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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by MissPerfectlyFine: 4/4/2022 1:46:05 PM

1. A Dream Comes True (FANFICTION =D)

This is my first fanfiction so if it is terrible don't be mean to me please ☹ It's thinking about Lightfall and the lore Dark Future, doesn't the Traveler leave? I'm a little confused on what's supposed to happen so this story may not be at all accurate. Thora knew this day would come. The voice had showed it to her, and the voice was never wrong. She'd heard them shouting at each other from where she, Lidy and Cal were watching a movie in the living room. Thora had always thought it was a silly movie, now that she was ten. But Lidy was only six, and Cal was five, and they loved it and had watched it many times. Thora turned it up, trying to cover the raised voices she could hear coming from her parents' room. They never did this. Lidy and Cal hadn't noticed. They didn't know anything about it. Thora had seen it, years and years ago, when she was even younger than them. She hadn't known when it would happen, only that it would. None of the terrible things in store for her family had been hidden from her, in all the years they'd been perfectly happy, Thora had lived in secret fear. When the movie was over she hastily suggested they go upstairs and build a pillow fort in Lidy's room. Lidy had a loft bed, and underneath was where her dolls lived, with their beds and kitchen set. It was the perfect place to build a pillow fort and Cal and Lidy fell asleep under all the blankets. Thora tucked them in and brought Cal his favorite stuffed dinosaur that he always slept with. She looked at her watch. It was very, very late, and neither of their parents had come to check on them. She tip-toed down the stairs. It was very quiet. Maybe, just maybe, the voice was wrong and everything was alright. She pushed her parents' bedroom door open and peeked inside, and felt her heart drop into the pit of her stomach. Mama was asleep on the edge of the bed, facing the door and Daddy had his back to her far away on the other side. They never slept like this, every time she came in here they always looked happy, snuggled up with their arms around each other. She ran upstairs as fast as she could, digging through her drawers until she found the sketchbook and flipped through it to see what would happen next. This was where she'd recorded her dreams, the things the voice had shown her, years and years ago. She had spent the last five years trying not to think about it and forgetting it, but now she needed to know. She saw her parents angry at each other and the things they'd said written in little bubbles. She saw herself turning up the movie, dragging her siblings upstairs for the pillow fort. She saw her parents sleeping on the opposite sides of the bed, something they had never done in more than five years of her sneaking in and peeking at them to make sure they were still happy. She turned the page and gasped. A shadowed figure was standing in their living room, hand on the front doorknob, with a bag over his shoulder. Daddy was leaving. When would that happen? Had she included the clock by the TV in her drawing? Yes, she had. Eleven fifty-seven. Right now, the clock by her window said eleven fifty-four. She hurried down the stairs and hid in the kitchen to see if he would really leave. She heard Mama and Daddy's door creak open, and metal-booted footsteps cross the house. She listened, trembling, as Daddy's Ghost whispered, "Crow... are you sure you want to do this?" "I have to," Daddy whispered. "It's better this way. I have to save you. They're talking about finding the Traveler- we have to get our light back! I'll come back here when we do. I'm not leaving forever." "I sure hope this is the right thing to do. I don't... Oh, Crow, they'll miss you. This won't be easy for them. I don't want it all to be because of me." "This is my choice." Thora listened as he pulled the door open. She wanted to run out after him and beg him not to go. Wasn't he even going to come say goodbye?

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