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Edited by KathrynHawkins: 3/3/2021 8:59:28 AM

I entered Ironbanner and I am heartbroken

I am not the best at PvP. I don’t ply it to be the best of the best. But my Ironbanner experience just was more than heartbreaking. I played 5 matches. All of them I lost and most of them I felt I couldn’t even get a footing. It got worse and worse with each match I played. It was probably fun for those that completely decimated my teams I get it. But I’ve not enjoyed crucible a single time ever since CBMM was implemented instead of SBMM. Before I lost matches as well but I at least felt I had a chance. I played against people that were about my skillevel maybe sometimes slightly higher and it felt challenging enough for me that I stuck with it and learned and got better. This now? It makes me want to turn my back and never go back into crucible again. And it makes me sad. And yes I have tried freelance IB last season but it was just horrible as I felt I was playing against Trials big leagues all the time. I just feel completely left alone and helpless in this game mode Edit: I went in fully aware of my power deficit. I’ve played with power deficit before and it wasn’t the problem. I know I will lose gunfights because of it. That is not the problem I have. I can see by movement how much better certain players are than me or simply being downed by people with adept weapons or people that have the flawless guilded title. I never achieved flawless hence it is more than likely that those players are at a higher skill level than me. Being put against high skill players constantly is far from fun. And also I don’t enjoy being in a match where someone carries the whole team with 40 kills, the match ends and the rest barely got the chance to kill anyone. Those unbalanced skill matches are horrible for me.

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  • Iron Banner Control is an imbalanced snowball mode worse than Gambit.

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  • You are at a huge disadvantage if you don’t use stasis shotguns or hand cannons. Bungie has no idea how to create a healthy balanced PVP mode. They don’t have the talent or leadership to fix this game.

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  • I sat this one out. Can't stand what D2's PvP has become. ...yuck.

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    • i loved sbmm because they matches were 90% of the time very close within 10 to 20 kills and sometimes just 1 or 2. Almost every match was exciting now you know in the first 30 seconds either your team is gonna mercer them or them mercy you.

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      • Edited by Artisan: 3/2/2021 6:39:29 PM
        You're far from alone on this, we've been saying similar things for 8 months. I completed 2 characters of IB Pinnacle bounties worth. In that time almost ALL matches had at least one unbroken, a great number of Trials flawless gear and emblems, players getting 60 kills whilst others getting 6. It's a ridiculous situation. But it's not just IB. THE WHOLE CRUCIBLE IS DOMINATED BY _----------------------------------------_ Shotgun, Stasis & No SBMM -__________________________- One guy I matched (Keziniy***) amongst all these 0.7kd players had 28,638 kills just with Felwinters Lie. In the state of the game announcement they did vaguely allude to Skill tiers first for Trials. But it's going to be too little...FAR TOO LATE. I hope they opt for some early quick fixes long before then.

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        2 Replies
        • Totally get this. I now only play for pinnacles it's pointless playing something you no longer enjoy.

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        • Posted 2 hours ago. Reset happened, iron banner go bye bye. But yeah it's a shit show.

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        • You can add me on psn if you'd like. You know what they say: mediocrity loves company...or is it misery? Basically the same thing 😂😂😂. Frfr pump that power up a little bit more and you'll feel less fragile.

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          5 Replies
          • Find some weapons that you really like using. Doesn't matter if they look cool or are meta yadda yadda. And really sit down with them and get your very familiar with how they function. Also movement is critical in this game. Not just necessarily moving fast but know where to be and not to be. Like with cabal drop pods you clearly don't want to he where they are going to land or could land. Same with crucible. You don't want to be in the way of the big wave coming at you. Gotta figure out the tides of the fight. It's got a lot of nuance for sure but it doesn't require you to be a thumbstick god. Also if you find yourself comfortable with a double primary loadout then go for it. Just because specials are in the game doesn't mean you absolutely have to use one.

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            • Also keep in mind that power advantages are enabled, if you have even one or two people on your team low enough power that enemy adept handcannons are two-shotting you across the map in the head you're gonna have a useless time. You're there to basically feed the enemy free bounty progress. Currently there's a small population of very skilled players pitting against lots of churning lowskill players. Average players will probably either not play or quickly complete bounties and leave the pool. Yes, it's really fun to go into a match and get 40 kills 0 deaths, iron banner is super fun and rewarding then. You just gotta be 1280 with adept trials weapons x)

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              • You are on the lower side in power so you would have been potentially fighting both a skill gap and a power advantage gap. Witherhoard works pretty well in control even though not too many use it. Putting it on ground and getting a few shots in even if you die typically results in person backing into it after battle and dying to it and more so if placed on control points. Works best when hit directly or aimed slightly behind them imo particularly since most of players seem to play hunters and the better ones tend to run when about to die. It does have a side effect of hate messages though as I got quite a few when working on quest back during arrivals.

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                • Power advantages and CBMM in IB, yeah, this makes total sense. Basically Trials with randoms. The problem is....I do not want to play effing Trials as a PVE player. I want to get my loot but having fun with other no good players thinking I am good. Playing PVP divas is not my cap of tea. I had some tokens tho season so I got my weapons and some armor without competing...hoping that next season we will go back to SBMM in IB.

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                • 3
                  The trick is to not care. The crucible can be an incredibly frustrating place until you just stop caring. Maybe lfg for a team? Even if you don't have the best team you can chat crap to each other and laugh at each other as you die. Makes it a much more enjoyable experience lol.

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                  • Join a clan and stack up. If you are on psn I have room in my clan with a bunch of pvp players for trials and a bunch of pve players for raids and such

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                    4 Replies
                    • It’s all about who you get on your team honestly, sometimes you get good players, and other times you get bad players.

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                      • May I recommend getting your power up more?

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                        • IB is light level enabled. You're underleveled and not skilled with PvP, is a bad combo. You want PvP tips?

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                          2 Replies
                          • As others said, with light levels enabled, you were probably already in a hole. Plus, I would imagine the players who enjoy PVP and/or are really good in crucible are a fairly high percentage of opponents you are encountering. Their familiarity with PvP and even the maps themselves would give them a good edge.

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                            • Cbmm or sbmm really isn't the issue. Its the static meta, stasis and piss poor matchmaking. Either being frozen or sniped by a hc from 70 meters. The TTK is so low now most cant barely take 2 shots of not 1. Ita just no fun having an average life of 30 seconds or less, soend more time looking at broke ass ghost then reticle. Add in everyone working on quests and its a no fun experience. The sandbox from a year and half ago was way more fun even if dominated by lunas howl/NF or recluse, there was just far more variation in weapon use then. Entire pvp mode is broken and neglected for to long and needs more work then anything in PVE.

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                              • Don't take this the wrong way, but you just didn't get enough kills....

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