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Edited by SerRuesell: 12/6/2020 8:19:42 PM

New Raid Idea





This sounds awesome!


The following lays out a raid idea I came up with after being told to think of something fun for destiny's future. This is a rough idea that has yet to be worked into finer details and I would love to discuss it with my fellow guardians: Overview: Vex numbers have dramatically increased on the surface of Europa, fallen House of Salvation remnants engage numerous Vex in an effort to defend riis-reborn. Find out what cause the Vex to issue the offensive. Intermission 1: Guardians start out in eventide ruins, and make their way inside riis-reborn to get to the city, all while fending off powerful Vex and fallen stragglers. Encounter 1: When Guardians reach the city, encounter 1 begins, hold the line against waves of Vex, fallen stragglers hold keys to lock massive doors to slow down the Vex assault, gather the keys in time or risk being overrun, encounter ends when all doors are locked. Encounter 2: Encounter 2 begins right after, having a massive wyvern Vex smash through the center door locked earlier, objective is to run, advanced shielding prevents damage to the wyvern, guardians make there way through the city, go too slow and the wyvern ends you, the endpoint being a fallen ketch, fallen stragglers run alongside but do not attack, speed is key here, sparrow is allowed in some spots, encounter ends when all alive guardians have reached the ketch and have it lift off. Intermission 2: Guardians now make their way through the ketch and to the bridge. Guardians realize this ketch was going to a fallen distress signal on the far side of europa, there a massive Vex gate is present along with thousands of Vex and fallen battling it out, this seems to be the cause of the disturbance. Encounter 3: Encounter 3 starts as the ketch lands and fallen swarm it, guardians must take down high-value targets to acquire to unlock each room (there are 4 rooms), each room consists of endless waves of fallen where the guardians must hold ad control whilst stopping powerful fallen opponents going for the self-destruct mechanism or destroying valuable parts of ship that will cause immediate destruction, waves for a room stop when a key has been acquired and the next door unlocked, it seems the fallen mean to use this ship as a bomb to destroy the gate, final room has the guardians doing all they done it the 3 previous rooms but now having to damage a fallen boss, who can only be damaged by destroyed ship parts, it takes 3 to kill it, more than 5 and its a wipe, encounter ends when the final door of room 4 is opened. Intermission 3: Guardians make their way outside the ketch and through the hordes of fallen and Vex, endless spawn, sparrow allowed, endpoint being the Vex gate. Encounter 4: Encounter 4 begins when Guardians reach the gate, endless waves of Vex and fallen fill the arena, they will fight each other, Vex minds (hydras)come through the portal, each armed with a death timer indicating reconstruction, they are harmless but are constructing something that will kill everything in the arena upon completion, guardians must tangle with ads whilst killing the hydras, when 3 die a boss comes through, ads persist, boss must be stunned before dealing damage, can be stunned by collecting 3 vex shards, holding shards slowly kills the guardian holding it, must be passed amongst players before x10 debuff, the 3 shards must be placed in three separate pillars at roughly the same time to drop the boss' shield (there are 8 pillars, each shard's debuff tells the player which pillar to bank), guardians must do this whilst fighting ads and still killing reconstruction hydras, encounter ends when the boss is defeated. Intermission 4: With the gate boss defeated, the gate closed, but hordes of fallen and Vex still persist, players must make their way back to the fallen ketch, but must pass fallen barriers set up by fallen servitors, each servitor is a ketch servitor, upon removing the barrier and entering the ketch, players must initiate the self-destruct sequence they prevented before to destroy the two warring armies. Encounter 5: Encounter 5 (final) begins when the same fallen boss from encounter 3 surprises the raid team in the bridge, fallen boss can only be damaged by destroyed ship parts as in encounter 3, guardians must clear endless ads of both vex and fallen whilst obtaining keys to doors that lead to important parts of the ship, there are 6 in total meaning players only get 6 damage phases, powerful fallen carry the keys and at least 3 guardians need to obtain a broken ship part as it slowly kills whoever holds it therefore it must be passed around, the other 3 guardians must hold the line against ads whilst preventing powerful fallen from closing the unlocked door the other 3 guardians are in, if locked the 3 on the other side die and that ship part is lost forever (meaning u had 6 damage phases now you only have 5), boss wipes players which deadly emp pulse if players do not procure a ship part fast enough, player can begin damage when a player holding a ship part throws it at the boss, players must deliver damage to stun the boss from his wipe mechanic whilst warding off Vex fanatics and explosive shanks, rinse repeat till boss hits final stand, in final stand, player must deliver the killing blow before boss deal wipe mechanic, 3 ketch servitors shield the boss and must be dealt with first, encounter ends when players kill the boss, but it doesnt quite yet, players initiated the ships self-destruction by taking the important ship parts, guardians must flee the ketch and once outside must race against time (warthog run) to reach their personal jumpships before the ship detonates, sparrows allowed and ads are numerous (Vex and fallen will try to stop u), upon reaching the players ship, players are entered into a cutscene showing all guardians taking off and leaving, the cutscene ends showing the guardians are back in the outskirts of the riis-reborn city, there a chest reward is given and players can sit back and watch the fallen ketch from afar explode, sending debris everywhere, raid complete. So, what do you think? Say yes in the poll if you like this idea! Edit: Reformatted the text

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