two who just kept circumventing the map getting captures and killing anything in their path with 6 guns all shooting at once was really difficult. I think I read that teams vs teams will be implemented next season so am gonna hold tight and go with the flow and just enjoy killing 💩 and being killed.

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  • Agree

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  • Just join a active PvP clan and play crucible with clans u don’t need to join a party just be a part of people I m strong against solo matchmaking for the crucible because matchmaking against 11 other with 11 other server u are not going ever to have fun my friend

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  • Edited by Animal Mother: 10/26/2022 3:34:35 PM
    I don’t care if it’s on quick play, until I hit the GM cap it’s 3 matches and done. But... I won’t even bother playing Trials without it and I would never play Survival if it weren’t there. I know I’ll never max my Glory out in freelance comp but I don’t care. If I cared about getting better I’d only run with a team. I play for fun though and I like freelance. Also, with a toddler running around I can’t be having headphones on all the time.

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  • It's a band-aid fix. Why not address the actual problems: - horrible lobby balancing - horrible SSBM formula - little to no incentives - horrible map rotation - horrible game type rotation - Adding competitive traits to [url=]"the right starting place when introducing new friends to Destiny."[/url]

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  • Team size match matching > freelance

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    • Edited by BoyarD: 10/25/2022 8:50:23 PM
      Prioritize placing teams against other teams. Freelance splits up the player pool, potentially making matches more unbalanced, laggy, and contributing to longer queues Edit: Heavier prioritization than there currently is*

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    • Agreed, and while they're at it they should stop forcing cross play for Trails. That's complete BS.

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    • Edited by The Woolldozer: 10/25/2022 6:21:22 PM
      What I don't understand is why they don't just do it like Overwatch. In Overwatch, they even out party sizes on each side. So, if one team has a group of 4, the other side most likely will as well. And if one team is solo-queuers, the other team should be also. Etc. That gets rid of the need for separate playlists which only spreads out the player base more, making the games that much laggier.

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      • Hey Guardian. Since at the moment -also we don't know about the future- Freelance Playlists are not an option in the game, you could try few simple tips to make your life easier when matched against Fireteams. At the beginning of every Match, check the Players to see if there are members in the Opponent Team who are playing together or are part of the same Clan. If you see that 3-4 of them are a Fireteam, set your mind to play in a more defensive way. Don't go solo. Try to stick with other people of your Team around. It's not necessary to use in-game chat or similar [i](also if it is preferible)[/i]. Just stay with the pack. Solo actions like taking Zones alone are not good when facing organized teams. Of course, avoid also gunfights against more players. If you turn an angle and there are 2-3 people and you're alone, run for your life. If you remain alone for every reason -maybe you're dead or your teammates around you are dead- run to the closer spawn to regroup. Don't waste yout Super or Heavy for a single kill. Try to keep it for when you face more enemies together. Play defensive. Being aggressive when you know there's a team of players stacking together and going hunting around shooting together in the same direction is not a good idea. When the match is over, stop the MM and wait few seconds. Then start a new queue. In this way you may avoid to be matched again against the same team. I know this is not much, but I hope it may help =)

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        4 Replies
        • Add freelance to control/clash/elim. Remove it from comp and trials.

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        • I'm not sure about all activities💀, but it should definitely be in Control playlist. Team energy vs. Team energy and Solo energy vs. Solo energy.

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        • 'Lone Wolf' playlists are a mistake and ultimately stifle general population skill.

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          • [quote]I'm really trying to have fun with this messed up pvp in destiny[/quote] Found your problem. lol

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          • Edited by AubsTheBelieber: 10/25/2022 6:03:20 AM
            Not gonna happen. 900k players may seem like alot but not when you divide it by: - 1,440 minutes in a day, so they have to be searching at the minute you happen to be out of 1,440 possible ones. - They have to pick the same mode you did. Example: You pick control, they can't be trying to play Trials, Survival, Elimination, Rumble, Etc. - And it is of the people online that are searching the same crucible mode, not doing a Raid, Dares, Duality, Grasp, Weekly Story, Preservation, Wellspring, Nightfall, Strikes and more. How many people do you think select the same Crucible activity as you, at the same minute in a 1,440 day, AND aren't being filtered out by Skill Based Match Making? 900k logins are way too low to mathematically be able to split the population into more activities, aka, adding freelance to each Crucible mode. That's why Trials hasn't got Freelance permanently still. Just not enough people searching at the same times. Because 900k is high for this game. It's usually only 500-600 k.

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            • Edited by Toppo: 10/25/2022 10:17:49 AM
              Coming from a totally different perspective but you should give this a read from a technical standpoint. D2 from the start was never meant for PVP + their network model (P2P-C2S) is flawed which has been carried since D1(heck even before - HALO). Even their Devs admitted they wasted 10 yrs just to develop it, so they can cut cost now in the cloud era where servers are Distributed and Edge located. So if you're infuriated by D2's PVP, Calm down. Also i get around 300-400ms to Destiny servers and i'm in Asia.

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            • 1
              Agreed 👍

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            • Every time the same.. Guys? That you are losing is not bc you are matched against sooo much teams, it is bc you are just bad in pvp. I tracked ur last 50 PvP activities. Know what found out? No matter if you are winning or losing a match you are most times the lower end of your team. You know the reason why you are not so good in pvp? BECAUSE YOU HAVE ONLY PLAYED AROUND 68 GAMES IN YOUR LIFETIME. Just play more and you will become stronger. Sorry, but it annoys me, that here are so many people who are not even playing that much pvp are complaining about it in that way. So many people lie to themself when they act like every 2nd match is full of teams or they are bad bc everbody is "cheating" xD. I can agree with you, when you say that the overall experience for everybody is not so well atm to many problems, connections issues and something like that. But what you describe is a 1 of 50 matches case in your personal experience. The most times you where just bad compared to the rest of your team.

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              • Honestly, I don’t care either way. As long as I can have fun then I’m all for freelance or no freelance.

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              • All of them except Trials and Comp (if/once it gets reworked).

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              • Streamers and drool cloths won’t allow it.

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              • Edited by Sweet Lew 88: 10/25/2022 12:50:20 AM
                Maybe play a solo game if you want to play freelance? Destiny is about fire teams, so having friends should be a high priority. You don't see the irony of wanting to play a team mode solo? The community manager even said making friends is the destiny endgame. Do you use the current freelance matchmaking to make friends?

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