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Edited by HiddenAlignment: 7/31/2021 10:23:28 PM

Welcome to the Academy! Introduction & Entry Papers

[i]A large area of OffTopic is briefly filled with the screeching sound of feedback. Following it is a voice.[/i] [b]Alignment[/b]: “Agh! That needs to be looked at. Testing, testing. Great, the PA system is working. Now then: Ladies, gentlemen and those of specific or unspecified gender, you have been invited to the new OffTopic Academy! [b][u]What is the Academy?[/u][/b] It is an area for those who wish to combine their skills and creativity in order to participate in a variety of challenges and assignments to put their strength, wit and abilities to the test, resulting in an overall improvement to your very being. [b][u]How does it work?[/u][/b] Every once in a while, the Academy shall go through a study session where you may participate in tasks to improve yourself as well as explore the Academy and interact with those that inhabit it. Every once in a while after that, there will be an assignment where you use everything you’ve learned in a real scenario in order to obtain a grade that shows your level in the Academy to everyone else. Your success in these tasks and assignments will be determined by your creativity, luck and Stats. [u][b]What are Stats?[/b][/u] Stats are the basic summaries of your very being that represent a certain aspect of yourself. They can be improved through study sessions. The stats are as follows: [b]Strength[/b]: Your strength determines your physical prowess in terms of power. A good strength stat is very useful in activities such as striking opponents and lifting heavy objects. [b]Dexterity[/b]: Your dexterity determines your reflexes and movement capabilities. A good dexterity stat is very useful in activities such as avoiding attacks or committing act that require extreme precision, like aiming a weapon. [b]Defense[/b]: Your defense determines your overall constitution and physical tolerance. A good defense stat will be useful in activities such as blocking attacks and resisting any physical or unnatural occurrences. [b]Energy[/b]: Your energy determines your proficiency in unnatural abilities, such as magic or quantum control. A good energy stat will be useful as you use your non-physical abilities. [b]Intellect[/b]: Your intellect determines your mental comprehension and awareness. A good intellect stat will be useful in activities such as working with technology or observing your surroundings. [b]Charisma[/b]: Your charisma determines how well you interact with other living beings. A good charisma stat will be useful in activities such as gaining the trust of others and getting away with vile deception. All of these stats will improve your chances of success through Dice Rolls. [b][u]Dice Rolls?[/u][/b] Dice Rolls represent your chances of success in a number range between 1-20. The results are as follows: [b]1[/b] = Catastrophic failure. An outcome that often puts you in serious danger. Stats are unable to help you if your roll is a 1. [b]2-5 [/b]= Failure. Outcome can be altered if your Stat for the action can bring your roll to a higher number. [b]6-10 [/b]= Consequential success. You succeed in your action, but at some sort of cost. Outcome can be altered by Stats. [b]11-14[/b] = Success in your action. Outcome can be altered by Stats. [b]15-19[/b] = Advanced success. You succeed in your action and extra beneficial effects occur. Outcome can be altered by Stats. [b]20[/b] = Perfect success. You succeed in your action with no flaws whatsoever and the benefits are major. Stats can’t change the outcome. In addition to your Stats, Creativity Points will also change the outcome in your favor. [b][u]What are Creativity Points?[/u][/b] Creativity Points positively change the outcome of your action if your action is considered to be creative. CPs will be added in your Dice Roll, but will not be shown. [u][b]Entry Papers[/b][/u] Come to the Academy to receive and fill out the paperwork. This will grant you entry to the Academy as well as teach me what I can expect from you. Please note that you must update this form when you undergo any sort of change, such as if you’ve transformed in someway, defeated a dastardly villain and gained their powers, or if you’ve just gotten a new toy. For Stats, you will be given 50 points to distribute across every Stat, meaning that the sum of all of your Stats can’t exceed 50. For every 5 points in a specific Stat, there will be a +1 added to the roll in an action that requires that Stat. I’ve got an example here if you want to take a look. Name: Nicknames/Titles/Aliases: Appearance: Str: Dex: Def: Eng: Int: Cha: Equipment: Abilities: Fun Facts: [b][u]Entry Paper Example[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Alignment [b]Nicknames/Titles/Aliases:[/b] Al, The Gray Professor, The 5th Principle [b]Appearance[/b]: A human whose entire body and clothing is multiple shades of gray. Hair of medium length. Wears glasses. Has a suit and fedora with patterns of dots connected with lines. [b]Str[/b]: 10 (+2) [b]Dex[/b]: 10 (+2) [b]Def[/b]: 0 (+0) [b]Eng[/b]: 5 (+1) [b]Int[/b]: 15 (+3) [b]Cha[/b]: 10 (+2) [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b]: [b]Orb of Alignment[/b] - An orb that can be divided up to 10 times. Once divided, a snap of my fingers will create a laser of my own energy in between each orb. Lasers can’t be created if low on energy. Orbs can be levitated and moved through the use of my gloves. [b]Cane of Contrast [/b]- A simple cane taken from a powerful adversary. Good for whacking things at close range. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b]: [b]Conservation[/b] - I can scoop up matter with my right hand and convert it into energy I can use for my abilities and Orb lasers. [b]Strings of Organization [/b]- I can create strings of energy that extend from my fingertips. Strings can only reach a short distance, but can be slightly extended if it reaches an object. Once the string touches an object, it completely stops its momentum and I can move it at will. [b]Fade[/b] - A subtle teleportation technique. It takes a brief moment for me to completely vanish, so I must time its activation just right. [b][u]Fun Facts: [/u][/b] •A teacher, researcher and environmentalist. •Ran a school called RPC. •Founder of the RPA. •Defended OffTopic from the Grand Colony Alignment: “If any questions arise, feel free to ask them and your answers will come soon. See you at the Academy!”
#Offtopic #rpa #rpl

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  • Edited by Guardian4225: 11/15/2020 5:56:06 PM
    [b]Name[/b]: Pure Vessel [b]Nicknames/Titles/Aliases[/b]: Vessel [b]Appearance[/b]: player from hollow knight, but with a small device in its neck to enable speech and scaled up to be slightly shorter than an average person. Wears a tooth with a symbol carved into it tied to a string, the hunter's mark. [b]Str[/b]: 20 [b]Dex[/b]: 20 [b]Def[/b]: 15 [b]Eng[/b]: 10 [b]Int[/b]: 10 [b]Cha[/b]: 15 [b]Equipment[/b]: Pure nail, a blade forged to perfection. NS-15, a full-auto rifle that has become extremely reliable. Fire star, a throwing star that leaves behind a patch of thermite. Gravity star, similar to fire stars, but pull in targets instead of burning. Satchel, C4. Grenades and arc (emp) grenades. Wingman, powerful revolver. [b]Abilities[/b]: shade soul, projectile spell. Abyss shriek, upwards blast. Descending dark, ground pound attack. Void manipulation, can shape Void into nearly any shape from weapons to allies. Dual revolvers, a pair of pistols of unknown origin, has a unique set of abilities tied to it. Detonating shot, deals damage to a target and those around it. Wrathful rain, launches the user to another position and damages targets around the user at the moment of using it. Spirit burst, boosts defense and dodge to allies within an area of effect. (More will be added in the world between) Shield and spear, weapons of unknown origin, powerful skills are tied to them. Spear tornado, leap into the air and hurl an explosive spear at targets, stunning survivors. Shield charge, dash towards a target and disorient them. Blacksmith's grace, improves defense and gain a chance to attack twice after getting attacked (requires a 20). (More will be added in the future with the world between.) [b]Fun Facts[/b]: believes buzz saws should be a war crime, mainly out of PTSD.

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