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Edited by SCP-049: 6/18/2021 10:13:54 PM

Vault space .... In a game with 3 characters, 200 exotics, and 800 guns, and random rolls

How are we supposed to manage with 500 space ? Edit: you COULD charge people 10 bucks for 100 spaces, it would be better to spend the 10 bucks on space (which is actually useful), instaed of some stupid sparrow or ship right ?

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  • By being at least a little bit discriminatory about the guns you keep in it. With Transmog and the Collections tab, there is no real need to keep anything in your vault unless it has good stats or good/interesting rolls. And I doubt you have 500 relevant items with such combinations. Just go through your vault and look at your items. For each one ask yourself, 'am I really ever going to use this again?' If the answer is not really, then scrap it.

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    • Delete stuff, not that hard...

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      • Edited by Rufas-1: 6/19/2021 8:34:48 PM
        I find it interesting that every time someone makes a suggestion that has ZERO impact on gameplay that there are always people against it no matter what. WHY THE F DOES IT MATTER IF WE CAN STORE MORE GEAR???? EDIT: So, several responses from people who appear to have no experience as a software engineer. That's fine, you are free to have an opinion and even share it here. Just be "smart" about it and stop trying to pass off your thoughts and opinions as facts. It's better to stay silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. That said, my original comment was focused towards the actual gameplay itself. It's not like an increased vault size would break PvP causing mercy matches and certain subclasses/weapons to be OP. Increased vault space would not make Grandmaster Nightfalls easier. Do you get my point?

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        63 Replies
        • [quote]How are we supposed to manage with 500 space ? Edit: you COULD charge people 10 bucks for 100 spaces, it would be better to spend the 10 bucks on space (which is actually useful), instaed of some stupid sparrow or ship right ?[/quote] Agreed 100%. If you want to make the most of this game the vault space is irrefutably insufficient.

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        • This^^

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        • All exotics are easily obtainable in collections. There is no urgent need for vault space and time should be spent on other projects . People have to learn to acknowledge they hoard too much stuff they won’t use

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          2 Replies
          • Edited by Double07: 6/21/2021 9:19:38 PM

            Started a new topic: [Poll] Vault space(7 Replies))

          • Edited by CookieNiki: 6/19/2021 4:53:05 PM
            Dude, are you using, on a regular basis, all those 200 exotics and 800 guns? Do you even have them all? I have 250 things in my vault and if I want to be completely honest, I barely touch at least half of them. I have around 38 weapons in the vault with only 1100 power level. Until March 2015, we could only vault 20 pieces of armour, 20 weapons and 20 general item stacks. Then it was upgraded to 24 armour pieces, 36 weapons, and 24 item stacks. Point is, we need to make our choices and stop hoarding everything.

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            15 Replies
            • You guys think doubling it would be enough to work with?

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            • Completely agree, especially if you want to keep sets of raid armor with raid specific mods. That's 15 pieces of armor per raid alone. I've got to the point where all I keep is one or two of each weapon and I'm still constantly hovering around 495 and every season it gets worse.

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            • Vault space should be increased but there should also be better sorting options and add catagories as well (like D1 has. Weapons, armour, consumables.) I hate scrolling through 300 things to find one lol

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            • how are there people against more vault space wtf

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              6 Replies
              • Transmog helped a bit since most armor I was holding onto was for looks. My vault is currently around 370 so I should b good for a couple more seasons. Yea there’s a handful of sunset weapons I keep as trophies. But the majority of weapons are still usable. Until we get a collection system that isn’t half assed then you won’t find me opposing increased space. If the last 7 years of this franchise has taught me anything it’s that “deleting what you don’t use” is more likely than not going to come back and bite you. That trash roll could be a god roll next week, then you’ll waste time grinding something you already had

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              • Edited by adamndirtyape: 6/19/2021 9:02:37 PM
                I would be more willing to ruthlessly prune my vault if there weren't so many nerfs or buffs of weapons or perks that will render some gear useless while making other types good. Like Subsistence on weapons - not a great perk before this season because it dramatically reduced your ammo count for that weapon. But now the penalty is gone and the perk is a lot more useful. This is why people hoard things. It really sucks when you find out the mediocre weapon you deleted is now this season's God roll. As for armor, transmog has been good in that people can now delete mediocre armor they were just keeping for how it looked. But for Exotic armor there needs to be a way to reroll for better stats. I keep multiple copies of my Exotics so I can fine tune builds for each season. Once you play the game for a long time with three Guardians you end up with a lot of Exotics. In summary people do need to prune their vault to a certain extent but the motivation and need to keep extra stuff because of how Bungie is always changing the rules of the game is real.

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              • All this excellent advice. Stop hoarding, you don't need 6 of each weapon, delete stuff you don't use all the time, brush and floss. It's like telling someone you should throw out half your clothes if you don't wear them all everyday. Pretty stupid to state the obvious option. Why would anyone shit on wanting more space to keep collections? What's useless today was useful yesterday and will be again tomorrow.

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                6 Replies
                • I'd pay for more vault space. Plenty of other games let you get more vault space

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                • Vault’s fine

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                • There is no vault problem. There is a hoarding problem. Learn how to delete items and the space issue will clear up instantly

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                • Edited by Pookie: 6/19/2021 4:22:06 AM
                  Because people don't understand that there aren't 1,000 guns in the game. There are about 12 or 13 (I'm not going to do actual math, so guesstimate with me) gun models each with three or four archetypes each. Do you really need one of every slug shotgun? One of every 120 hand cannon? No, you don't. The only difference between guns is cosmetics, and what rolls are possible. Sure, there might be a couple of guns with really good rolls for both PvE and PvP, but most are good for one or the other. Pick the one that suits your style and that's all you need. People that need to have one of every gun, or every roll possible "in case" that perk gets buffed, are just plain hoarding. Bungie has MUCH MORE important things to fix than supporting your hoarding. P.S.- Don't get me started on people that have more than two armor sets. You ONLY NEED TWO! One for PvP and one for PvE. Bungie allowing you to convert armor to ornaments should have been your first clue to start deleting armor sets...

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                • Edited by Lull9: 6/18/2021 5:53:01 AM
                  Admittedly, I have couple-dozen sunset weapons that I will never delete because they are: a) Particular favorites. b) Things that I still might like to use without any downside whatsoever in regular crucible. c) Are completely, utterly unobtainable currently (and may NEVER come back) and cannot be pulled from collections. d) All of the above. That said, [u][b]HOLY SHIT[/b][/u] there is not enough space for people who play the game fully and like having as "complete" and varied of an arsenal as possible as is afforded by what is currently available throughout the game. And me deleting a handful of "useless" old weapons does not make a dramatic difference to that fact. It's going to be major pain by the time the next expansion comes out, where it's a constant cycle of having to delete an old thing every time you get a new thing. And that -blam!-ING [b]SUCKS.[/b] And a big part of wanting to keep stuff is that things are NOT available to be farmed in perpetuity and even if they were, the RNG is so shitty, with no recourse to save or recover rolls, anytime you delete something you [i]might[/i] want, it might be a roll that you never get again, or only at a great expense of time spent. They need to either drastically overhaul the way items are handled in Destiny or give us some more -blam!-ing space after 3 -blam!-ing years.

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                  • I was gonna upvote until you edited to say "charge people 10 bucks for 100 spaces." Microtransactions has sucked the soul out of this game as it is. And then you always get the guy after the TWAB saying "yOu dOnT hAvE tO pAy tHeY sAiD iTs SiLvEr [i]or[/i] yOu cAn eArN iT bY dOiNg 9000 GM nIgHtFaLLs."

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                  • Server performance and stability is the only reason why this might not be possible. They have a cap on how much data can be stored, retrieved and displayed before it has a negative impact on the already sometimes clogged servers.

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                  • Bungie is "listening", trust me. They will keep "listening" for the next 5 years but actions won't follow. One of the highest requested topics but they keep ignoring it. Don't get your hopes up, Bungie gave up on this game, it's a cash cow without effort or thought put into anymore.

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                  • I dunno, personally I don’t keep every single weapon, sparrow, or ship and I don’t think we were meant to hoard them. I only keep the best weapons/sparrows/ships and some that are sentimental and neat to me, otherwise if it’s something I know I won’t actually USE, it’s going to be dismantled. To each their own—I just don’t see the point in constantly upgrading vault space when there’s no need for it, but that’s just me.

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                  • I like how people say you dont need more than 100 slots. My dreambane masterworked armor from poh is 80 pieces alone because of the stupid restriction on prisms we can carry! Add weapons with different rolls and exotics with different stat distribution and there you have an almost full vault. Not to mention they should add loadouts. (I know there is dim and i use it but it should be an option available in game)

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                  • 1
                    They prolly haven't figured out a way, just yet, to make it look like they're doing us a favor AND monetize Vault space.

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