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4/18/2022 7:34:23 PM

PvP Desperately Needs Skill Based Match Making

Now hear me out, I know this argument will be controversial but, just listen. If crucible and any PvP activity is to survive for long in Destiny they need to attract newer players, here's the problem with that though. New lights and people with little crucible playtime are constantly being matched with entire teams of enemies who only play crucible and only flawless trials and it is seriously killing the game mode. Nobody wants to play a game mode when they go on a 7 game lose streak constantly going against flawless 5000+ hour crucible players who just sweat swamp and stomp out any sort of fun within crucible and matchmaking. And I know, someone's going to say " Well SBMM only benefits the new lights and forces the high end players to play harder" and I say, why is that a problem, Your performance shouldn't rely on getting matched with people who have never played crucible before and swamping them, it will kill crucible and it will kill Trials and the iron banner when stuff like this happens. New lights and lower tier crucible players should not be getting matched with Flawless toxic elitists.

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  • Haha the preemptive comeback is great lol. I doubt people will be able to understand it but you’re completely right. Also, “get good” in this context translates to “quit your job and dump your girlfriend bc this is your life now”. Ridiculous if you ask me.

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  • 100% Agree. I've posted so many times about how terrible matchmaking is. Thank you. Bungie, new maps won't fix this, not sure if you knew or not..

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  • Edited by Ferus Lux: 4/21/2022 6:02:24 AM
    Ferus Lux
    Ferus Lux

    "I see what you are...I see fear." - old

    Bungie: *Enables SBMM* Community: Very good Bungie except for one thing...get rid of SBMM and everything will be great.

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    3 Replies
    • Bad players playing bad players gives them a false sense of security that they can compete with good players because they are the best of the worst. I'm not the best PVP player, but I've learned a lot playing with people outside my skill range. I take the good with the bad, sometimes my team stomps the enemy team and other times we get stomped and occasionally we have a close match. Id rather have that then 100% constant sweating and being forced to use certain loadouts to compete. Side Note: SBMM in the past added a lot of time to queue times, as it stands right now you can get into a match pretty quick. But with SBMM it could take a very long time for the algorithm to match up people in your bracket.

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      • Wrong. SBMM ruins normal pvp games and ruins being able to play with friends. You're friends who might not be as good as you will be bumped to your level and not enjoy the constant sweaty games. Normal pvp should be casual, with some easy games and some hard games. SBMM is only good for competitive gamemodes where the goal is to rise to the top of leaderboards or ranks.

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      • We've come full circle. Seeing a lot of these topics come up lately. Lets play devils advocate, look back and see some of the arguments from the other side. Some easy threads I've found : [url=]"Get rid of skill based matchmaking" - November 2019[/url] [url=]"Remove Skill based matchmaking" - December 2019[/url] [url=]"Please remove Skill Based Matchmaking" - March 2020[/url] [url=]"Remove Skill Based Matchmaking" - February 2016[/url] To be fair - I think there is a balance in the middle somewhere. It's just interesting to see how the community has responded to this particular topic over the years.

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        9 Replies
        • Bungie needs to realise that the top 10% of PvP and all the unbroken and flawless are not the only ones of the PvP community. Both ends of the spectrum must be considered, catering to only the the top will completely kill anyone's sense of wanting to try cruvible because of all the negative reviews it will receive, this driving away new lights and first tike crucible players. What happened to trials will happen to crucible where top tier players and streamers will have to rely on running carries for lower tier players to even keep a chance of keeping the game mode alive. The fact that the only opinions considered are people in the higher tiers of PvP and ones with thousands of hours ofbpkaytime is only ever getting one side of the arguments, if you have people that only ever play 50 or even just 100 hours and then quit and never play again, you obviously have a massive problem with keeping and maintaining newer players.

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          • Edited by LilBlkCloud: 4/19/2022 5:22:57 PM
            Lol Why do you guys even bother. Clearly Bungie does not intend to improve Crucible in any meaningful way. It's over. It is what it is. Ain't never going to change. Just do what I do and play better games for PvP.

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          • The problem is the sandbox/PvP team and their management. There is so much wrong with PvP and the blame lies with this group.

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          • Look at that ABSOLUTE EFFING GARBAGE LOBBY BALANCING. In what world is that fair?!?!?! Look at those ELO rating differences. WHY THE HELL ARE ALL THOSE PEOPLE ON THE SAME TEAM AGINST A TEAM FULL OF BRONZE PLAYERS???? This keeps happening all weekend long. It's effing mind blowing. Just look at that. That is how Bungie balances the lobbies. Puts a ton of people who don't belong together on the same team and they get a mercy win. It makes no sense at all. This is miserable.

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          • Edited by Hero: 4/19/2022 3:14:04 PM
            All the boo boo kiddies are gonna vote no cause they’re afraid of not farming scrubs.

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            7 Replies
            • I think the bigger problem is with the team balancing, atm the matches seem to be pre ordained outcomes, I had a match not too long ago against a team who had a 100% win chance 🤯, they weren't even a 6 stack. Even within cbmm, there should be something there that at least attempts to balance out the lobby

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            • 1 mode sbmm in valor playlist. would be nice. preferably 4v4 or 6v6.

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            • Edited by PoohBearBeBe: 4/19/2022 12:54:36 PM
              I agree something needs to change. PvP is cannibalizing itself. I wouldn't encourage any new player to step into that mess lol. I don't know what the answer is...but the matchmaking is awful in this game.

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            • As a Destiny player you are contractually obligated to provide easy matches to those who play Destiny like a job. The sword logic is thus- they refuse to play [b]skill peers[/b] because [quote]I don't want to sweat.[/quote] You must sweat. Duty bound. Every match. How else will they get those sweet 60 kill montages?

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            • I don’t know why people default to skill based matchmaking being an issue in a game where the devs very obviously neglect PvP and when they do update it, it’s to add something that’s completely over-tuned and ruins the gameplay experience for an entire year until they nerf it/ add something else and ruin it again. Or even the fact that it’s a (multi-billion dollar) triple A game studio with seemingly a single laptop running the entire game server so that there’s Atleast one person you match in PvP at 10,000 ping and rubberbanding through walls. The fact new players aren’t enjoying PvP isn’t because of SBMM it’s because it’s not enjoyable to play. Period.

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              2 Replies
              • Why so we can hear sweats complaining that MM is to hard, cause they cant get the kills they are use to or it ruins their KD like we heard last time the sweats cried foul. Skilled based MM should be in comp nothing else.

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                • SBMM will never happen again sweats cry, this game never has balance. PVP is consistently trash. Realistically SBMM will never work because Bungie is still in 2022 using P2P. I don't think I've played a game in where the lobbies are so consistently tipped in favor of 1 side. It's been 2+ years and not a whole lot has improved, don't get me started on the lack of maps or a lobby vote on maps. I used to like pvp and now I don't have interest in it and the few times I jump in I remember why I stopped playing. And their is almost no variety in loadouts either

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                • Streamers can't make montages from SBMM. Let's ignore trying to train people into high skills tiers so that the pool for Streamers actually grows. Short term thinking is everywhere. Long term thinking is extinct.

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                • Won't happen bungies babies will have a temper tantrum.

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                  • Edited by SILLABYSS: 4/19/2022 2:41:51 PM
                    [quote]Now hear me out, I know this argument will be controversial but, just listen. If crucible and any PvP activity is to survive for long in Destiny they need to attract newer players, here's the problem with that though. New lights and people with little crucible playtime are constantly being matched with entire teams of enemies who only play crucible and only flawless trials and it is seriously killing the game mode. Nobody wants to play a game mode when they go on a 7 game lose streak constantly going against flawless 5000+ hour crucible players who just sweat swamp and stomp out any sort of fun within crucible and matchmaking. And I know, someone's going to say " Well SBMM only benefits the new lights and forces the high end players to play harder" and I say, why is that a problem, Your performance shouldn't rely on getting matched with people who have never played crucible before and swamping them, it will kill crucible and it will kill Trials and the iron banner when stuff like this happens. New lights and lower tier crucible players should not be getting matched with Flawless toxic elitists.[/quote] Skill based matchmaking shouldn’t be controversial- it should be normal in a game that is not exclusively PvP For too long this PvP community has been allowed to stomp their way against newbs to end level content- making the entire process pointless to everyone- PvP flawless means nothing because you literally stomped the worst in the game to get there - and those getting stomped get tired of not having a chance and just stop playing The irony is that when the newbs and casuals dont play the regulars have to play each other - and then the real crying begins - like we’re seeing now SBM is fair for everyone- Bungie just needs to build loot tiers so the higher you go in the skill pool the more rewarding it gets

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                    • Edited by Sky Wolf6: 4/20/2022 10:52:00 AM
                      I'll make a new comment to address some of the points in the comments 1) Yes i know that elim and survival have SBMM already in it, and they work is the thing, the reason why no one plays them is because those two gamemodes are arguably the worst to play. 2) the only people i see defending against SBMM in crucible are higher tier players, which completely proves my argument that they don't want crucible to change cause they don't want to give up farming lower tier players. 3) I want crucible to be fun for everyone, i would love to play more cruvible but the overall game mode is stale and bland because this CBMM and team balancing basically makes you rely on getting matched up with a god which overall ruins the crucible experience because then they just do all the work and you just sit on the sidelines not doing anything, which is never a good way to structure a PvP community 4) For those saying, "just get good" or "your supposed to adapt to the challenge and get more experience" that argument goes against itself, you can't expect someone to get better and learn when they've been killed within 3 seconds off spawning in. A loose SBMM system would be the perfect ideal way to achieve this, especially if they can pair it with regional servers and a bit of CBMM allowing for good connection and proper matchmaking which in turn would lead to fair fights and lower tier players actually getting to experience crucible from the frontlines which in turn leads to a more thriving and better experienced community. They shouldn't have to rely on god himself being put on the team to do all the work and they shouldn't have to fight against superman moving at lightspeed who knows all the good spots and weapons and just stomps out the flames of anyone under him. The only people who are against a system like this being placed are the 1% and streamers because they won't be able to go on their 40+ killstreak games against mindless players like me who have little to no knowledge of the playstyle and the meta builds of crucible.

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                      4 Replies
                      • Believe it or not there is skill based matchmaking in survival and elimination. But it’s actually garbage I don’t care what people say… I someone who isn’t great but isn’t bad constantly gets put up against people who have went flawless multiple times in trials, has gilded unbroken, and often times has 20,000+ overall kills or even 9,000 seasonal kills. While I myself have never went flawless, no unbroken, and only has 15,000 kills which is the most out of me and my friends… It’s so terrible and needs to be improved. My win rate is the highest it’s been in a long time and it’s sitting at 37% and mind you I only play Survival and occasionally iron banner. I’ve had it as low as 20% which says more about the matchmaking than my skill. Bungie should work it so that EVERY player gets about 60% win rate for game enjoyment.

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                        • Edited by Je_Super_Fly: 4/21/2022 5:23:33 AM
                          I believe everybody knows that SBMM is the way it should be. I believe those that pretend to disagree want to continue to enjoy beating inferior completion to boost their own enjoyment and stats but deep down they know it’s not how it show be structured. Think about it...almost all competitive activities have SBMM. High School sports do not compete against college athletes. In fact, some High Schools and Colleges don’t even compete against other High Schools and Colleges that are rated significantly lower. Sure, some FBS teams play slaughter games against FCS schools but they never play Division II or III schools because the match making just doesn’t make sense to put two competitors that are that far away in skill in a competitive game. Gym rec leagues don’t play against pro teams, in competition you just don’t stage a competition where the skill level is naturally so far apart. Now Bungie might not be able to figure out how to do it well, there may not be a way without sacrificing something else, connection issues or que delay might make it too hard to implement. Regardless of the obstacles that may prevent it, the reality of truth is that SBMM is the standard measure for almost all completions everywhere. So whether we agree or disagree, whether it can be done or not...the fact remains...SBMM is the way it should be, like almost all competitive activities almost everywhere in the world.

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                          3 Replies
                          • In a perfect world you are right . Maybe if Bungie could region lock matchmaking as well so connections stay fairly good. In the past SBMM has lead to so much lag that they end up reverting back to CBMM

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