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2/5/2022 4:44:34 AM

Destiny 2 has reached a point of pure psychological torment for too many players

now i love the feel of destiny's gun play and combat, its really fun, unfortunately it has no equal, so over the past few years its slowly descended into a very nasty place, it is now at a point where it actively preys upon certain psychological issues if you dont happen to own the season pass for the season you will constantly have alerts telling you someone want to talk to you, with no way to get rid of said alert because you cant interact with that NPC, that takes advantage of people OCD and i know people are sick of hearing FOMO mentioned when destiny is involved, but its truly the #1 preyed on issue, because it preys on the #1 most prevalent psychological issue in the world, Anxiety Disorders, which gets triggered near constantly by destinies incessant need to make people buy the current season or DLC or risk being locked out of massive parts of the game and unable to play with friends that would have access to that content and probably the worst part of all is even though Destiny 2 is a free to play game... its not, after witch queen drops you'll only be able to access the EDZ, Nessus and maybe the dreaming city.... thats it, and its a Paris Hilton [i](the "just stop being poor" issue for all you youngins)[/i] situation with Bungie, they seemingly prefer it tis way, they haven't given any proof of the opposite, just "we will try and cut down on the FOMO" then proceeding to double down on it honestly for those of us that cant afford to keep paying anywhere from $60-$100 a year to keep up to date, or those of us that took a break and now would have to pay $165 (not including tax) to even be able to play when witch queen drops, its horrible and disgusting thats not even talking about the absolutely disgusting effects of what happens to players who love the game but cant play, it cause Severe Depression, Anxiety issues, and even Manic episodes in rare cases its almost as bad as Warcraft Addiction, seriously its as if Bungie hired a team of Psychologists to teach them how to prey on the human mind so they could milk players for their money then toss aside the ones who were to poor to play anymore this needs to stop, at this point is a Psychological hazard to the gaming community and the Devs seem to either not know, not understand, or not care and maybe even revel in it this is probably going to be my last ever interaction with destiny and its community, mostly being that because of their screw up with game pass im locked out of 80% of the game and im not paying nearly $200 to fix it, i have to save that money for the damn therapy to reverse the issues the game and its Developers gave me and my friends so good luck on your adventures im out of here ~PEACE~

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  • Wow maybe you should get outside more? I have no issues with money and buy everything for the game but ill be damned it gives be depression or anxiety.....thats a real issue and this is just a game. If i cant afford it I'll go play farmin sim 22 or whatever else. Real issue in this game are the players and toxic -blam!- attitudes...bunch of punkass 13 year olds walking around chest thumpin trying to be all a game and trying to make up for life issues. Oh yeah yo add 1 thing before i go.....Bunjie don't give 2 F's about you or me or any of us....they only want the money so if they can play off your mental issues hell be damned cause they will

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  • If you have an actual problem, consider playing single player games. A live service multiplayer game is not for you

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  • I needed a laugh today. Thanks for that. It's not Destiny's fault that many today are weak willed and malleable.

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    • [i]Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice what is more easily explained by incompetence or stupidity." [/i] The point of Hanlon's Razor is reminds people of the unhealthy tendency that we have to want to see ourselves as victims of other people's machinations. The reality is that screwing someone over takes time, effort, and energy...and that most of us simply aren't important enough to other people to expend that kind of energy on. So when we find ourselves on the end of something we don't like, it almost always due to an unfortunate series of events. Not malicious intent on someone else's part. 1. This game is the product of almost a decade long struggle for control within Bungie, and between Bungie and Activision. Between factions that see this game as an MMO/RPG/FPS hybrid.....and those who simply wanted a shooter that was a successor to Halo. [b]The first faction WON that struggle. [/b] So anyone who is expecting this game to NOT become more and more of an RPG with each passing season and year, are just setting themselves up for disappointment. I fully understand that this is perhaps NOT what some people want. Which is why----when Bungie started calling Destiny 2 an "action-MMO"---I came here the very NEXT DAY and tried to warn people that the game would start to change in ways that some of them weren't going to like. That the "unification of vision" that swept through Bungie's own ranks, was going to come to the player base. ....and here we are. Unfortunately in situations like this there are winners...and there are losers. But Bungie is not going to go back, and there comes a point where some are going to have to possibly reconsider their relationship to the game if they aren't happy with the direction its going. 2. This is not a FTP game, and Bungie did not "invent" the things you are unhappy with. The business model of this game is pretty standard for MMOs. a. The Devs give away old content....including the base game....for free. This keeps the barrier to entry for new players, and lasped former players, low. Making it easier to grow the game, and replace/recover players lost to attrition. b. The model then makes its money by a combination of selling the player NEW content in the form of expansions, as well as cosmetic microtransactions. Which makes point "a" possible, financially. c. These kinds of games are expensive to make and to maintain...and profit margins are slim. Especially when there is no monthly subscription fee involved. Which is why jsut about every game that set out to compete with Destiny in this arena has either failed......or is barely hanging on and starving for content. As well as why Sony bought Bungie outright, and has apparenly set aside over a billion dollars in employee incentives to make sure that those employees stay put at Bungie. Because Sony wants to leverage Bungie's experience and expertise for live-service games for the array that Sony is saying they plan to launch. 3. Addiction is never the responsibility of anyone or anything other than the addict himself. The moment the "blame" gets shifted somewhere else? That's the disease talking.

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      8 Replies
      • Important fact: If a video game tortues you, it‘s not the games fault. You‘ve got to work on your mental health buddy. Here have some resources:

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      • on today's edition of ridiculous things people post on the forums, Bungie is bad for charging for their game.

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        • Yea how about you stop worrying about video games and go find some actual professional help?….

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            • Edited by KayOsS882: 2/6/2022 2:58:20 AM
              Sure, because it’s destiny’s fault that people have mental issues. SMH. Its like blaming drug dealers for your drug addiction and financial difficulties due to drugs. People in this community never take responsibility for anything. Always blaming someone else. Is it bungies fault that you take this game too seriously? Is it bungies fault that you cant out duel another player? Is it Bungie fault that you’re playing a RNg base game and RNG is not going your way? Is it bungies fault that you continue to play?

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              • Edited by PashWagon501: 2/6/2022 4:59:04 PM
                With the money thing, for me if you enjoy it then its vfm, if you don't then it's not. Quite simple. The rest though I do get, because for people affected by this stuff then it's not as simple as saying 'get over it' or other glib remarks because for those people it's, sadly, not as simple as that. I quit D2 for a while mainly because of this (edit - by this I mean how it affected people I was running with). A person I played regular with it transpired clearly was affected by this type of issue with Destiny. They got real angry with me just because I did the oracles for Whisper catalyst on my own (even though I'd said i would still take them through it next time they were on). I'm not playing games or helping out for grief in return, nor am I being told what I can and cant do by people I don't know irl, so decided I was too old for this -blam!- and bailed. Now I'm back I'm just soloing what I can and not being dictated to, either by the game or by other people, and it's great! I'll get WQ because there's enough for a 2 to 3 hour a day player to do and stay entertained, even if I don't hit all endgame. If I decide I really want the endgame then, when I'm ready, I'll search it out. There are more than enough good guardians out there who will be the same ethos as me, same time-bound etc you just have to put yourself out there when you're ready and find them. Or don't, and just be happy with what you have.

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              • Turn the game off

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                4 Replies
                • Psychological torment is [i][b]WONDERFUL.[/b][/i] GIVE INTO THE [b]CHAOS[/b]

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                  • I think your first mistake was asking for mental health help from here it is useful but places like this not the best spot

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                    • Edited by Smough: 2/6/2022 1:53:37 AM
                      If you are so addicted to something that it causes psychological problems, then you don’t need to come and complain on the forums, you need to seek real life professional help. Chances are if you can become that addicted to a game? It’s possible you could easily become addicted to something much worse.

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                      • Edited by Orpheus Kell of Oracles: 2/6/2022 3:04:03 AM
                        I’d agree with you except in the grand scheme of things Destiny is a very affordable hobby. I mean if you can’t afford to pay for destiny content every year how do you afford internet or the hardware to play it on? Can you afford batteries or the electric bill? If someone thinks destiny’s expensive I’d challenge them to try and see what it’s like to own a car … lol

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                        2 Replies
                        • Honestly, people crying over 60-100$ per year for their HOBBY is absolutely cringe. This isn't a single player game that you play once for the story and it's done. It's a game that you can play consistently and put thousands of hours into without getting bored(and if you do, go take a break and come back later). I'm a newer player and I was able to pick up every DLC+ the last 3 seasons during a steamsale (that happens often enough for destiny 2) If you enjoy the game enough, you're gonna find a few $$ here and there to save up for the new seasons/expansions and you know waaaay ahead of time how much to save for. If you can't afford it, wait for steam sales or mow someones lawn for an hour or two. It's not that hard, or expensive and this is coming from a full time mature student paying my own way.

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                          • $165 for what exactly?

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                            14 Replies
                            • warcraft has ruined so many marriages and relationships its crazy. people lost jobs over the game at one time they said warcraft was as bad as drugs

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                              • Destiny finished for me when GoS because for some reason then to now the pinnacle system is absolute rubbish. The more I chased the more I just got so fed up dismantling crap time and time again. I bought Beyond Light and the campaign just seem to lead me down the same route with nothing changing. I done it on my Titan and have never ever chased Aspects because the Titan Melee never hit anything so I thought cant be bothered with that and I'm definitely not going to do it all again on another character..... but not literally doing anything on Europa... nothing I thought well let's raid and get the Vex. Well 40 runs and just more crap to dismantle that was enough. I'm pretty much done now. Its just fighting a battle of just play the same thing on and on for stuff to dismantle. I have that much Gunsmith materials and shards from deleting crap. And no... I dont want to do the same lost sector I've done millions of times for a exotic that will probably drop after the 30th attempt. I was hoping with Sony they would take control and sort this mess out but it seems they are just going to let them destroy the franchise doing the same lazy, short cut minimum like they have been doing.

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                              • Real advice; uninstall the game and never look back. destiny uses every trick in the book to pull players in and get them to spend money. if you dont enjoy the game or its content just leave. you will thank yourself a hundredfold later. I know i spend too much time in this game and buy every dlc, but i have fun doing it and for that im fine with it.

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                                2 Replies
                                • Agreed. And it seems the only solution is to leave the game (and the toxic jerks keep giving that as the answer instead of holding the devs and executives accountable) which sucks 😞 Working through leaving because even though the game is fun, it has too many design coding issues that are infected and inbred with narcissism and greed and apathy, and that energy seeps into the coding and then infects the players. (Makes sense why the toxic players are more toxic and why those of us who have these issues are suffering more, huh? 🤔) And yes, it has been proven many game companies hired newly minted psychologists over the last decade or so on how to make their games addictive. There was cross pollination with casinos as well. Should tell you something of greed.

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                                • Edited by TheShadow: 2/6/2022 1:58:55 PM
                                  Ib4 too many trolls make their lame comments. Manipulation to Bungie is more important to them than making a game. Gaming has gone to -blam!- because of companies like Bungie that only think about themselves.

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                                • If Destiny is a trigger for your anxiety, I suggest you stop playing. I get what you're saying and I've always disliked the DCV. But if you're not happy with the game, just stop playing. I quit Midway into Red War and didn't pick it back up until midway into Forsaken when it improved. Maybe it'll improve one day. Plenty of other great games out there, Guardian. Hit up the sales, you'll always find excellent gems in them. Its pretty much how I've found all the other great games I play now. Heck, I barely play D2 these days myself. I keep the hobby going purely for the lore content. D2 just delivers a mediocre experience in all other aspects and my other games provide a more rewarding experience in regards to PvE and PvP content.

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                                  • McDonald's chose specific colors to make people feel more Hungry. That's preying on the Human mind. It's done everywhere. Destiny has always been Pay 2 Play. This is what happens when F2P is introduce and causes this. Saw the same thing happen to SWTOR.

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                                    • 4

                                      between the ether & the void - old

                                      Looking at your game history.. you barely touch this game.. You haven't broker 1300 on any character. What gives?

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                                      • Companies do this. Massive companies worth billions of dollars are predators. This shouldn’t be news to anyone. They care about no one. Which is why their virtue signaling is so repulsive. Your choice? Use their products, or don’t. No amount complaining will change their course. Doesn’t hurt to bring it up once in awhile though.

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