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Edited by Link: 10/16/2021 5:04:27 PM

Bungie desperately wants us to increase playtime… by throttling gameplay.

Bungie just nerfed the wrathborn and expunge farm for candy and pages to force players to complete 100 strikes instead of finishing the event quickly. Here is what I don’t understand: why make players do more long boring core activities? Surely it’s understood that people are farming these 3 minute activities because they aren’t boring, broken or completely neglected unlike strikes, crucible and gambit. This idea of squeezing as much playtime out of us artificially by removing fun and speedy farms, rather than fixing the current playlists that offer no fun factors and have been virtually unchanged in years is just a testament to where priorities lie as a company. Instead of throttling candy and pages, how about incentivise use to play gambit? Crucible? Especially strikes? Gambit has been a broken, boring, repetitive mess for the past year or more and has seen no changes. Strikes have seen no changes since year 1 and don’t NEARLY compare to how good the playlist was in d1 (specifically: score, better modifiers, better and more rewarding loot, strike specific gear). Just a little something to think about. P.S: Buff leviathans breath

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  • Edited by Yellowgate: 10/16/2021 3:13:01 AM
    Its not about the event. Its about getting you to spend more money. And the only way you will do that is to keep you in the game. Same with the way you have to grind to Level 16 in Crucible, Strikes and Gambit TWICE to get the ornaments. Even a lot of the Seasonal Weekly tasks are nothing more than forcing you into Crucible and Gambit for some XP and Bright Dust. These "events" are nothing more than a way to get you to the Eververse store .. Look at all the shiny new stuff we have. The base game is there to get you to the events and the seasons. Look at the way every expansion is there to get you invested and after its finished, and the raid has activated something that doesn't really matter, they are left to fester. Because the seasons are here and what gets a refresh every three months ?? .. Eververse. What has happened story wise on the Moon or Europa since the end of Shadowkeep or Beyond Light ?? .. Eris has gone, two years since that happened nearly. Not a peep. And Eramis is still frozen and sits there like a pointless popsicle. The Pyramids have sat there doing nothing. The much feted Darkness destroyed half the locations in the game and are now sat parked doing .. well, nothing. We are apparently friends with the fallen but still continue to roam the EDZ, Europa and anywhere else they are murdering them for bounties .. but hey, buy a baby Fallen plsuhie on the Store. And how many items have been put into Eververse ?? Strikes have been ignored. Gambit certainly has. And the PVP has been forgotten about. All that "renewed focus on PVP" was because they wanted you to buy something. The 30th Anniversary "Celebration" is nothing more than selling us what many have already paid for, in Gally's case perhaps for the THIRD time. These events are all cut from the same cloth. A grindy experience. Bullet sponge bosses in an enclosed space with pushback or stomp mechanics. RNG loot. Its their blueprint for everything. Every season pass event is a variation on a horde mode. RNG loot. And god forbid you find a way to get through the content quicker. That gets squashed real quick. My kid plays this game a lot. He's new to it. But even he is getting tired of doing a 15 minute strike for two pointless blues. Tired of waiting for a single item to drop to hit 1330 while you get duplicates all day from your so called Pinnacles. Just getting tired to be honest. I ran a couple of these Haunted Sectors, got the Nessus one three times in a row. And a river of Horror Stories. Haven't been back. I think its time to move on. I have been playing games like Cuphead recently, that cost me £16, not enough for two sets of the Eververse armour in Destiny World. Hours of fun and I still haven't beaten all the bosses. And you can tell the people who made it cared about what their customer was paying for. Look at the state of the games core activities. And then the sheer amount of tat Bungie put in Eveverse, shows you where their focus is. And it isn't going to change. The only thing to do is get on the Witch Queen hype train, which showed us very little in the presentation but really did try to sell us stuff like the Collectors Edition, or move on. I don't really like Bungie very much anymore. Or their game. Option B for me.

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    13 Replies
    • If people melt bosses too quickly, why not increase the health instead of time/health gating. I would rather slowly chip away at a boss with 10x more health than keep dealing with the same damage boss > wave of ads > damage boss repeated play.

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    • If people finish things too fast... they should add more, not take away.

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    • Edited by DNF2005: 10/18/2021 1:38:47 PM
      We need a festival “NPC” mask already Need a meme on social media as well “Play your way” BUT You must use bungie’s load outs You must use bungie’s subclass You must complete activities according to bungie’s timeframe You can not deviate from the script

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    • Agreed. And the 10 cap on light level is just another power creep/crawl, makes me want to quit midseason nothing to work for. Bounties take longer. Some don’t register at all. Crucible Drops into games that are already over, but don’t register the match (so you get absolutely wrecked by the other team’s supers for nothing). They ruined the grind. Desperate but sadly greedy and misguided.

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    • I don't care if anyone agrees or disagrees with my opinion, but anyone saying... [b]"If you don't like it then don't play it"[/b] is not an argument, it's a cowardly way out of one and is saying you don't want to look for a solution or anything helpful for the community at all. It is used as an excuse for how Un-creative this company has been for a while now for the millions they literally have made off the player base creating these events, and other activities. [spoiler]In spite of how much anyone likes this game, and there is nothing wrong with that. If Bungie is not going to put in the effort into the content they create like these events while asking for feedback at the same time? Then they need to stop lying to the player base face saying "we want feedback to improve the content in this game". It's distasteful and that says a lot about the company in spite of how much anyone likes the game or company. Call it whatever you want, I don't care. The truth is, this company should be doing a hell of a lot better work for the amount of money given to them.[/spoiler] Since Activision left this game has gone backward when it comes to being creative, having that inspiration to do right by the player base, and the grind time has majorly increased, but Eververse has majorly moved forward. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the millions Bungie makes from Eververse was to help fund these events? (creating actually new content, ) not just reusing content like lost sectors and old loot.

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      14 Replies
      • It's not the first time this happened my dude. Ever since the loot cave in d1 got shafted, people should've expected it. For a not as old example, the black armory forges that never should've been vaulted, has several exploits where you could just sit around, and get loot without even playing. Granted i don't exactly blame them for the first time they shafted it, cause you could litterilly leave your console or pc on overnight in the playlist, with a full inventories worth of loot when you wake up. After that though, it got a little tedious. Their are other examples, but that's just bungie for you. "Y'all don't agree with our system, and would rather use a exploit? Welllllllll to bad". Granted it's their game, so it's always up to them if certain exploits stay or not. With the loot/power level system we have, it never doesn't seam like bungie wants us to take a break. They've tried to get players to take a break and visit content later in the past. Especially the streamer gladd. If you ask me, it doesn't matter who's right or wrong, never tell a player when they should, or should not play your game. Always have another game to play than just destiny my dude. No matter how good or bad the season. Otherwise, the bad parts of destiny will feel worse than they actually are, and you WILL ruin your destiny experience unintentionally. Bungie really should take the hint as to why this is a thing. To recap, bungies been like this forever, and always have another game to play regardless of the season, cause we need more than destiny in our lives, yet bungie appears to feel that way, and does not act that way. 9 times outa 10, bungies feelings about destiny never match their actions. Unfortunately you gotta get used to it.

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      • Bungie like nothing more than wasting our time, they suffer FOMO more than anyone else when it comes to our disposable income. They drag out what little content there is using anti-farm algorithm and under hand tactics to try and get us to play unrewarding pointless activities for absolutely no reason other than to prevent us from playing other games. WQ and 30 year pack can kiss my azz im not getting either of them.

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        6 Replies
        • People are finally realizing how truly terrible this game is. Just a boring hamster wheel. Once Halo releases, who the hell is going to want to login to Destiny to run this old content that never gets updated?

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          64 Replies
          • They did? It's a good thing I finished and got my sparrow! It looks sweet! :D

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          • Edited by draycole: 10/17/2021 4:04:53 PM
            I like how bnet is working it's way into a q-anon/project Veritas esque conspiracy website

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            5 Replies
            • I think it's a smaller picture on this one. Wrath hunts and expunge are old content. They don't want people to feel like they need to go buy deluxe edition in order to farm the event.

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            • 0

              Gansito - old

              Sokka: Its so dark in here, I cant see a thing Toph: Oh no, what a nightmare (sarcastic) Sokka: Sorry Im toph in this scenario. I just dont care. Its easy to get candy and pages as it is

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            • Edited by Tufcat: 10/17/2021 3:39:16 AM
              [b]Ron Pearlman voice[/b]: Bungie, Bungie never changes

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            • I took my mask off, see in WQ 22222.

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            • What really bothers me is the Destiny Content Vault. Seriously, I miss some content, and right now, there's nothing which topped some locations or strikes of those Bungie did remove. I am patient. I wanna see what's coming back, but the quality and quantity of that returning content will be my motivation or demotivation, to continue or not, with the game. At one side, Bungie is very conservative with his game, at the other they are very radical with it. - None of that is optimal.

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            • Bungie’s trying to stretch out content to last weeks?! GTFO!! Next you’re going to tell me Bungie is going to start time gating content so I can only do a little bit of a quest each week to draw it out so I don’t finish everything in a couple days. Yeah right, man. Destiny 2 in 2018 is gonna be just like Destiny 2 in 2017. We’re going to get all the content in a single drop, and beating it all will happen as quickly as you can get through it. I can’t wait for the Black Armory too, and in week 1 have all four Forges unlocked. I should have all the god rolls by week 2 tops.

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              2 Replies
              • So can I chalk what you just said as a I have said this already got -blam!- on for it nothing was done about it. Zero fun the game.

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              • This is why I just don’t engage with most events any more. Remember, you have the choice. I don’t bother grinding anything in this game that I don’t fully enjoy.

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                1 Reply
                • Imagine if Bungie reacted this quickly or with such fervor and updated loot from the core playlists

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                • Edited by TheArtist: 10/15/2021 12:57:58 PM
                  [quote]Bungie just nerfed the wrathborn and expunge farm for candy and pages to force players to complete 100 strikes instead of finishing the event quickly.[/quote] [i]"Player efficiency is one of the ways that gamers are their own worst enemies, and one of the biggest problems that developers face. If players figure out that the best way to get the game's rewards is to run around in a five foot circle....they will do it. In the process ruining their own experience of the game. "This is where the developer has to step in and say, "No". No, you can't do that. No, you can't have that. In order to protect gamer's from their own worst instincts". [/i] .....Team Leader for Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls. A developer stepping in and putting a stop to a DEGENERATE game play loop ("a cheese") that is not how they wish their game to be played and is destructive to the enjoyment of the game is not a foul. It is their right (and arguably their responsibility) to do so....and is in the interests of the long-term health of the game. Its like a parent stepping in and telling their kid that they can't have pancakes and BEER for breakfast (But I wanna......!!!) [quote]Here is what I don’t understand: why make players do more long boring core activities? [/quote] Because they dont' experience it as boring. They actually ENJOY playing the game itself, and the rewards are a secondary concern. Whereas you sound like a loot-motivated player. Which is fine....until the loot becomes such a motivating factor that it keeps you tied to a game that you really don't enjoy playing anymore. [quote]Strikes have seen no changes since year 1 and don’t NEARLY compare to how good the playlist was in d1[/quote] Then why aren't you stepping away to play a game that DOES feed your need for something new? Its like saying "I'm sick of pizza"....but then ordering dinner from the local pizza joint every night. While never stopping to ask why you keep eating something you say you no longer enjoy, and insisting its the pizzeria's fault.

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                  189 Replies
                  • DONT BUY WITCH-QUEEN. thats it.

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                    3 Replies
                    • EDZ Heroic Public events are good enough to earn Pages. I finished the Book in under a week.

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                      1 Reply
                      • Edited by Kiro - 13: 10/16/2021 9:29:30 PM
                        27k candy and 194 pages, after I saw what was needed I did the wrathborn cheese early in the week. Its nothing new and what we did in the past for seasonal events. Glad I did as it seemed like they put the interns in charge of this event. Sorry for you poor souls that have to spend an unfair amount of time grinding this.

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                        1 Reply
                        • The event is the same as the seasonal structure. New season/event starts Do five minute intro/quest Get taste of content Get thrown back to the "core" that hasn't been updated in literal years to try and earn some new convoluted currency, to experience some more of the new content Get capped and told to come back next week This is what the game is now.

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                          • The farm wasn’t fun at all.

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