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12/13/2020 5:46:19 PM

Bungie you need to watch this.

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  • His ideas are not that original and there are some questionable areas. All he had going for him is his graphics to make the menu look legit.

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    Destiny Community: you need to listen to this YouTuber Bungie :you told us to stop listening to Tubers I do agree with a lot of the things in this video I might tweak things here and there but this is the angle Bungie will take

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  • Edited by AubsTheBelieber: 12/15/2020 2:22:24 AM
    Oh my. How cool. A video of a Streamer stealing every single idea from Overwatch and bragging so annoyingly too many times about how great his idea is to distract that they aren't even his ideas. Him: "You do ten matches to get placed in a rank!" "Yeah, Overwatch calls that Placement Matches" Him: "You lose more rank if you lose to a bad team but gain more against a good team!" "Um yeah, that's how your SR loses and gains are determined on Overwatch". It goes on and on. The only original idea he had was labs. But even then, he screwed that up. He said rank would be different for each game type. But then he said playing lab game types contribute to valor? Well which rank would it be applied to if each one is different? There is no one specific rank that labs can contribute to, this makes zero sense! Does labs apply rank to Casual Control, Casual Clash, Competitive sub menu types? He also breaks down to an amount of subsets for matchmaking that is so many different requirements it wouldn't be possible to get a match together for at least 30 minutes. It already takes a long time as is at times to get a match. He's literally talking about making over 20 times more different requirements, being unrealistic K.D. brackets, so many more different game types to search, rank based matchmaking requirements, so many things. These ideas he stole from Overwatch work cause over more than 30 million people play Overwatch. Destiny hasn't seen at least 1.5 million players in a day, for over two years now. This entire video is far fetched flashy bullshit for ad revenue and to pretend to be smart when he isn't. There's no engine in the car he is trying to sell you.

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  • Edited by TJ_Dot: 12/13/2020 11:04:19 PM
    Luke Smith be looking at this like: [i]HELLLLLLLLL NAW [/i] It is really good though, I wished he had brought up matchmaking preferences though, there's always gonna be hate when only one is in place. Those that'll call CBMM a handout to the best so they can pad their stats and fill some sad ego.

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    • PVP needs to be fun and have rewards. No need to make a video. The way that matchmaking is now they might as well have two playlists because numbers are going to keep dropping. CBMM still means facing people across the globe. It's not CBMM its random matchmaking abusing people with faster internet connections trying to fill remote lobbies. They should do matchmaking based on ELO for the playlist type. They should reset stats each season because the meta changes each season and I don't always play enough to find weapons that are decent. OR they can keep ignoring PVP and work on content people will pay for?

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    • Crucible is made for Hunters!

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      • People that hate pvp on this forum: [i]Stop forcing me into pvp[/i] People that like pvp on this forum: [i]make pvp matter more[/i]

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      • Edited by BigMoistPizza: 12/14/2020 8:32:26 PM
        The reason the rewards system is so bad in crucible is because people complained about not being able to get weapons like mountaintop and not forgotten because they weren’t good enough at pvp, now the rewards from pvp are boring and not worth chasing People need to realize that they are not entitled to all the loot in the game. There have been plenty of god tier weapons that came from difficult pve activities like raids. Last time I checked, they weren’t removing these weapons because people who weren’t good at raids were unable to get them Also, this emphasis by bungie to have all cosmetics come from eververse is a extremely dumb idea too. The more difficult activities should reward better looking gear than easier activities. So many people loved raiding in D1 because of all the cool armor ornaments that you could earn raiding. So many people loved distinguishing themselves as a person who goes flawless every weekend with ornaments vs someone who just wins a few trials games to get the base armor set. If you are extremely good at pvp, I should be able to look at your character and see armor/weapons, ornaments, shaders, ghosts, ships, sparrows, emblems, etc. that show me how good you are. Same thing goes for pve activities

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        12 Replies
        • Edited by Demon_XXVII: 12/14/2020 2:07:44 AM
          To really fix Crucible, it needs new netcode, tiers of SBMM & proper CBMM, VAC, dedicated 128hz servers, Independent PvP balancing & maybe even a separate pay wall subscription (thus allowing investment & a loot pathway) It’s a good idea - so there’s 0.04% chance of it happening So the official Bungie response would be [i]”We like it, but we’re gonna need 2 years to half bake it & destroy all the good parts! Also, how do we monetise it?” [/i]

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          8 Replies
          • 1. What's "broken" in the Crucible experience is the shotgun marriage of a competitive shooter with a loot-based RPG...using the tools and abilities of that loot-based RPG. 2 They 'broke both legs on the landing", because people SAY they want balance, when what they really want is advantage for their own play style. 3. CBMM is not a casual experience for the average player....and he keeps presenting a false choice to justify it. The map problems are the result of playing 6v6 on maps designed for 4v4. That's the reason why the old maps were removed. So that they could be reworked to work better for 6v6. 4. The Crucible player base isn't large enough to support 9 full time playlists....and Competitive especially can't support 5 full time playlists. 5. I stopped watching at 12:37, because he still hasn't addressed the elephant in the living room and the ROOT cause of why this marriage between a competitive shooter and a loot game is NOT working. LOOT....and POWER. What is "competitive" to shooter gamers is a game where there is a FLAT or "balanced" sandbox. Where one build isn't more "efficient" than SKILL becomes what determines the outcome of fights. Whereas what makes loot compelling in a loot game or RPG iS POWER. The item does something cool and powerful that nothing else does. But once you let IN that factor, you've now created power-progression....power-inequality...and PVP becoming a blend of skill and BUILD-STRENGTH. So you can't introduce compelling loot....without destroying balance (and having the rich-get richer which REALLY destroys balance) ...... ...and you can't balance the game without destroying any sense of why anyone would chase after loot (or play the game for any reason other than simply enjoyign shooting other players in the face ) THIS is why vanilla Destiny 2 was such a disaster. ...and that still doesn't get to the issues created by the inability to monetize PVP content....and the inability to monetize cosmetics because of resentment and pushback from the PVE side of the game. TLDR: The creator has good ideas...but the problems is that none of the ones I've heard by 12:37 address any of the Crucible's REAL problems. They are akin to remodeling a house that is built on a cracked and crumbling fourndation. As I was discussing with another forum member today, Crucible doesn't need a new coat of paint and new playlists. IT NEEDS TO HAVE WHAT IS CONSIDERED PVP IN THIS GAME COMPLETELY RE-ENVISIONED. ...and I don't think that will happen for the same reason why what this content creator is suggesting won't work: You have a shooter gamer player base that is UNWILLING to accept a game where build-strength plays a role in who wins fights. ...and that is the only sustainable form of PVP that you can build off a foundation that is a LOOT game.

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            13 Replies
            • You had me right up until connection based matchmaking for casuals. Wrong. I define a casual mode as being at my skill level and not above it. Casual fir a try hard and casual for a casual are two different things. I don’t need to be pitted against the lords of the crucible just to complete my weeklies. This is a fundamental problem in the community. If you’re wondering why casuals despise the crucible it’s because there is no entry point. On connection based matchmaking my first crucible experience could literally be against one of the greatest in the game. And all that will do will ensure I never return again.

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              44 Replies
              • Edited by blade329: 12/14/2020 8:49:03 PM
                I think the best way to "fix" the Crucible is to eliminate it from the Destiny. I just doesn't work in a loot based space magic game. Since that won't happen, I'm fine if Bungie just keeps ignoring it. Why do they need to do anything with it, when you have hordes of addicted fan boys who will play it anyway? Streamers won't go away, because they get tons of likes from their PvP vids. Bungie has almost zero incentive to improve it. They just dumped a ton of maps, and gave the players nothing new in the DLC, but these clods still play it.

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                2 Replies
                • Edited by Lord Rat: 12/15/2020 7:10:24 AM
                  They could start by separating the sandboxes entirely, such as completely splitting pvp and pve progression meaning you cannot use pvp weapons and armor in pve and vice versa, they need seperate progression paths but that also means they would have to add stuff to pvp that would be valuable to pvp players. Also supers would have to be balanced completely separate and I am fine with that, maybe some of the poopy supers would then get buffs in pve and pvp to be more usable in the sandbox. Hate me if you want but this would solve a ton of problems such as people joining pvp activities only to complete bounties and be a detriment to your team (seen this before) and it would also keep pve players from playing it if they are not good enough or just do not care. Could also be a boon for pve players that want to use autos or fusions (they are a joke rn) seeing as how they can adjust the numbers without having to marry it to both sandboxes, it would also fix balance for pvp and pve because they are now isolated from one another except exotics. The upside is they would be tuned separately in the sandboxes but it would so give both sides of the coin to start with a base floor without the "oh this would be an extremely awesome cool new gun we could make" says carl, but jerry puts the brakes on and says " no carl, it would completely break crucible" that type of situation could be remedied because both sandboxes are separate so tuning would be much easier and it could solve the problems of crucible "balance" I guess, though a lite mmo with looter shooter mechanics and competitive pvp is hard to pull off, but we could see some changes that would make the game healthier for everyone methinks.

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                  • I'm a big fan of Nomad but he completely ignored the psychological component/mentality that goes hand in hand with PvP. Destiny has no idea what it wants to be and whom to cater to. Power fantasy/entitlement vs skill is the main problem. Destiny/Bungie created a player mentality: "Participate and get rewarded". NOT - "overcome a challenge, invest time to get better at the game, and then be rewarded". So of course people won't enjoy getting their butt handed to them once they go into the Crucible. No matter how you spin it people won't enjoy the reality check. Not everybody enjoys having to improve in a video game. To most, it's just a casual experience. I truly think that the moment Bungie commits and reveals a true vision everything will get better - but that won't happen with its current management.

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                    7 Replies
                    • This guy spent more time thinking about how to improve crucible than bungie has in 7 years. Heres another idea. Nerf that dudes felwinters ffs the range on that thing was making me nauseous.

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                    • Better yet just eliminate it altogether. Id much rather have a more massive PvE game personally. But thats my two cents and everyone has their own opinions.

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                      • Bungie you need to watch this:

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                      • Largely agree with him but pure cbmm for casual playlist is a dead sentence without dedicated servers and considering we will never get that with Destiny, might as well just remove it and make it comp only 😂

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                        • but crucible . . . crucible should die alone and confused.

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                          5 Replies
                          • I couldn’t finish watching the video. I’m 100000% on the receiving end of that playing style. Appears to be on turbo boost running through the maps. Felwinter from a block away and snapshot shooting player after player. Dead ass accuracy with hand canons player after player. Multiple kills with the hunter stasis. I feel like I need 3 energy drinks and eat a pound of grilled chicken just to watch him play crucible. In short, I believe whatever he says.

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                            4 Replies
                            • To fix Crucible they first must abolish this unfair and annoying rule against naming and shaming. Cheaters are the biggest problem and until Bungie takes it seriously they won't fix anything.

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                            • Nomad has some great ideas. Way too much for Bungie to implement in a season or 2. 1 thing is certain tho, we are no longer in a war with the Cabal on Mars.

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                            • This could have very easily been a rickroll

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                            • Edited by mja calg: 12/14/2020 5:41:07 PM
                              It really doesn't matter what they do. Until they put on the Big Boy Developer pants, take off their Soiled Peer to Peer Underoos and implement Regional Dedicated Hosting servers, the game is a fecal storm of lag and broken Game Play.

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                              3 Replies
                              • Don't agree with EVERYTHING this guy says, but I agree with just about most of it, and it's still a better take than most people, including Bungie. PvE people will always cry about the PvP people getting to have our own specific loot grinds that benefit us for being skilled. I love BOTH. I love the lore, dungeons, raids, campaigns, and about half of the quests in Destiny. I also love Trials, (D1) Iron Banner, competitive (I miss skirmish and salvage), and Rift. Putting adept weapons into Grandmasters is a MAJOR step forward on the pve side, and adepts in trials is simply giving us what should have been present at the beginning. They have done this right, but now these top tier Pinnacle activities need SPECIFIC loot that is earnable through [b]skill[/b]. Not "if I participate long enough and grind away at it, I eventually get it" bull crap. The only skill based earnable Pinnacle Weapon was Redrixes Claymore in season 3. Everything since then has been a grindfest that gets easier, rather than a genuine skillful feat. PvP deserves its own weapons that are on the same level of design and usefulness as raid weapons. Also, same way raids have a specific exotic tied to them, Trials, competitive, and Grandmaster nightfalls (and maybe solo grandmaster Lost Sectors) all deserve their own exotic. I also believe every dungeon to come out deserves ITS own exotic. These could ALL be yearly refreshes. Each time a new raid comes out, a new exotic for the aforementioned activities releases as well. But, Bungie won't do even a quarter of what me or Mr Youtube Man have said. They don't listen, they don't care, because Bungie Vision is the ONLY vision. Screw us and our ideas and desires. This game is getting closer to an MMO but we have no customizable clan halls or player homes? Bungie is saving all their "best" ideas for their next IP, cause they said ex-nay on the Destiny 3, and decided to just hang out 3 more years of Destiny 2, on the world's shittiest and most outdated engine. Even Call of Duty has a new engine, yet these nimrods at Bungle have a partially inferior partially superior edited version of the D1 engine.

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                              • Man i been asking for rift.... Doing those backflips were littt

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