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Edited by DarkEraser: 11/8/2020 9:56:53 AM

The Final Episode of The Story of Saitonia: Episode 49 (121): Enygmatic Conclusion

(The twins have been transported to [b]Reverence Chasm[/b]. The interior is a glossy black with with glowing white lines throughout. A summoning circle is located at a downward slope that leads up to where the twins are at a standoff, located in a specific room called the [b]Monolith of Cassavus[/b]. A black monolith floats in the middle of the large, hexagonal room. 3 black, curved spikes surrounding it, and white energy swirling around the monolith.) [b]Ainotias:[/b] *clearly possessed by [b]Terranova[/b]* [b]Obliterate[/b].....[b]obliterate[/b].... [b]Saitonia:[/b] *takes a deep breath* Aino, I really hope you're still in there. As if I can- NO, I can definitely beat it out of you. I'm saving you, sister. [b]Ainotias:[/b] Why should you... *starts twitching while growling and making incoherent noises* an [b]eraser[/b], an inferior, try to save..*makes the same noises* a superior [b]obliterator[/b]? Doesn' that way. *Dark red energy swirls around Aino's head. Energy bursts around her as she rushes Sai.* _______________________________________ [b][u]*Cliche-ass opening theme plays, but this time, more ominous and sinister*[/u][/b] _______________________________________ (Back in the [b]Exomordus Abyss[/b] and 5 of them in their incarnations, the likes of the [b]annihilator[/b] twins, Cat, Kav, Kyo, [b]Sakiro[/b], Cell, Bop, Warlock, [b]Rezyl[/b], and [b]Cmirg[/b], the ones still alive or still in the abyss, remain to try and take down [b]Terranova[/b].) *As the 3 revenants back closer to [b]Terranova[/b], he summons his [b]Judgment Bane[/b], and slashes all 3 of them, killing all of them as their souls fly out of their bodies and travel back to where the actual [b]Kasaro[/b], [b]Himeki[/b], and [b]Junos[/b] are buried, and the red/green energy from the revenants is absorbed by [b]Terranova[/b].* [b]Terranova:[/b] I want to see what the remainder of the [b]eraser[/b]'s squad are made of. *[b]Kavilis[/b] stands far back, confused on why [b]Terranova[/b] is taking on 11 people without his assistance.* [b]Terranova:[/b] [b]Kavilis[/b]....exit the depths and locate a new lair for me. *[b]Kavilis[/b] nods and runs off.* [b]Bop:[/b] Why are we waiting?! Charge! *Bop, Cell, Warlock, and [b]Cmirg[/b] all rush [b]Terranova[/b], only for him to unleash an energy explosion that knocks them all down. [b]Terranova[/b] then slowly walks to the remaining ones still standing.* [b]Sakiro:[/b] *fury within her voice, shattered that [b]Tenerus[/b] has been killed* You...your hands have led my friends to their deaths. [b]Terranova:[/b] We have no history. Am I supposed to know you, [b]eraser[/b]? [b]Sakiro:[/b] Maybe not, but you will. *A black carbon mask with glowing purple lines forms on [b]Sakiro[/b]'s face as she lunges at [b]Terranova[/b], 1st unleashing a spinning attack with her dual energy blades that he blocks with an energy shield, but it breaks after the last strike. He then tries to grab her head, but she swoops under and lands an upward slash attack to his face. She teleports behind and quickly throws 5 energy sais at his neck before sending an energy blast at his back. [b]Sakiro[/b] vanishes again to let the rest of the squad attack.* *Sage claws at [b]Terranova[/b], only for him to evade and send a punch to her stomach that knocks her down. She quickly recovers by flipping back and an energy zweihander forms from her right forearm. She rushes again and the 2 clash. It doesn't last long as Saff impales [b]Terranova[/b] from behind, triggering an energy explosion that knocks them back. A squad of [b]Terranova's[/b] minion swoop in and send off multiple attacks for 7 seconds before speading out.* [b]Terranova:[/b] What kind of spell is this?! Do you know who you're attacking?! *The minions vanish, except one, revealing [b]Sakiro[/b].* [b]Terranova:[/b] Trickery. Sly [b]eraser[/b]. *He gets slightly pushed by Cat's telekinesis. From a distance, she fires an arrow that he smacks out of the way. Kyo shifts right under and slashes [b]Terranova's[/b] stomach, doing only some damage.* [b]Cathera:[/b] [b]Kyokia[/b]! HE'S WAY TOO POWERFUL FOR YOU! KEEP YOUR DISTANCE! *[b]Terranova[/b] raises his [b]Judgment Bane[/b] and slams down. Luckily, Kyo uses his Phase Shift ability to evade the attack, unfortunately getting hit by the shockwave that comes after. He lands by Cat.* [b]Cathera:[/b] *shakily voice* That's a divine we're fighting here. I'm pretty sure that's- *sees that the [b]annihilator[/b] twins, Kav, Cell, Bop, and [b]Rezyl[/b] group-attacking [b]Terranova[/b]* obvious. He's not just capable of destroying mainlands. [b]Kyokia:[/b] *getting up* Yeah. Capable of destroying the entire universe I'm sure. Can't back down now. I'm fighting with y'all. *Bop sends a few attacks with his sword, but they're barely effective. He rolls under a swing from [b]Terranova[/b], then leaps up and fires dark energy to his back. [b]Rezyl[/b] jumps in and fires energy to his chest. The 6 surround [b]Terranova[/b] as he turns around to look at his attackers. The 6 then lunge at him. He sends another energy explosion around his body, but Sage summons a barrier around her allies, the explosion destroys that instead, and the 6 just sends off a barrage of multiple attacks, assisted by the others' projectiles.* _______________________________________ (In the [b]Reverence Chasm[/b]) *Possessed Aino fights aggressively, delivering attacks that Sai evades. He teleports behind Aino and attempts to strike her with his chainsaw, but she turns around and blocks with a 3-bladed, wrist-mounted claw. The same claw forms on her right wrist. The 2 clash melee weapons for 9 seconds, then Aino blocks Sai's chainsaw attack and stabs him from under. She leaps up to execute a powerful strike with her claw, only for Sai to blast her away. As she's falling, Sai zooms to the back of her, and sends a jumping kick to her back and an uppercut with his claw, knocking her the other way. She falls, but quickly gets back up and growls at Sai.* *Aino rushes again, but as soon as she gets close enough, she claws the ground. A trail of energy claws manage to hit Sai, giving Aino an opening to deliver another claw attack, only for Sai to evade and throw her. As Aino is getting up, a sphere of energy rains down on her, sending her flying. She manages to catch herself in midair, an energy sphere forms around her body, then a circle of red and white energy forms around the room. 3 seconds later, she unleashes an explosion dealing tremendous damage, Sai had summoned a barrier, but that was destroyed and he's taken some damage.* *Fiery red energy forms on Aino's [b]Enygma[/b] claw, signaling [b]obliteration[/b]. She lunges at Sai, then leaps high in the air, and as the energy enlarges, she finally fires. Sai teleports to dodge [b]obliteration[/b] and reappears behind Aino, firing down a beam of demonic energy sending Aino crashing down. She recovers by rolling back 2 seconds after she has hit the ground. Aino swings at Sai with her left claw, making him block the attack, giving her to find an opening and stab him in the chest with the other wrist-mounted claw, shifts back a couple meters, then lunges back at Sai with a flipping claw strike that he blocks, but the attack breaks the barrier an pushes him several feet. She then unexpectedly teleports right in front of Sai for another attack. Everything seems slowed down. Aino's right wrist claw emits red energy and she raises it at Sai's heart. Just as it gets close enough, it returns to normal speed as he reacts quick to claw through Aino and fire an energy blast at her, staggering her.* *Aino slowly gets back on her feet an stare down Sai.* _______________________________________ (In the [b]Exomordus Abyss[/b]) *Cell is sent flying by a backfist from [b]Terranova[/b]. He then catches Bop, who was leaping up to him by the neck, and slams him onto the ground, also releasing a shockwave that damages Bop even more and blows him away. Kav swoops in and sends off multiple attacks with her [b]Razor Edge Slayer[/b], but he ends up withstanding the attacks. Kyo jumps in for a quick strike to his back then steps away. Kav jumps up and prepares to slam her blade, fueled by her energy, down on [b]Terranova[/b]. Then, he grabs Kav by her torso, slightly turns to see that Cell is firing a huge and powerful energy beam from his core. He takes his other hand and manages to absorb the energy.* *[b]Terranova[/b] turns to [b]Rezyl[/b] and fires the absorbed energy at him, but [b]Rezyl[/b] activates his time stop ability to freeze the energy, vanishing a second later. [b]Terranova[/b] looks to see that Kav is still in his other hand, and just tosses her, then getting hit by a dual energy blast from the [b]annihilator[/b] twins. Making sure [b]Terranova[/b] is occupied, [b]Rezyl[/b] returns the energy blast that was absorbed and sends it back to [b]Terranova[/b]. He sees the energy coming towards him and absorbs it again. To suppress the attack, [b]Terranova[/b] charges up energy around his body and 4 seconds later, an energy explosion is triggered, covering just enough space between him and the rest of the squad firing projectiles, blowing them all away.* [b]Kavita:[/b] *landed near Cat, starts coughing due to [b]Terranova's[/b] grip* [b]Cathera:[/b] Since that fight with [b]Clockshot[/b], your energy seems to deplete easier. [b]Kavita:[/b] Heh, like that's gonna stop me. *gets up* *The squad unites for one combined attack on [b]Terranova[/b].* [b]Terranova:[/b] *arms folded* Ahhh, a unity attack you're preparing for. [b]Sage:[/b] Damn right! [b]Terranova:[/b] I'm ready for it. [b]Sage:[/b] Those might be your last words, tyrant. C'mon team! EVERYTHING YOU GOT! *The squad charges up for an ultimate attack. The process takes about 12 seconds.* [b]Sage:[/b] DO IITTTTT! *Everyone sends a powerful energy blast, all headed towards [b]Terranova[/b]. [b][i]*Continuing Below*[/i][/b]

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  • The main story is finally over. This was pretty fun, but the story doesn't end there. I would [b]REALLY[/b] love to hear your opinions. Favorite moment? Best/worst fight? Favorite/least favorite character? What I could've done?

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